What you guys do when you feel like you are going into a deep depression?
if wanna know the serious answer
i would say sometimes its just the people/place
i always get better going to places that feel like home
you might not feel like your are enough but gotta stick with what you have and try to cherish it
also watch some feel good show , i recommend modern family this show kept me happy in tough times
Thanks bronzil, even though our music taste is completely different this is still beautiful
have a song from me too (its turkish) https://youtu.be/p0Blo5ktSv0?si=byF0yCp16NCRaYgp
Some times it actually help !
Because you need to cry and move on.
But I experienced depression and I think that if you have a serious problem, you should definitely go to a psychologist, which is not a bad thing, contrary to what people think!
And if you have a small problem, it is better to solve it according to the situation, Run away from it or face it.
Time is very important, never forget how good your life was and what kind of family you have and how healthy you are.
Don't ever have a bad thought in your mind and if you do, tell someone (it can be a stranger or a friend) my suggestion is a stranger!
If you still have a problem, tell me, I will definitely help you.