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I feel like in a few years, Valorant is gonna be just pure dead. There hasn't been a great rivalry like OPTIC vs LOUD ever since... Also the way this game is shaping out to be is so stale. The only fun teams to watch are PRX, GEN G and NAVI. Introduce agent bans RIOT so we can have more interesting comps and games. 2 agent bans and if its a bo5 it should be 3 agent bans. PROVE ME RIGHT OR WRONG.


no one gonna ban viper keke


valorant esports < cs esports


No worries king FNS is joining NRG again and PANcada is going back to loud


The dynamic nature of Valorant META makes it so that not one team will be able to dominate long term. In my opinion people just need to understand that fact and adjust to the idea that new teams are going to pop off all the time while old teams will grow weaker. Doesn't mean that the new teams will stay good or the old teams will stay bad.
But agent bans sound fun.

geospliced [#5]

The dynamic nature of Valorant META makes it so that not one team will be able to dominate long term. In my opinion people just need to understand that fact and adjust to the idea that new teams are going to pop off all the time while old teams will grow weaker. Doesn't mean that the new teams will stay good or the old teams will stay bad.
But agent bans sound fun.

its not about teams dominating, i love geng and their rise. im talking about how boring it is as a audience to see the same composition with the same ideas and philosophy. How many times have I seen a retake played out the same exact way on lotus yesterday?

kalayav_n [#6]

its not about teams dominating, i love geng and their rise. im talking about how boring it is as a audience to see the same composition with the same ideas and philosophy. How many times have I seen a retake played out the same exact way on lotus yesterday?

so then why is cs so popular?

the "same comps" have nothing to do with the game potentially being/becoming stale.

there is so much variety in valorant that this comment makes no sense

kalayav_n [#6]

its not about teams dominating, i love geng and their rise. im talking about how boring it is as a audience to see the same composition with the same ideas and philosophy. How many times have I seen a retake played out the same exact way on lotus yesterday?

what are you on about... thats literally everything in this world. If it works people are gonna copy it. Its rare to find people who invent new stuff. This "problem" is in every sport and esport and even in other stuff like entertainment.

Zerphyr1 [#7]

so then why is cs so popular?

the "same comps" have nothing to do with the game potentially being/becoming stale.

there is so much variety in valorant that this comment makes no sense

why are you bringing CS im not comparing it to CS. I havent even included CS in my original post???


???? the meta has shifted every year and comps, given the off season, change wildly, either you are just bored of watching valorant or doing something else wrong because this happens every single year

HershieBoi [#8]

what are you on about... thats literally everything in this world. If it works people are gonna copy it. Its rare to find people who invent new stuff. This "problem" is in every sport and esport and even in other stuff like entertainment.

No? Rewatching old games, OPTIC used to run phoenix and interesting comps while LOUD invented this viper harbor comp. It was very fun to watch, nowadays everyone runs the same mirror comp on split, lotus with no creativity and innovation except the teams i mentioned which were NAVI who ran brimstone and gekko as well as LOUD who ran the deadlock comp.

kalayav_n [#9]

why are you bringing CS im not comparing it to CS. I havent even included CS in my original post???

ur talking about the esports scene specifically in valorant so I think talking about one of the most popular esports games is fair.

espeon [#10]

???? the meta has shifted every year and comps, given the off season, change wildly, either you are just bored of watching valorant or doing something else wrong because this happens every single year

What im getting at is EVERYONE runs the same shit, its very boring to see a team just play the same way vs another team who play that exact same way too. Its very fun to watch NAVI and LOUD because they run very weird comps and dont just mirror shit. They have their own style and identity.

Zerphyr1 [#12]

ur talking about the esports scene specifically in valorant so I think talking about one of the most popular esports games is fair.

im talking about the esports game valorant, not the scene...


Ban Omen and Raze, every team will be chaos


Ranked is a shell of its former self. The game was in its best state when there were fewer agents, because there was a defined meta. Now there are so many agents and random comps in games, that each game is essentially a coin flip. Agent bans and map bans will save ranked

Also Valorant was supposed to be the game where there is highly innovative and creative strategies. Give me a break LOL CS is still better.

kalayav_n [#14]

im talking about the esports game valorant, not the scene...

they mean the same thing in this context. If u look at my orginal reply im talking about the game cs and the "Scene". Just like you are talking about the game valorant and the "scene" - valorant in terms of game dying


once the game hits like 40 agents each map should have agent bans (like in league)

kalayav_n [#13]

What im getting at is EVERYONE runs the same shit, its very boring to see a team just play the same way vs another team who play that exact same way too. Its very fun to watch NAVI and LOUD because they run very weird comps and dont just mirror shit. They have their own style and identity.

its because of the map pool, hopefully next patch changes things

kalayav_n [#11]

No? Rewatching old games, OPTIC used to run phoenix and interesting comps while LOUD invented this viper harbor comp. It was very fun to watch, nowadays everyone runs the same mirror comp on split, lotus with no creativity and innovation except the teams i mentioned which were NAVI who ran brimstone and gekko as well as LOUD who ran the deadlock comp.

It all comes down to how the META decides to change at a certain time. Phoenix would not work nowadays because there are simply better duelist options.


meta in this game is hella unbalanced. riot would need to really work on not making one agent too op for one map, and not having current usless agents like iso, actually have value. like if you ban raze on lotus, or viper on bind, your kinda screwed

Zerphyr1 [#7]

so then why is cs so popular?

the "same comps" have nothing to do with the game potentially being/becoming stale.

there is so much variety in valorant that this comment makes no sense

In all fairness people like CS because of the consistency of the game. Valve doesn't fuck over their eSports scene every few months by rebalancing things everyone uses and introducing yet another piece of utility that everyone now needs to adjust for. In CS the best teams are consistently good for a long time, in Valorant one update, agent addition or weapon rebalance completely changes the team rankings.

kalayav_n [#6]

its not about teams dominating, i love geng and their rise. im talking about how boring it is as a audience to see the same composition with the same ideas and philosophy. How many times have I seen a retake played out the same exact way on lotus yesterday?

Huh? You know, thats like, one of the few things that changes with valorant semi-often. Metas/agent comps
Like the one thing that changes relatively often is agent nerfs/buffs which make different comps meta which makes different strats meta which makes the gameplay different
Sure its similar rn but like its gonna change bruh
And besides its different between teams
Odd point

espeon [#10]

???? the meta has shifted every year and comps, given the off season, change wildly, either you are just bored of watching valorant or doing something else wrong because this happens every single year

That's literally what makes Valorant more boring for me. When everything is constantly changing there isn't much point getting invested as nothing is going to stay the same. The quality of gameplay falls off a cliff too considering the game is mostly smoke spam and free kills from showstoppers or equivalent util you don't have to put much effort into.

I'd really like to see Valorant stop changing things for a full year and let teams actually play around and perfect things somewhat. As it is it feels like there is no reward for a team investing in finding comps for highly involved characters when you can take less involved characters and get the same results with way less effort or thought put into it.

Ryzen_ [#22]

In all fairness people like CS because of the consistency of the game. Valve doesn't fuck over their eSports scene every few months by rebalancing things everyone uses and introducing yet another piece of utility that everyone now needs to adjust for. In CS the best teams are consistently good for a long time, in Valorant one update, agent addition or weapon rebalance completely changes the team rankings.

I mean they used to be consistently good, just look at the current cs tournament

Zerphyr1 [#25]

I mean they used to be consistently good, just look at the current cs tournament

What's inconsistent about Dallas? Other than 9z upsetting and catching Mouz lacking because Mouz Torszi has been on somewhat of a mini break I don't really see any inconsistencies other than I guess BIG looks like they might be back.

UBClears [#16]

Ranked is a shell of its former self. The game was in its best state when there were fewer agents, because there was a defined meta. Now there are so many agents and random comps in games, that each game is essentially a coin flip. Agent bans and map bans will save ranked

Also Valorant was supposed to be the game where there is highly innovative and creative strategies. Give me a break LOL CS is still better.

This is exactly how Valorant has felt for me. It was promising early on, people still working out the kinks, now whenever a desk is talking about "meta comps or setups" it sounds like made up hype and analysis. Games feel more like scrims and throwing the kitchen sink to see what sticks than anything heavily thought out. There will be the occasional util combo that's clearly been thought of specifically for retakes or stopping rushes, but everything outside of that doesn't seem pre-planned as a protocol

Raze is my biggest issue at the moment, the showstopper is just a free round the majority of the time because it just removes a player from the round. How is that any sort of "tactical shooter".

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