Honestly, they look like genuine contenders up there with teams which look shaky but were on the top once like drx/fnatic is defo not a bad showing, but it is only qualifiers, lets see how they do when it matters, especially against teams like fnatic and C9 (i highly doubt c9 lose to thieves)
Edit: also just realised Scarz did well against drx and the other team FUT faced was thieves, not exactly showing they are amazing yet
NoOne_ButMe [#7]Qraxs is cracked bro like he has also extended his agent pool
XD you don't know anything about qRaxs do you? you are one of those guys who think he is one trick kayo. check his all time stats
yurikai0 [#8]XD you don't know anything about qRaxs do you? you are one of those guys who think he is one trick kayo. check his all time stats
i have seen him agent pool its just that this year all the people was regarding him as a 1 trick kayo main which was wrong
i meant to say that he will be playing variety of agents this year with how good he is