weakdog [#4]I think its an Australian only thing and it sounds super sus, but Golden Gaytime ice cream is S tier
Golden Gaytime
weakdog [#6]No but if you ever come to Australia you have to try it im telling you
i will for sure 💀
weakdog [#4]I think its an Australian only thing and it sounds super sus, but Golden Gaytime ice cream is S tier
is this real
weakdog [#10]Yes, i need a fellow Australian to vouch for me
i googled it and looking really good ngl but why its name is gaytime bro💀
benmaimoon [#13]i googled it and looking really good ngl but why its name is gaytime bro💀
Yeah i am hesitant to say its name to anyone outside of Australia 💀💀
Also side note, very brave of you to google that
Karmine_Org_WhispeR [#16]ardiis flavored
bro are you meatriding keith bro like you can't be serious bro
weakdog [#6]No but if you ever come to Australia you have to try it im telling you
golden gaytime 😭😭😭 most normal aussie thing
Demon0 [#17]bro are you meatriding keith bro like you can't be serious bro
The very short story I'm about to tell you is a secret love story between two tyrants of chamber.
"Oh, Jaccob... Touching my headhunter like that stop~" ardiis said, "But I can't help it... My Tour De Force is ready... yay replied. "Then insert that inside my bombsite already ;)" 0////0 yays expession. *The two then kissed eached other briefly while playing with each others "guns" until they both became one like how the two chamber tps turned into one.
Karmine_Org_WhispeR [#19]The very short story I'm about to tell you is a secret love story between two tyrants of chamber.
"Oh, Jaccob... Touching my headhunter like that stop~" ardiis said, "But I can't help it... My Tour De Force is ready... yay replied. "Then insert that inside my bombsite already ;)" 0////0 yays expession. *The two then kissed eached other briefly while playing with each others "guns" until they both became one like how the two chamber tps turned into one.
that's some Golden Gaytime right here
weakdog [#4]I think its an Australian only thing and it sounds super sus, but Golden Gaytime ice cream is S tier
ITS LEGIT APPARENTLY WTF but still sounds sus and little bit funny
Zeah [#29]https://www.google.com/search?q=golden+gaytime+flavor&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwi8o_zwpP-AAxWCz6ACHUMyAp8Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=golden+gaytime+flavor&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIECCMQJzIFCAAQgARQuAZYkxZg4BtoBXAAeACAAbUBiAG8BZIBAzYuMpgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nwAEB&sclient=img&ei=F4rsZPy7JoKfg8UPw-SI-Ak&bih=661&biw=1366
ITS LEGIT APPARENTLY WTF but still sounds sus and little bit funny
I like how you had to search "flavor" with it just incase 💀💀
weakdog [#31]I like how you had to search "flavor" with it just incase 💀💀
gotta be careful, internet is a wild west
weakdog [#4]I think its an Australian only thing and it sounds super sus, but Golden Gaytime ice cream is S tier
i would absolutely gobble that up just based on the name alone