
Define Woke

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I saw a thread earlier saying "Riot is a woke company"
What is your definition of being "woke"?
Cuz lets be honest its a pretty vague term

Edit: Me when I see the thread I made for civilized discussion (with a baity top comment😅) turn in to an all out brawl😶


My defenition is
"Decisions that involve the inclusion of marginalized races/ethnicities/genders just for namesake, that negatively affects the existing structure of something "


"no politics"


When you dont know when to stop


that monkey tag game on steam. Woke as fuck.


"Woke" is a slang term that originated in African American Vernacular English (AAVE) and has been widely adopted in modern culture. It is used to describe a heightened awareness of social and political issues, especially those related to racial and social justice. Being "woke" means being conscious of systemic inequalities, discrimination, and injustices, and actively working to challenge and address them.

Someone who is "woke" is often seen as being informed, socially conscious, and willing to engage in conversations about topics such as racism, inequality, gender discrimination, and other social issues. It implies a sense of responsibility to stay informed about the world and to take action to promote positive change.

However, the term "woke" has also faced criticism and has been used in various contexts, sometimes humorously or ironically, to highlight performative activism or insincere displays of social awareness. As language and culture continue to evolve, the meaning and usage of the term can vary based on context and intent.

basically "Being "woke" means being conscious of systemic inequalities, discrimination, and injustices, and actively working to challenge and address them."

And no I 100% did not use chatgpt so don't ask me.

P1ngP0ng [#2]

My defenition is
"Decisions that involve the inclusion of marginalized races/ethnicities/genders just for namesake, that negatively affects the existing structure of something "

So sad when country is lifted up by slavery and racism and then when slaves are freed and racism somewhat reduced they want help being lifted out of systemic economic brackets that were created by slavery and racism.

loudsimp [#7]

So sad when country is lifted up by slavery and racism and then when slaves are freed and racism somewhat reduced they want help being lifted out of systemic economic brackets that were created by slavery and racism.

Solid take man

PooFaceCe [#8]

Solid take man

Can you demonstrate the fallacy in that argument?

Zerphyr1 [#6]

"Woke" is a slang term that originated in African American Vernacular English (AAVE) and has been widely adopted in modern culture. It is used to describe a heightened awareness of social and political issues, especially those related to racial and social justice. Being "woke" means being conscious of systemic inequalities, discrimination, and injustices, and actively working to challenge and address them.

Someone who is "woke" is often seen as being informed, socially conscious, and willing to engage in conversations about topics such as racism, inequality, gender discrimination, and other social issues. It implies a sense of responsibility to stay informed about the world and to take action to promote positive change.

However, the term "woke" has also faced criticism and has been used in various contexts, sometimes humorously or ironically, to highlight performative activism or insincere displays of social awareness. As language and culture continue to evolve, the meaning and usage of the term can vary based on context and intent.

basically "Being "woke" means being conscious of systemic inequalities, discrimination, and injustices, and actively working to challenge and address them."

And no I 100% did not use chatgpt so don't ask me.

name 1

loudsimp [#9]

Can you demonstrate the fallacy in that argument?

what are you talking about dude, I'm just here


Its what happened when you finish sleeping


Some guy on that thread explained it pretty well

PooFaceCe [#10]

name 1

The name "1" is typically not used as a personal name. It is a numerical digit representing the number one. If you're looking for a different type of name or need more information, please provide additional context.

Zerphyr1 [#14]

The name "1" is typically not used as a personal name. It is a numerical digit representing the number one. If you're looking for a different type of name or need more information, please provide additional context.


PooFaceCe [#15]


Ah, I see! You were asking me to name the number "1." I appreciate the humor! If you have any more questions or if there's something else you'd like to discuss, feel free to let me know.


When you don't know whats right and wrong. Like these people would criticize the bad (good for them) but would also criticize pure facts.

Zerphyr1 [#16]

Ah, I see! You were asking me to name the number "1." I appreciate the humor! If you have any more questions or if there's something else you'd like to discuss, feel free to let me know.

get a job

PooFaceCe [#11]

what are you talking about dude, I'm just here



5 part essay that outlines the history of oppression of black Americans even after the Civil Rights act that you could read to educate yourself but I know you won't.

Also read the autobiography of Malcolm X if you want a firsthand account of the way the government and white society has always and continues to hold back African Americans socially and economically.

PooFaceCe [#18]

get a job

I'm here to assist and answer your questions! I'm an AI language model created by OpenAI and don't have a physical presence or a job in the traditional sense. If you need information or have any inquiries, feel free to ask, and I'll do my best to help. If you're looking for career advice or information about job searching, I'd be happy to provide guidance in that area as well.

PooFaceCe [#11]

what are you talking about dude, I'm just here

Ahh so you cant? Asian people were generally considered honorary whites in much of the segregationist south, although they weren't very common. That means that they weren't faced with segregationist policies such as redlining as often. And if you are so stupid that you need it spelling out for you segregation = worse services such as education. Worse education leads to lowers social mobility, meaning that for what are still very recent generations, black people were stuck in poverty.

vipermommydomme [#19]



5 part essay that outlines the history of oppression of black Americans even after the Civil Rights act that you could read to educate yourself but I know you won't.

Also read the autobiography of Malcolm X if you want a firsthand account of the way the government and white society has always and continues to hold back African Americans socially and economically.

what are you talking about dude, I'm just here

PooFaceCe [#22]

what are you talking about dude, I'm just here

You didn't read it

vipermommydomme [#23]

You didn't read it


PooFaceCe [#24]


Nah cause that takes way more than 13 minutes to read don't just sit here and be intellectually dishonest. Not worth talking or arguing with you because you are not actually interested in learning or changing your viewpoint. So have a nice day and continue to wallow in your ignorance.

PooFaceCe [#22]

what are you talking about dude, I'm just here

I thought lobotomies were banned in the 50s, did you go to the black market to get yours? Speaking of the 50s, segregation was still legal then. If you grow up in poor conditions you will generally have less skills and a lower passion for academia. Black people are overrepresented in lower economic brackets due to slavery and segregation, due to the tiny social mobility of late-stage capitalism there aren't enough people climbing up through poverty meaning that these systemic problems could echo into many future generations if not proactively met with legislation that seeks to undo the effects that slavery and segregation (aswell as colonization for native Africans) have had for black people.

loudsimp [#21]

Ahh so you cant? Asian people were generally considered honorary whites in much of the segregationist south, although they weren't very common. That means that they weren't faced with segregationist policies such as redlining as often. And if you are so stupid that you need it spelling out for you segregation = worse services such as education. Worse education leads to lowers social mobility, meaning that for what are still very recent generations, black people were stuck in poverty.

what are you talking about dude, I'm just here

vipermommydomme [#25]

Nah cause that takes way more than 13 minutes to read don't just sit here and be intellectually dishonest. Not worth talking or arguing with you because you are not actually interested in learning or changing your viewpoint. So have a nice day and continue to wallow in your ignorance.

You're going crazy

vipermommydomme [#25]

Nah cause that takes way more than 13 minutes to read don't just sit here and be intellectually dishonest. Not worth talking or arguing with you because you are not actually interested in learning or changing your viewpoint. So have a nice day and continue to wallow in your ignorance.

Please take ur meds and leave me alone

PooFaceCe [#29]

Please take ur meds and leave me alone



stop writing bait threads and go get a job

loudsimp [#26]

I thought lobotomies were banned in the 50s, did you go to the black market to get yours? Speaking of the 50s, segregation was still legal then. If you grow up in poor conditions you will generally have less skills and a lower passion for academia. Black people are overrepresented in lower economic brackets due to slavery and segregation, due to the tiny social mobility of late-stage capitalism there aren't enough people climbing up through poverty meaning that these systemic problems could echo into many future generations if not proactively met with legislation that seeks to undo the effects that slavery and segregation (aswell as colonization for native Africans) have had for black people.

what man?!!!

PooFaceCe [#29]

Please take ur meds and leave me alone

Haha lil bro watched "near a full documentary" about the incredibly complex story of racial predjudice in the US and acts like he knows it all. You aren't making coherent points my guy and then you are rejecting the sources of information others have shown you, you arent right just because your view of the truth is the most digestible for you, facts dont care about your feelings.

loudsimp [#33]

Haha lil bro watched "near a full documentary" about the incredibly complex story of racial predjudice in the US and acts like he knows it all. You aren't making coherent points my guy and then you are rejecting the sources of information others have shown you, you arent right just because your view of the truth is the most digestible for you, facts dont care about your feelings.


PooFaceCe [#34]


Live view of coping with and choosing ignorance, really special teaching moment for people who don't understand why people like this exist in the world.

vipermommydomme [#35]

Live view of coping with and choosing ignorance, really special teaching moment for people who don't understand why people like this exist in the world.

ur crazy

loudsimp [#21]

Ahh so you cant? Asian people were generally considered honorary whites in much of the segregationist south, although they weren't very common. That means that they weren't faced with segregationist policies such as redlining as often. And if you are so stupid that you need it spelling out for you segregation = worse services such as education. Worse education leads to lowers social mobility, meaning that for what are still very recent generations, black people were stuck in poverty.

What the fuck is this comment no the fuck they weren’t

PooFaceCe [#22]

what are you talking about dude, I'm just here

blud does NOT know economics LOL

30 years is a short time frame when considering long term economic conditions for a certain demographic of market participants

PooFaceCe [#36]

ur crazy

Blud can't read 😂😂😂 lied and said he read it 😂😂😂 waffling about points that have been answered in provided resources 😂😂😂

You wallow in ignorance like a pig in mud, enjoy o7.

PooFaceCe [#27]

what are you talking about dude, I'm just here

Haha 4 star replying to one star and then saying I dodged your points when I cant physically send enough messages to counter your ignorant bullshit. Hispanic people are doing worse because a lot of Hispanic immigrants were poor already in their home country and moved for a better life only to be faced with the same conditions as before with a higher cost of living, Hispanics were also hit by segregationist policies such as redlining. A high majority of Asian immigrants are either 1st 2nd or 3rd generation meaning they arrived after segregation ended, Generally it is a lot harder to emigrate across the word than to a neighboring country and so the people that took that risk were more likely to be well of in their home country but flee due to policy disagreements. As they (east Asians) were considered "honorary whites" in much of the south they faced a lower amount of discrimination. Adding to that there are a lot of positive stereotypes surrounding Asian people which means that they can come off as more employable compared to a Hispanic or Black person with the same qualifications. This will be the end of my comment thread with you as I have to out for lunch.

4rrowlol [#37]

What the fuck is this comment no the fuck they weren’t


PooFaceCe [#36]

ur crazy

you are actually a paint drinking retard

vipermommydomme [#39]

Blud can't read 😂😂😂 lied and said he read it 😂😂😂 waffling about points that have been answered in provided resources 😂😂😂

You wallow in ignorance like a pig in mud, enjoy o7.

what are you talking about dude, I'm just here

Halleluhwah [#42]

you are actually a paint drinking retard


loudsimp [#40]

Haha 4 star replying to one star and then saying I dodged your points when I cant physically send enough messages to counter your ignorant bullshit. Hispanic people are doing worse because a lot of Hispanic immigrants were poor already in their home country and moved for a better life only to be faced with the same conditions as before with a higher cost of living, Hispanics were also hit by segregationist policies such as redlining. A high majority of Asian immigrants are either 1st 2nd or 3rd generation meaning they arrived after segregation ended, Generally it is a lot harder to emigrate across the word than to a neighboring country and so the people that took that risk were more likely to be well of in their home country but flee due to policy disagreements. As they (east Asians) were considered "honorary whites" in much of the south they faced a lower amount of discrimination. Adding to that there are a lot of positive stereotypes surrounding Asian people which means that they can come off as more employable compared to a Hispanic or Black person with the same qualifications. This will be the end of my comment thread with you as I have to out for lunch.

Yo disrespectfully shut the actual fuck up, just because a couple of white guys in the south found Asian ppl more tolerable than othe minorities does not make them “honorary whites”, nor did it ever give them an advantage. Asian people were HEAVILY discriminated against during the same period of segregation, it was only after the civil rights act and the tech boom that Asian Americans actually got a grip on the economy you fucking buffoon. Most asian immigrants before that were refugees or poor in their home countries looking for opportunities elsewhere because their home was plateaued permanently because of corrupt governments. You don’t have to try to validate your argument for one group by invalidating the experiences of another but apparently you never learned that growing up braindead fuck.


It's what s0mething is gonna do today

PooFaceCe [#11]

what are you talking about dude, I'm just here

God a canuck that cares too much about american politics is the most pathetic canadian. Just tryna larp as someone from an interesting country (amerika)>

Also, don't compare asian immigrants to black americans.
Asian immigrants who went to amerika as refugees (tibetian-nepalis) are much poorer than asian immigrants who went to amerika as college educated immigrants (indians).

Ofcourse asian immigrants, who go to usa to study in a good university and get a good job are gonna have a better outcome than black americans whose cities have been ruined by drugs (thanks reagen) and gang violence (gangs existing because amerikan police deliberately caused chaos and stopped actually good black+white organizations who were uplifting their community like BPP and YPO).

Also, ofcourse you're an EG fan. Stop using us asians to justify american history

JigJag [#47]

God a canuck that cares too much about american politics is the most pathetic canadian. Just tryna larp as someone from an interesting country (amerika)>

Also, don't compare asian immigrants to black americans.
Asian immigrants who went to amerika as refugees (tibetian-nepalis) are much poorer than asian immigrants who went to amerika as college educated immigrants (indians).

Ofcourse asian immigrants, who go to usa to study in a good university and get a good job are gonna have a better outcome than black americans whose cities have been ruined by drugs (thanks reagen) and gang violence (gangs existing because amerikan police deliberately caused chaos and stopped actually good black+white organizations who were uplifting their community like BPP and YPO).

Also, ofcourse you're an EG fan. Stop using us asians to justify american history

what are you talking about dude!!!

4rrowlol [#45]

Yo disrespectfully shut the actual fuck up, just because a couple of white guys in the south found Asian ppl more tolerable than othe minorities does not make them “honorary whites”, nor did it ever give them an advantage. Asian people were HEAVILY discriminated against during the same period of segregation, it was only after the civil rights act and the tech boom that Asian Americans actually got a grip on the economy you fucking buffoon. Most asian immigrants before that were refugees or poor in their home countries looking for opportunities elsewhere because their home was plateaued permanently because of corrupt governments. You don’t have to try to validate your argument for one group by invalidating the experiences of another but apparently you never learned that growing up braindead fuck.


PooFaceCe [#48]

what are you talking about dude!!!

You are Canadian. You literally speak english. This is the only language your head can comprehend. How the fuck do you not understand what I'm saying.

Asian immigrants lately who go to america are immigrants who already have money in asia and jave college education. So, despite there being bigotry, they can still succeed in academic and financial spaces.

Black americans are descendants of slaves who when freed, owned nothing. The plan grant had of giving the freed slaves land was not enacted.

Then after that, due to.american government's policies, they were not let to succeed. Black home owners weren't given loans, black cities were littered with drugs (due to cia and reagan), black cities were litered with crime because of poverty.

And because there's disenfrachisement and disillusionment to the political situation, black people had to make gangs to keep their neighbours safe. And these gangs were parasitic, and the good organizations like (black panthers and young patriofs) were destroyed by the cia/fbi + the police. Which meant only the bad gangs remained.

Basically, just like how American military funds isis and alqueda and creates conditiond that let them grow, and uses them as an excuse to increase military spending. The same american police does the same thing. They force conditions for gangs to thrive and uses gangs to increase police spending.


Woke is an adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English meaning "alert to racial prejudice and discrimination". Beginning in the 2010s, it came to encompass a broader awareness of social inequalities such as sexism. The term was weaponized in early 2020s by opponents of progress.

JigJag [#50]

You are Canadian. You literally speak english. This is the only language your head can comprehend. How the fuck do you not understand what I'm saying.

Asian immigrants lately who go to america are immigrants who already have money in asia and jave college education. So, despite there being bigotry, they can still succeed in academic and financial spaces.

Black americans are descendants of slaves who when freed, owned nothing. The plan grant had of giving the freed slaves land was not enacted.

Then after that, due to.american government's policies, they were not let to succeed. Black home owners weren't given loans, black cities were littered with drugs (due to cia and reagan), black cities were litered with crime because of poverty.

And because there's disenfrachisement and disillusionment to the political situation, black people had to make gangs to keep their neighbours safe. And these gangs were parasitic, and the good organizations like (black panthers and young patriofs) were destroyed by the cia/fbi + the police. Which meant only the bad gangs remained.

Basically, just like how American military funds isis and alqueda and creates conditiond that let them grow, and uses them as an excuse to increase military spending. The same american police does the same thing. They force conditions for gangs to thrive and uses gangs to increase police spending.

you do know Canada has 2 national languages right, and probably the most diverse population in the world therefore more languages than anywhere.... right?


A word racists use when they don't like something


To me, that term makes 0 sense. A company can't be woke. A company only cares about profits. It'll do whatever it can do make profits higher.

They banned tbagging cause they don't want drama because drama = bad for business.


my definition : woke up and made some coffee and went on ranting in ranked bronze lobby.

JigJag [#54]

To me, that term makes 0 sense. A company can't be woke. A company only cares about profits. It'll do whatever it can do make profits higher.

They banned tbagging cause they don't want drama because drama = bad for business.

tell UFC that drama is bad for business, they banned tbagging cuz they dont have the balls to allow it

brado [#52]

you do know Canada has 2 national languages right, and probably the most diverse population in the world therefore more languages than anywhere.... right?

Blud only replied to me insulting him being able to speak only one language 💀💀

Also I'm pretty sure india and nepal are more diverse than canada.
Nepal itself has 123 recognized languages dude.

Just give up. You think the world works like a disney marvel movie or fast and furious. Your brain can't understand systems and how systems affect peoples.

brado [#52]

you do know Canada has 2 national languages right, and probably the most diverse population in the world therefore more languages than anywhere.... right?

connard tu veux que je te le traduit en francais???

si tu veux parler en français on peut, mais arrête de l’utiliser comme un argument si tu ne parles pas francais fdp

brado [#56]

tell UFC that drama is bad for business, they banned tbagging cuz they dont have the balls to allow it

Drama is good for ufc like how drama is good for wwe.

Companies are different woahh man!!!

It's true that companies can set subcultures and can use it effectively to make money. But as it stands right now, riot is content with being a normie company. They don't need drama gimmick to change their business strategy.

PooFaceCe [#11]

what are you talking about dude, I'm just here

bro had to edit his comments lmaoo

JigJag [#57]

Blud only replied to me insulting him being able to speak only one language 💀💀

Also I'm pretty sure india and nepal are more diverse than canada.
Nepal itself has 123 recognized languages dude.

Just give up. You think the world works like a disney marvel movie or fast and furious. Your brain can't understand systems and how systems affect peoples.

use less 'you' language and more I language. all i see you see doing is telling others what they think. i would expect anyone who thinks that i see the world like a disney movie because i live in canada lives in a state of delusion, which is fine for you, i prefer to live in reality, and in reality i dont 'just give up' because some rando from nepal tries to tell me how i think


feeling like you need to be inclusive to literally every group for the sake of meeting quotas. At least thats a part of what i see being woke.

loudsimp [#7]

So sad when country is lifted up by slavery and racism and then when slaves are freed and racism somewhat reduced they want help being lifted out of systemic economic brackets that were created by slavery and racism.

Lmao the pooface guy went back and edited all his comments cause he got embarrassed so bad 😭

brado [#61]

use less 'you' language and more I language. all i see you see doing is telling others what they think. i would expect anyone who thinks that i see the world like a disney movie because i live in canada lives in a state of delusion, which is fine for you, i prefer to live in reality, and in reality i dont 'just give up' because some rando from nepal tries to tell me how i think

Bro I was insulting you. You literally ignored my example of how american political system inspires violence inwards and outwards for money. You started complaining about me making fun of you for only being able to speak english.

Then now you're yapping about me insulting you again. You suck. When you have to deal with real political examples, you completely ignore that. Loser

JigJag [#57]

Blud only replied to me insulting him being able to speak only one language 💀💀

Also I'm pretty sure india and nepal are more diverse than canada.
Nepal itself has 123 recognized languages dude.

Just give up. You think the world works like a disney marvel movie or fast and furious. Your brain can't understand systems and how systems affect peoples.

not readin allat, busy countin this bread rn sorry

thats 1k...

thats 2k...

thats 3k...

thats 4k...

thats 5k...

thats 6k...

, etc.

Wait I just realized you said my parents had a 401k for me with 2k in it LMAOAOAOAOAOOAOAOAO...

That is NOT how a 401k works, thanks for letting me know you have no money, toodles, ggez

polystove [#60]

bro had to edit his comments lmaoo

No I chose to because its hilarious

vipermommydomme [#63]

Lmao the pooface guy went back and edited all his comments cause he got embarrassed so bad 😭

No I actually just ducked a ban, try again fatso

Edutilos [#62]

feeling like you need to be inclusive to literally every group for the sake of meeting quotas. At least thats a part of what i see being woke.

Diversity hires (something i think is a usa thing?) is the worst idea ever created

PooFaceCe [#43]

what are you talking about dude, I'm just here

just posting to remind how you embarrassed yourself here


it means waking up


its just a synonym for liberal it has no meaning. not to mention the absolute bastardization of the word liberal by the Americans.

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