What the fuck are FNC doing

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Mfers are dry peeking everything peeking one by one not taking any map control using ranked level utility waiting 1 minute to push anywhere on the map every single round.
There was something going on with FNC idk what it is but this ain't the fundamentals we've seen out of them every other game and tournament prior to this


Why does no one actually look at what's going on in the match? Everyone calling loud world class after playing that game?? Nah that's a troll




Blud is not giving LOUD any credit they deserve


FNATIC Saving Strats Trust

MainlyMusubi [#5]

FNATIC Saving Strats Trust

for Red Bull Homeground


Boaster used all his energy when walk-in. In game, he so lost.


No, fnatic just played normally. The "unbeatable" narrative has always been dogshit imo, but I kept getting downvoted by shitmean me4triders. Fnatic isn't bad dont get me wrong, but franchising inflated their status because of how shit the competition has been this year.


this is how they play majority of the time except this time they couldn't just win every aim duel, it saddens me to see my favorite team in this state

Yistyy [#8]

No, fnatic just played normally. The "unbeatable" narrative has always been dogshit imo, but I kept getting downvoted by shitmean me4triders. Fnatic isn't bad dont get me wrong, but franchising inflated their status because of how shit the competition has been this year.

Competition has been the best it has in valorant, form goes up and down for everyone, LOUD in form, FNC a little off form, on paper both teams are insanely good, it's up to the players to play in form or off form. Same shit with every game, there isn't an unbeatable team, even astralis's longest streak was 15 games and it's a lot easier to upset in Valorant. People expect too much of teams, just watch the damn game, that's why everyone should chill out and be an EDGigachad.

uwukitten [#9]

this is how they play majority of the time except this time they couldn't just win every aim duel, it saddens me to see my favorite team in this state

bro its only one lost loud lost 2 2-0 and we still here

Marhuee [#11]

bro its only one lost loud lost 2 2-0 and we still here

fr these fnatic bandwagoners need to have some sense of loyalty

we stuck by loud and drx respectively and look where they at now. just let teams cook


fnatic does the same thing repeatedly against every team without being punished and wins. vlr: haha best team in the world, unbeatable

loud: punishes their repetitive strats. vlr: oh no but fnatic didn't play well hurr durr


People thinking loud played super good are wrong they played the same game against DRX(aspas a bit off and Drx was shutting aspas well) and Navi. Fnatic could not get pistols and bonus on defense on ascent which was 0-4 and loud map picks was good (ascent is worst FNC map)and on lotus it was clear prep diff mini and boaster have no variations so they had to lose if Fnatic chose other map then it would have caught loud by suprise such as fracture or haven

Yistyy [#8]

No, fnatic just played normally. The "unbeatable" narrative has always been dogshit imo, but I kept getting downvoted by shitmean me4triders. Fnatic isn't bad dont get me wrong, but franchising inflated their status because of how shit the competition has been this year.

"perfect valorant"
"so far ahead of everyone else"

every time i saw some fan type these things i just thought like you are setting yourself up for so much disappointment l o l

uwukitten [#9]

this is how they play majority of the time except this time they couldn't just win every aim duel, it saddens me to see my favorite team in this state

lol thanks for being realistic in a room full of dumb guys

if it wasn't for the aim factor, fnatic would've lost way more maps. they were "lucky" that teams hardly ever punish them (it was only LOUD and Liquid that managed to do that)

orthoboy [#14]

People thinking loud played super good are wrong they played the same game against DRX(aspas a bit off and Drx was shutting aspas well) and Navi. Fnatic could not get pistols and bonus on defense on ascent which was 0-4 and loud map picks was good (ascent is worst FNC map)and on lotus it was clear prep diff mini and boaster have no variations so they had to lose if Fnatic chose other map then it would have caught loud by suprise such as fracture or haven

Wtf? LOUD definitely played better this game than groups. Fnatic banned Haven because they were scared of Viper/Harbor comp kkkkkk

Simp4S0m [#17]

Wtf? LOUD definitely played better this game than groups. Fnatic banned Haven because they were scared of Viper/Harbor comp kkkkkk

Nah they had clear prep for FNC. Drx and Navi had new stuff which Loud had no Vod to but FNC had run same thing in all 12 times which are 12 vods they played lotus so many times no one can be invincible until they change stuff

bruhahaha [#10]

Competition has been the best it has in valorant, form goes up and down for everyone, LOUD in form, FNC a little off form, on paper both teams are insanely good, it's up to the players to play in form or off form. Same shit with every game, there isn't an unbeatable team, even astralis's longest streak was 15 games and it's a lot easier to upset in Valorant. People expect too much of teams, just watch the damn game, that's why everyone should chill out and be an EDGigachad.

No, competition has been terrible this year, just look at tokyo. Nrg underwhelming, loud nerfed, drx and navi were playing bad, liquid fraudulent, fut and t1 were mid. And this isn't even counting the teams that didn't qualify to events this year 💀

Compare it to last year's champs where everyone in playoffs looked insane, and anybody could win.

ItsHunter [#2]

Why does no one actually look at what's going on in the match? Everyone calling loud world class after playing that game?? Nah that's a troll

Loud always been world class even in tokyo it was just They faced EG EDg who were on heater in the same tournament people really sleep on loud they are most successful team in world if we don't count trophys they win Percentage is off the charts no one is even close

orthoboy [#20]

Loud always been world class even in tokyo it was just They faced EG EDg who were on heater in the same tournament people really sleep on loud they are most successful team in world if we don't count trophys they win Percentage is off the charts no one is even close

LOUD also went 0-2 in copenhagen

these are LOUD tournament results:
LOUD 3-1 in series
LOUD 0-2 in series
LOUD 6-1 in series
LOUD 4-1 in series
LOUD 0-2 in series
LOUD 3-1 in series (so far in champs 2023)

1/3 of tournaments they use to strat save for champions

orthoboy [#18]

Nah they had clear prep for FNC. Drx and Navi had new stuff which Loud had no Vod to but FNC had run same thing in all 12 times which are 12 vods they played lotus so many times no one can be invincible until they change stuff

just give a litle credits for loud if it was that easy why other teams not won from fnatic


Dude, Fnatic does every play you described in every single match, what is different this time is that they got punished. Boaster failed to adapt in many instances, they just stuck to their basic protocols, repeating the same stuff and then Saadhak read them easily. Maybe they didn't prepare anything new for this Lotus, weird how Chronicle and Alfa got countered so easily.

bruhahaha [#10]

Competition has been the best it has in valorant, form goes up and down for everyone, LOUD in form, FNC a little off form, on paper both teams are insanely good, it's up to the players to play in form or off form. Same shit with every game, there isn't an unbeatable team, even astralis's longest streak was 15 games and it's a lot easier to upset in Valorant. People expect too much of teams, just watch the damn game, that's why everyone should chill out and be an EDGigachad.

2022>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2023 for competition

Yistyy [#19]

No, competition has been terrible this year, just look at tokyo. Nrg underwhelming, loud nerfed, drx and navi were playing bad, liquid fraudulent, fut and t1 were mid. And this isn't even counting the teams that didn't qualify to events this year 💀

Compare it to last year's champs where everyone in playoffs looked insane, and anybody could win.

but you can make the same bullshit up for the champs 2022, they didn't have fnatic or navi playing in top form, they didn't have someone with such dominant execs like EG on many maps, they didn't have EDG and PRX playing to peak form; on average the level of competition always goes up, sometimes teams play off form and they lose, that's how it works, the aim gets better, the ideas get better, the talent pool gets wider and deeper, just because americas won one there doesn't mean you should weigh it over another event, but i can't expect much out of a optic baiter yistyy. fin

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