And why does m0nesy hard clear?
cholikarr [#5]Both in different game
If anyone argues for any of the players they are actually stupid
But monesy has achieved more in CS than kk in valorant
That is true and as one of the best AWP users in CSGO, I can confirm that using the OP is more difficult.
Domination [#7]Why people like to compare pros from another cheating game🗿
valurante after franchising 😵😵😵😵📉📉📉
Ryszafiel [#8]That is true and as one of the best AWP users in CSGO, I can confirm that using the OP is more difficult.
bet rain can outawp your overconfident dumbass
soonwookong [#12]bet rain can outawp your overconfident dumbass
Rain can 1v1 me any day. I'd clear.
meyournightmare [#11]valurante after franchising 😵😵😵😵📉📉📉
Navi after franchising 😵😵😵😵📉📉📉🗿🗿🗿
Ryszafiel [#17]m0nesy has surpassed s1mple at awping. Zywoo is questionable.
zyfat? blud got diffed hard by sunpayus on AWP AHAHAHAHA
Foccuz [#16]its impossible to compare, the way u use the sniper in cs is very different than valorant
but FalleN clears both
biggest joke on this thread.
FalleN doesn't even make top 5 awpers of all time
kapteN [#21]biggest joke on this thread.
FalleN doesn't even make top 5 awpers of all time
talk to my 2 majors bro
edit: or u can argue with kennys, its up to u
Foccuz [#23]talk to my 2 majors bro
edit: or u can argue with kennys, its up to u
Talk to device’s 4 majors my guy
Foccuz [#16]its impossible to compare, the way u use the sniper in cs is very different than valorant
but FalleN clears both
sutta [#31]Yes but kennyS now misses the easiest shots in valorant
and so will kk at his age, prime kennys clears everyone
Domination [#7]Why people like to compare pros from another cheating game🗿
because its a harder game
cboomer [#25]m0nsey is a way better awper but if kangkang had the csgo awp in valorant he would look even better
csgo awp is crazy compared to val awp for the kinda awping kangkang does
no dash/tp in CSGO tho
hekzy [#37]no dash/tp in CSGO tho
Kang Kang's awp isn't defining because of the dash either though. It just looks more insane with the dash at times; most of the time he just peaks, hits an insane shot, and then peaks again without using the dash unless it was really necessary. Though, to be fair, cs awp positioning in a lot of ways is significantly different than valorant.
hekzy [#37]no dash/tp in CSGO tho
yeah but the csgo awp is way faster to scale with meaning you can do more by yourself
in val the awp is setup more with utility
zyfat? blud got diffed hard by sunpayus on AWP AHAHAHAHA
how does the GOAT dev1ce just get looked over
More Majors then all of them combined
We have seen KangKang perform very well for 1 international lan. m0NESY is not experienced in CS terms, but if it comes to prestige events he is miles ahead of KangKang.
Both have unreal mechanical skill for sure. It is just that m0nesy sometimes just does shit that is just out of this fucking world and even s1mple rarely does. m0NESY looks like an even faster kennyS, which obviously implies unreal potential. m0NESY clips are something out of this world.
Now what helps m0nesy for sure is his team. He has the greatest rifler in the history of the game as his wingman, an amazing role player in JKS and a rock solid rifler in hunter who has been a top 15 player for the last 3 years. KangKang on the other hand kinda reminds me of KennyS when he played in the old Titan lineups. He is the win condition.
widepeepofrosty [#36]so you admit kang kang is the best oper in valorant
I mean it really is hard to deny since he is literally the only one who uses it all the time and not as a suprise pick 2 rounds in a half.
kapteN [#21]biggest joke on this thread.
FalleN doesn't even make top 5 awpers of all time
fallen is dev1ce idol, he himself said he learned how to awp watching fallen play, also dupreeh said fallen was the hardest awper to play against. PRIME Fallen would be easily a top 5 awper of all time.
Na1myy [#41]We have seen KangKang perform very well for 1 international lan. m0NESY is not experienced in CS terms, but if it comes to prestige events he is miles ahead of KangKang.
Both have unreal mechanical skill for sure. It is just that m0nesy sometimes just does shit that is just out of this fucking world and even s1mple rarely does. m0NESY looks like an even faster kennyS, which obviously implies unreal potential. m0NESY clips are something out of this world. what helps m0nesy for sure is his team. He has the greatest rifler in the history of the game as his wingman, an amazing role player in JKS and a rock solid rifler in hunter who has been a top 15 player for the last 3 years. KangKang on the other hand kinda reminds me of KennyS when he played in the old Titan lineups. He is the win condition.
the difference is that the csgo AWP is insanely broken
acels2 [#27]???????? zywoo exist u dumb
don't wanna hear that zyfat argument
bbkangz [#43]fallen is dev1ce idol, he himself said he learned how to awp watching fallen play, also dupreeh said fallen was the hardest awper to play against. PRIME Fallen would be easily a top 5 awper of all time.
In no particular order, all these are better than fallen:
Andx [#47]In no particular order, all these are better than fallen:
theogblazen [#40]how does the GOAT dev1ce just get looked over
More Majors then all of them combined
because he was what derke is now on fnc
theogblazen [#40]how does the GOAT dev1ce just get looked over
More Majors then all of them combined
dev1ce was maybe on the level for accolades but mechanically, Zywoo and S1mple clear
Na1myy [#41]We have seen KangKang perform very well for 1 international lan. m0NESY is not experienced in CS terms, but if it comes to prestige events he is miles ahead of KangKang.
Both have unreal mechanical skill for sure. It is just that m0nesy sometimes just does shit that is just out of this fucking world and even s1mple rarely does. m0NESY looks like an even faster kennyS, which obviously implies unreal potential. m0NESY clips are something out of this world. what helps m0nesy for sure is his team. He has the greatest rifler in the history of the game as his wingman, an amazing role player in JKS and a rock solid rifler in hunter who has been a top 15 player for the last 3 years. KangKang on the other hand kinda reminds me of KennyS when he played in the old Titan lineups. He is the win condition.
kk cant do what monesy, because op is like 10 times worse than cs awp, a lot of cs players with no knowledge about valorant see what kk does and be like "mid" then try op and say "bro this gun so trash i can barely move with this"
Anzaldinho [#55]nepo posting because kangkang won champs and mvp
m0nesy on the battle of top 1 alongside zywoo and donk
who's better in their current state now? genuinely?
Ryszafiel [#13]Rain can 1v1 me any day. I'd clear.
cs awp is so much better than val its not even funny
Anzaldinho [#55]nepo posting because kangkang won champs and mvp
m0nesy on the battle of top 1 alongside zywoo and donk
who's better in their current state now? genuinely?
zywoo clears m0nesy and donk by a mile bruh dont ever compare them again
Ullyr [#22]kangkang will be a future goat this is just his beginning.
this got bumped for some reason
acels [#58]zywoo clears m0nesy and donk by a mile bruh dont ever compare them again
didn't zywoo lose to m0nesy literally yesterday?
I mean i dont know much about CSGO but here is Zywoos vlr
H3ENnZ [#62]I mean i dont know much about CSGO but here is Zywoos vlr
what the hell 💀💀💀
why did he play valorant
for what reason