After disappointing performance in Masters and unstable form, DRX will either perform very good in champs(TOP 4) or couldn't even make it past groups
batchestingveryhard [#3]stax returns to form and dunks on the competition fr
stax has never played bad tho other than this tourney. It isnt about his individual performance its about adaptation and theyve proven time and time again that they just cant do it. Thats exactly why they keep losing to optic, they just dont have the flexibility that an IGL like FNS brings to a team.
I much preferred the way the played with zest as igl and I dont know if Termi should stay on the team if there is conflict between him and stax about the rotating roster
Prontera [#4]DRX top 4 is very common. For a team like them, they should be capable to make it into grand final, or they just prove to be an overrated team.
the thing is ive been a drx fan for so long and i dont care if they make top 3 or top 4 anymore i just want a win out of them. Theyve shown that their peaks are far beyond any other team in history and yet they cant stay at that level and they keep choking hard