none of the teams

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none of the teams are in proper form bro, except for EDG, PRX (at least as good as they can be without Something), EG, and FNC

LOUD playing poorly ( i didnt watch the game no details from me)
NRG playing poorly (theyre winning but cmon, they can be so much better, and we know it)
DRX... Not even the one consistent guy on their team, Mako, is consistent right now. And it just looks so bad. Theyre so lost
Liquid won, but it was uncomfortably close. Lost split horribly and Map 3 was 13-11
Navi 😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹😹 frauds
FUT lost to DRX in their current shitass form

what the hell is going on?
Everyone get the heebie jeebies or something?


prx ftw


TL will clear EG


“None of the teams are in form except half of the playoffs teams”


AKA a third of all of the teams in the entire tournament.
No shit half of the playoffs teams are the ones in form. Thats why they got to playoffs.
2/3rds of the team in the tournament are looking bad, nothing like how we've seen them in the past.


you're right, gamr just racist sadly




His math is awful and he doesn’t even realize how normal this is either


your D1 hater list contains all races other than yours


“Aka a quarter of all the teams”

It’s a third, NA math is crazy, and that’s not even if you include T1 who arguably overperformed. Also it’s not like every team is always in form. Look at Champs last year for example. PRX got grouped, FPX completely trolled vs DRX, Lev dominated their group stage and completely fell out of form in playoffs, ZETA was not even remotely close to Reykjavik form, FNC dropped a series to 100T, XSET barely beat Xerxia in groups, and the list goes on


Prx on form with ciggarates? 🤣🤣🤣🤣😭


(at least as good as they can be without Something)


pointless post. there will always be teams that are performing, and others who wont irrespective of their history.


Its a worryingly large majority of teams that are underperforming, thats the issue.
Especially considering the underperforming teams are some of the best, who are, well, usually very very consistently good.
DRX only not made it out of groups once, consistently good but not too up there--> DRX barely make it out of groups and exit playoffs early
LOUD, the previous champs, and the team who almost NEVER loses (and when they do, they usually put up a hell of a fight) --> Exit playoffs 0-2, demolished
NRG, one of the better teams in the world at their normal, good performance --> struggling to beat T1, DRX
et cetera
et cetera
et cetera


lists edg as one of the top teams in form
then says the team that beat them is not in form because the game was uncomfortably close... an uncomfortably close against a top team that's playing rlly well rn

OP, u are a genius


TL is EMEA first seed. They beat FNC. They have the capability to win that match versus EDG quick.
They struggled
EDG is in good form, yes. That doesnt mean TL is not in bad form.


that still doesnt make edg in better form than liquid, yes they struggled but they still won. they arent in best form but still better than edg


Yes, I'm saying EDG is in better form than Liquid is.
That doesnt mean EDG can't lose to Liquid's poor form, thats just how good Liquid can be.
If EDG, even at their current strong form, played Liquid, at a normal or good form, the match would be much more comfortably in Liquids favor.
TL beat EDG because theyre simply a better team IMO. I'm saying EDG is in good form because theyre playing amazingly, better than past performances.
I'm saying TL is in poor form because theyre struggling to beat EDG, a team who, if Liquid were in normal, or good form, Liquid could beat comfortably - even if EDG is in their current, great form.

EDG is not in good form because they made the match against Liquid close, theyre in good form because they are performing above past perfomances and doing very well, AKA good form.
TL is in poor form because theyre struggling to beat a team that they would comfortably win against, were TL in a normal or good form.


so you just saying edg is performing better than expected, not that they have better form than liquid


No, sorry, i explained it really poorly there. Thats a soup of words.
My apologies.

What i was trying to say is that, the reason for TL's struggle to win against EDG is not ONLY because EDG is in good form, but ALSO because TL is currently in poor form.

I know TL can play better than they did in that match versus EDG - so thats why i said theyre in poor form. Theyre a fantastic team, and i feel that if TL was in their normal (or even good form) then the match would have been much more in TL's favor.
Hope this is explained better.


I think most of the teams are mentally locked or just mentally unprepared, if you see the expressions of each team they just look uncomfortable, they look like when you're forced to do something you dont want to, idk it just doesnt look like they're interested in the tourney ( although they obviously are )


EG and FNC only teams thats look like they have a shot at winning tokyo unless something comes back then it will be a 3 horse race


Honestly, maybe because they are all burnt out from a super long season with a very short break. Good job Riot


I mean, maybe, but it's not like the breaks inbetween tournaments last year were much longer.


It hasn't even been a super long season, wym. After last champs there was like a 4/5month break from official events, and then they played 12 matches over 2 months.


i think he means the time inbetween the end of the regional leagues and the start of Tokyo was short and didnt give teams time to get relaxed and ready to play again.
Or something.
Not 100% on that. Im not rumbledink. I dont know what he meant for sure.


Even if the time between the two was a bit longer, they wouldn't have rested anymore than they did. They'd be scrimming everyday still, and still constantly playing. Most of these players are accustomed to practicing everyday.
It's usually the travel that burned a lot of CS pros out, and val players aren't hugely forced to travel every month like cs players are.


Thats true, you right
idk then


Yes but also they are different games for cs if you don’t qualify it’s fine there’s not that much pressure as there are so many tournaments but in valorant there is 3 a year so every team is fighting desperately like their life depends on it as don’t forget the league want only deciding who gets to go to masters but also champions as well
Plus this is the 1st year and season of franchising there is a lot more media things such as more photo shoots and interviews they are not used to it so it could be burn out as this is the 1st year they doing it so it might be that it is taking some teams longer to adjust than others
Also in valorant you don’t only have to think about where your opponent is gonna throw a flash or smoke how they are gonna play a map. You also have to think about what comp your opponent is gonna use how they are gonna use the specific util of the comp they are using which is different for every agent while also thinking about how their opponent is gonna play the map such as how they are going to set up and stuff like that. They are 2 games that are similar yet very different and in terms of the mental aspect valorant is more draining as there is more to think about as agents and the ever changing meta means if you want to stay at the top you can’t stop thinking for even a second


It's not about the different in game mechanics, but culture. The esports culture in CS is by far one of the most taxing. the top val teams played 17 matches (loud, getting to finals of lockin) matches matches since champs. Champs was last September.
Navi have played 47 matches since September 29th.

the point I'm making is the setup for Val isn't as bad as it's counterpart. It's honestly one of the more relaxed t1 esports. Teams are ofc going to fight to make the event. CS teams dont just think "oh well, we'll qual for the next event".
These esports players are playing for the achievment, not the prizepool. ofc the prizepool is a plus, but they're already getting paid absurd amounts. this is the t1 scene btw.

With the game mechanics being different with flashes etc. That's what scrims are for, and what coaches and analysts are for. A val player playing 8-10 hours a day isn't any different than a CS player playing 10-12 hours a day. They're both putting in server time for their respective game. The semantics of meta changes isn't relevant to having breaks between events. If we look at meta changes, compare with league. Where T1 have played over 100maps since September. There's countless comparisons that show val is one of the more lax esports schedules out there.

The main thing that burned out CS pros was the travel. They'd go to an event, travel ,play, travel, play. Especially NA pros in EU. They'd spend majority of their time travelling and going from event to event. Past 6 months val players have been to 3 places so far. Brazil, (where their respective league is held), and Tokyo.

I'm just adamant that the current schedule as it is, isn't as big of an issue as it's made out to be.

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