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Registered: May 28, 2023
Last post: January 27, 2025 at 12:53 PM
Posts: 538
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posted 1 month ago

It’s a 5 hurricane can’t remember what you call the rating for how dangerous hurricanes are and if you want to k ow how dangerous that is the hurricane that Florida experienced recently that they are still cleaning up the damages it caused was only a 4 so this is 1 level higher. It’s bad enough if this hurricane had come at a time when they hadn’t had a dangerous hurricane of 4 or above happen before it came for a few years but the fact these 2 happened back to back is just creating a nightmare scenario an apocalyptic scenario even for people in Florida it’s the type of thing you would see in a movie about the apocalypse or something like that that’s how bad it is

posted 4 months ago

K I was really confused I clicked on it and they were talking about how good cgn was but it said pcific won the round and were defending despite talking about how great cgn did with the defuse and then pcific paused so it really confused me

posted 5 months ago

Why does it say cgn is pcific and pcific is cgn?

posted 5 months ago


posted 6 months ago

Sentinels are screwed if they lose they are not beating fnatic chronicle owns na the only Americas team who could beat fnatic is loud

posted 6 months ago

Against drx they all looked like they forgot how to play except alfajer and then against heretics I think that 1st round on lotus really summed up how they were playing that day they could consistently get into advantageous positions especially on abyss but for some reason they just found it soo hard to win rounds where they had a man advantage mostly on attack in talking about

posted 6 months ago

Plus I think the way you won the 1st pistol of the map and the way map 1 went mentally broke fnatic plus heretics are like loud of last year to fnatic. Fnatic can beat heretics in bo5’s but everytime they play a bo3’s against them they fall apart

posted 6 months ago

G2 is not winning against fnatic. Fnatic literally diff g2 in ever way the only thing that g2 are better in is that valyn is better mechanically than boaster in every other way fnatic are better

posted 6 months ago

As a drx fan you should not be so cocky you beat fnatic in GROUPS drx are literally groups stage merchants you play like the best team in the world in groups then fall apart in playoffs

posted 6 months ago

By your logic eg can’t be called the best team then as they lost to loud twice and they never beat fnatic. They played fnatic twice and lost both times 5-1 in maps to fnatic so by your own logic eg can’t be called the best.
Until champs playoffs fnatic had lost only 8 maps and lost only 1 series up until they played loud at champs that’s consistency plus on the all the maps they played that year they had a positive record eg didn’t come close to fnatic that year

posted 6 months ago

I mean fnatic in tokyo as well

posted 6 months ago

Stop deflecting accept that your point is ridiculously stupid and full of holes

posted 6 months ago

Oh my bad

posted 6 months ago

Oh my bad

posted 6 months ago

But drx beat fnatic who beat vitality who beat heretics who beat gen g

posted 6 months ago

Milky Way I think

posted 6 months ago

So vitality always beat team heretics and vitality always lose to fnatic but team heretics beat geng and geng always a beat drx but fnatic lost to drx your logic has so many holes in it

posted 6 months ago

A g2 fan talking about luck? You legitimately had the easiest group at this tournaments it was group with recognisable names but in terms of quality it was worse than group c and you barely beat edg. Also in a bother comment you said fnatic won both pistols on haven then what about sunset kru won both pistols on that and also win the first 4 rounds of the first half and the 1st 3 rounds of the second half and still only won 13-11 you want to talk about stuff then what about

posted 6 months ago

Vitality are gonna beat lev and heretics topped the group of death what are you on about

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

I think the maps actually favour fnatic with breeze no longer in the pool
Fnatic win on haven and lotus as well as sunset in my opinion
Geng win on ascent probably as well as icebox at the moment but that could be wrong as fnatic might have sorted out their icebox at this point and geng win on bind probably
But abyss could go either way however I would favour fnatic purely because anderzz who helped them with lotus was hired by them again and I assume he was hired to help them on abyss so it’s 55/45 to fnatic in my opinion
So fnatic have the slight edge as I think both teams would win 3 maps and I slightly favour fnatic on abyss only because they are usually great at figuring out new maps and mainly because of anderzz

posted 6 months ago


posted 6 months ago

I just had a look at willminder on twitter and I saw fnatic had the highest defence round win percent at 61% and the joint highest attack round win percent at 57% and I then went to check the players with the best first kill success percent and realised there were no fnatic players so I had a thought and checked the fnatic players first kills to first death percent and realised that they really didn’t have that high of a first kill percent a little over 50% I would say.
So what do you think of this is it a good thing or bad thing? As it could be a good thing as you could look at it like if they improve their first kill success percentage they could be even better but it could also be a bad thing as it means they are playing quite a lot of rounds with a man disadvantage
So what’s you thoughts? Is it a worry or am I just overthinking things?
Sorry for this being so long just wanted to get peoples thoughts

posted 7 months ago

It’s just me speculating based on situations that have happened in the past and mostly just because most people on vlr are talking as if it’s confirmed which is messed up as the only evidence is from the person accusing him so it was just me being frustrated by society constantly just assuming and believing the person who accused someone without facts or statements from both parties until the person who it is speculated to be, drx or someone or an organisation in law in Korea speaks out in the case we currently have

posted 7 months ago

The reason I think it’s strange is because didn’t the alleged player take a break for personal reasons at the end of stage 1 which now in hindsight is most likely related to this current situation if that’s the case drx should already know about this then which could suggest they’ve investigated already and since he’s still playing either drx are playing a risky game, they have evidence or they just didn’t know. Another reason why this is suspicious as well as strange is the timing of both things during stage 1 they started to look really good then possibly the accusation could of happened which drx could of made sure it was kept quiet while they were investigating the situation to see if it’s true or not. I think the recent accusation is actually the second accusation and once again when drx were looking good and they qualified for champs a situation happens regarding a certain player.
Also according to butterlyeffect the girl only wanted h the person remove from the team which is also strange why would you only want that and why would you not want to take him to court one possibility is that she might not have been telling truth so going to court was never the option again this could be false and she could be telling the truth I’m just speculating.
It’s possible that he could have cheated on her and she is holding a grudge against him so she’s trying to ruin his life again only a possibility but don’t forget the girl is only going 17 years old and it’s not impossible to happen and has happened quite a few times at least in the west so it could happen in the east too and since she’s soo young she might not have that experience in life so getting cheated on might of caused her to want him too suffer as well.
Another possibility is that he didn’t cheat on her but simply broke up with her and she might of still loved him so she might of felt betrayed and getting dumped could have just broke her.

Of course it could just be she is telling stuff and in that case then I will apologise if I am wrong and all my theories are wrong
Just providing some different theories on what could of happened if the allegation turn out to be false

posted 7 months ago

You could also look at it other way though that maybe drx are silent because they already have some way to either prove that the evidence is fake or a way to prove that he’s innocent we just don’t know yet as if it is true staying silent for so long would actually make drx look worse especially because if it turns out to be true then it’s a pretty stupid move to not the remove the player sooner to at least minimize the loss of this reputation so there is still some hope left for drx fans but it all depends on if drx have some concrete evidence to prove that the player is in invent

posted 7 months ago

I think he’s saying that the olympics is actually heavily tied into politics and now with games officially being recognised by the olympics similar things will start to happen to games which could be disastrous in the long term. I mean look at certain games already that have been dragged into this woke nonsense as some from Japan you should be all to aware of what happens when politics start getting involved with games due to a certain game developed by a North American company recently

posted 7 months ago
  1. Alfajer
  2. Chronicle
  3. Woot
  4. Forsaken
  5. Leaf/ smoggy
    I’m not sure if leaf is a flex or not and I don’t know between leaf and smoggy who is better.
posted 7 months ago

How are you saying vitality could lose due to inexperience when talon is even less experienced than vitality. They’ve literally got a ranked player who’s played 3 tier 1 series and vitality have sayf and also trexx who have experience meanwhile the talon players don’t have that much experience

posted 7 months ago

Fnatic, fpx, kru and talon and it’s even close the the weakest or 2nd weakest 3rd place team and fpx and talon is a weaker combo than bilibili and drx In my opinion either way I think the weakest group contains fnatic as i would say on average the top 4 in emea is better than all the other regions. An emea team might not win champs but in terms of the average level of the 4 teams each region sent its emea

posted 7 months ago

Nope they get the best chance of having an ‘easy’ group but this champions I don’t think a single group will be easy there are good teams in all spots from seed 1 to seed 4 so it just lets you avoid the 1st seeds of the other regions in groups

posted 7 months ago

I think the opposite. I think they banned icebox and sunset because they don’t want to give away anymore information as outside of those 2 maps as well as haven and lotus they’ve only played 2 times on different maps that being at the start of the split the 1st 2 maps of split 2 actually. So I think they want to play abyss while hiding their true ascent although I think their bind is their actual bind. So either they got try out their new bind comp or both their new bind comp and abyss

posted 7 months ago

Did you forget about fnatic they have been the best team in emea in split 2 and still have shown barely any maps.properly or multiple times
The only maps they have shown properly is haven, lotus and sunset and maybe icebox
They’ve played icebox 3 times but they’ve had 2 different comps and apparently derke was not well when they played against karmine corp and finally they only played both ascent and bind once against bbl in the 1st week when Hiro only recently joined them

posted 7 months ago

Sayf has only really outperformed derke once and that was in the emea grand finals and in that series liquid played the best they had all season, chronicle wasn’t well and derke, boaster and even leo to some extent weren’t performing to their normal level and despite that sayf only had about 5 more kills than derke despite most people saying derke played bad or at least below his normal level and sayf played great so while sayf is great derke is in the same league as aspas and only really demon1, jingg and texture have been able to match them when they are playing at their best in the last 2 years since franchising

Sorry for going on for so long

posted 7 months ago

Fnatic + gen g
Team heretics + team vitality + leviathan + g2
Prx + drx + edg + fut
A true tier list

posted 7 months ago

Nope the 3 maps that vitality beat heretics on fnatic are great on they aiready beat them on sunset and lotus and I would say their best map is haven plus they haven’t shown abyss, haven’t played on ascent and bind since their 1st series in split 2 and at that point Hiro had only recently been added to the team so who knows how good they are on those maps. Plus fnatics icebox is confusing they played it once with reyna then changed comps and destroyed liquid 13-2 only losing the 1st 2 rounds then they got destroyed by karmine corp but derke might of not been well that day if you look at the camera towards the end of lotus he didn’t look like he was feeling alright but who knows

posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago


posted 7 months ago

Because fnatic only won 15-13 and especially against karmine corp Hiro was ridiculous so the other teams might of thought it was a map that had weaknesses they could exploit but fnatic have simply been getting better at it the more they play the map

posted 7 months ago

Fnatic don’t care about groups they know better than anyone that groups don’t really matter as if you want to win your gonna have to beat those teams anyway

posted 7 months ago


posted 8 months ago


posted 8 months ago

You do realise points are what determine which teams go to playoffs not records look up each teams points because its points not record

posted 8 months ago


posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago


posted 9 months ago
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