S:Loud FNC
Tell that to fnatic who were winning almost every pistol since the strat of the season until now using practically the same pistol strats since lock-in for very map the only match they didn’t win at least half of the pistols was furia where they lost every pistol even against loud they went 7-3 in pistols that’s why they are so good 1 of the reasons at least they are best team in the world at pistols so it will give them a big momentum boost as they are winning most pistols once eg face fnatic I would be interested to see how they do against fnatic in pistol rounds that’s if eg can beat loud and either liquid or edg
T1 is fine where they are
they are on the same level with navi but not with the b tier teams
They lack the experience the A tier teams have and they still need to prove themselves considering 2 weeks ago they werent expected to make americas playoffs
Would say the same thing considering EDG
They are not on the same level as the A tier teams
Although I would not mind being proved wrong
this could all be a honeymoon period
overall drx is a more stable and consistent roster
they havent gotten grouped once since the start of valorant and they had consistently placed good in tourneys
you cant rate eg higher just because drx lost to them in a h2h game
its like when guild beat optic
optic was the better team after still
ALSO mako had an off day and stax had his worst game in his whole career while boostio won them half of their rounds on his own