Subreezy [#53]
- not a fan of kyedae, not even following her twitch. i just hate seeing people being sexist under the guise of making fun of someone's gameplay
- first clip: she was the lowest rank in the lobby, they were playing with a shit ton of imm3s, therefore the average elo between them checks out. if she wasn't actually imm and she got boosted there, the average elo would be way lower, especially if he's on a smurf account.
- of course she knows omen can do one ways. i've seen her do some in clips. it's just that specific one-way that not many people would think of and how broken it is given the angle and how you NEED to crouch to see them. i've played 500 hours of yoru and have mastered his kit, but there's always some new one-way flash or tp lineup to learn. i know the mechanics, but not every scenario where it can be good.
my point is that people will make fun of her for not knowing something simple, yet i don't see those comments when it comes to pro players. 2 clips come to mind (s0m and the footsteps during a clutch and yay learning a new angle from a silver) yet no comment is saying "imagine being a pro and not knowing that". just feels like people want to shit on her because they want to discredit a woman being immortal. maybe im wrong, but that's what it seems like to me.
what are you even on bro 💀
the average elo would be way lower
no it wouldnt. mmr exists for a reason and hes obviously way higher than kyeades, shes peak imt1 like 3000, playing with top imt3 doenst make sense at all. either way shes still getting boosted, which proves you wrong... in the second clip shes literally playing against A 112 PEAK RADIANT JETT. WHILE THE OTHERS ARE ASC PLAYERS
shes been playing omen since beta and its her best agent, her not knowing a basic mechanic to how ult in heaven/hell or a one-way just shows her lack of knowledge, i bet 99% of main controllers in imt knows that. and also the ones i play against too. i dont see what the problem is about making jokes about it? youre acting like they are making HORRENDOUS comments about her when i only saw like 3 comments about it and they didnt say anything toxic besides the obvious. and saying she gets comments like that because of sexism is just untrue. tenz gets a bunch of comments in clips saying "better than tenz, overrated" etc.. is he a woman? literally one of the best players in the world. yay also gets alot of comments specially after he left c9
tdlr: youre too soft