The biggest problem with Ranked for me is that the player's arent on the same page. I mean that while one player wants to play more competitive and serious, the other wants to play more casually. This leads to frustration, mainly on the more competitive side, because if one player is not very focused on winning, while, on the other hand, the rest of the team is, he spoils the fun of the majority.
When I used to play CS on Brazilian servers, they managed to deal with this problem in a much better way than Valorant. They basically divided the community into 3, where the most casual players used to play on regular MM, the ones who wanted to play a better game but didn't aim to become a pro, used to play on GC, and the ones who were trying to become a pro or wanted a higher level matches used to play on Face it. This made less likely that someone who wants to become a pro, for example, is placed with the casual base.
I don't know what exactly is the best path for Valorant, but if they managed to separate the player-base just like it happened on CS, I would enjoy the game much more. Perhaps they could try creating in-game tournaments, where you could queue with your friends.