Flag: South Korea
Registered: May 12, 2021
Last post: September 13, 2022 at 10:31 AM
Posts: 100
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yeah cuz theyre so predictable...

posted about 2 years ago

lol trash old school head mentality that can never get out of their own way. same strats, same comps, same trash

cant root for my country anymore until they learn how to adapt and be less prideful

posted about 2 years ago

Good or bad idea? Where once a year or maybe like world cup, once every 4 years theres a huge tourny with multiple esports championships of like League, Valorant, COD, etc. Sounds lit

posted about 2 years ago

say what you will about the format, but the reality is that in the upper bracket 4 you got APAC 1, EMEA 1, KR 1, and NA 1.

so they mustve done something right to get top seeds of different regions into upper

posted about 2 years ago

no neck to breathe down

posted about 2 years ago

without a primary oper, they will never really compete to win championships. will cant op

posted about 2 years ago

no they would play nrg

posted about 2 years ago

I do trust sean and ddk will realize this. So interesting to see how this plays out.

posted about 2 years ago

One of the main reasons behind Asuna moving off duelist was his inability to op and play a really effective jett. If Will doesnt op either, Asuna needs to go back to duelist. His ADHD does not kick in playing flex.

posted about 2 years ago

it really is this simple, they overextend and have to peak angles because they have no chamber to hold mid or flanks...

posted about 2 years ago

Say and feel what you will about the roster. Nadeshot is one of the realest out there.

He deeply cares about the team, his org and tries to be as transparent as possible to the fans.

posted about 2 years ago

I think this would open up Asuna to just stick to rifling as a duelist and Ethan can flex around the Skye/Sova agents. I think that would be a tier 1 roster.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

sign my man up right now

posted about 3 years ago

JasonR hates women

posted about 3 years ago

Well im in Immortal so was wondering if we all getting booted

posted about 3 years ago

Is Act 4 getting hard reset?

posted about 3 years ago

Why is that a bad thing? There is one major tournament at the end of the year that you vie for. There are discrepancies in payout for winning, but it keeps all orgs competitive in nature knowing that just simply having the top team is going to afford you opportunities.

This creates incentives to actually keep valorant as an esport competitive instead of hearing how pros like pati consider OW or pros go back to CSGO.

For some regions that also have a hard time attracting talent this is another bonus.

Im sorry, but all I see are W's by doing this.

posted about 3 years ago

Are most of the brazilians or international flag holders on this site from those countries or are there some brazilians who live in America repping the Brazil flag?

Im reppin that Korea flag but born and raised in nyc.

I mean trash talk exists in all sports, but we are definitely getting to the fine line of crossing it.

But how do Brazilians living in America think of all this? Because trash talking in US sports imo is more prevalent.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

sad face

posted about 3 years ago

LOLOL its like my boy is on a rollercoaster. Looks nervous/excited/hyped all at the same time.

posted about 3 years ago

Sucks that one of these teams has to go home in the Quarters and imagine a different world if Gambit beat 100t.

But regardless, I wont be mad if Gambit wins - both teams deserving.

posted about 3 years ago

lol are you dumb? what team is going in with the ambition to play new teams for the sake of playing new teams?

look at their win percentage rates against both those teams. why wouldnt you want to set yourself up for the best percentage of success

posted about 3 years ago

SEN would rather play 100T or Envy lol

posted about 3 years ago

plus 1

posted about 3 years ago

Yooo this dude cracks me up. His post game interview on the Korean Valorant channel.

He has the team feeling confident and good moving to playoffs. He was telling solo from Nuturn to just lay down and enjoy like he is watching tv because they going to win.

posted about 3 years ago

you also dont speak english well 🤷‍♂️

posted about 3 years ago

damn my fault

posted about 3 years ago

smh, who thought it was a good idea to do Masters the week the NFL season begins

posted about 3 years ago

forsaken csgo india

posted about 3 years ago

well shahz said the other day that the fill in would have been COM. depending on how he fared, I imagine they would have looked for another or maybe at this point in time they would have just waited for sinatraa to get back.

posted about 3 years ago

Huh? So you are basically complaining about a problem while being the problem?

Because you are petty and immature you decide to do exactly what you are stating you hate? Its pretty comical LOL

posted about 3 years ago

I think when they were actually considering it. It was when they were going to drop dicey and got Ethan. So I was presenting a situation that was completely realistic.

posted about 3 years ago

Imagine the world in which 100T ended up with Tenz (i do think Ethan is still good) and I recognize that playstyle with how they usually dont play 2 duelist is. But I imagine they would have found a way to adjust and would immensely help their playstyle.

Also in my opinion would make Sentinels weaker. I think it would have created a much better balance to the NA scene. Whereas right now its pretty much expected for Sentinels to consistently stay at the top.

I personally think it would have made NA Valorant really interesting.

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

where v1 would play pioneers and xset/rise to move forward

posted about 3 years ago

ill be honest, the position of how he sits did not look comfortable at all. maybe i gotta sit like him to frag out

posted about 3 years ago

Player face cams make the stream, 10x better.

All tier 1 tournies need to get the players on cams.

posted about 3 years ago

All fair points, I guess there can be multiple definitions of what people view as tier 1. But I guess what I am saying is I feel like they are still a level below sentinels.

They have the raw talent, but it has been months now and it just is frustrating not to see it all put together yet.

posted about 3 years ago

Been rooting for them since day 1, but even their wins are never convincing. Watching them I can confidently say, they legitimately have zero chance against sentinels.

posted about 3 years ago

I think its time to consider they should no longer be in a tier 1 conversation and potentially a roster shakeup.

They are so predictable and they dont take enough risks and stay posted up on defense.

The only reason they stay close in games is because they have loads of talent. But I think it is time to shake this up. Love Hiko, but wonder if him/steel gotta go.

posted about 3 years ago

Honestly, every time I watch him play he is actually so clean and good at the game.

I just think he is mad annoying. He is sooo sensitive and always reading chat and crying.

Makes it hard to cheer for him. But I do agree that people go OD on him. If you don't like him just don't watch his stream.

posted about 3 years ago

i would disagree. a lot of the changes have made it more expensive and difficult (more orbs for ults) to be purchased and made.

its hard to appeal to everyone, but as a company Riot is going to want to mainly appeal to building its brand through pros. so while the pick rates for certain agents may be low in the overall schematics; they are making jett less op, astra less op, raze ult and sage ult less op - all things that Iceland showed could outweigh strategy

I do agree they need to find the right delicate balances but I enjoy that they work hard to make updates and changes

I trust that if EVERYONE hates these changes they will make tweaks to make it better

What more can you ask of a 1 year old game

posted about 3 years ago

its pretty sinple imo... the game became very less about gunplay and aim and just randomness with abilities.

Whether you agree or not, appears that riot wants to trend more towards csgo than ow

posted about 3 years ago

"jammyz thanks for everything you're out"

"jammyz you're back in"

posted about 3 years ago

Honest question. Aside from the lack of integrity of stream sniping, I personally find it really hard to blame someone for doing so.

Every athlete plays for a competitive advantage, and if a streamer who wants to make money and content feels that they want to broadcast their games has every right and reason. They also have the option to put delays, but when you have zero delay and get upset when you are publicly allowing everyone to watch your streams seems pretty petty to me.

Yeah the person sniping lacks integrity, then put a delay. If you don't want to put a delay and let the whole world watch your stream; like too bad, its comp not a sanctioned event.

posted about 3 years ago

LOL the amount of downfrags he got for this take...

The VCT is a season right? with everyone vying for the grand championship at the end of the season (year) right?

So if any sports team during the course of the season decided to make roster changes or trades, then all of their wins become losses because they did not retain their players?

It is a legitimate take...

posted about 3 years ago

all depends. yeah for most they run n gun to warm up in deathmatch. but its also a good time to play certain angles and peaks that you would do in actual comp to get your mechanisms in order.

posted about 3 years ago

sucks because the more time goes on, the more options of getting doodoo in there

posted about 3 years ago
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