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Registered: January 15, 2021
Last post: September 13, 2023 at 2:36 PM
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  1. Champs 2023
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  3. Reaver
posted about a year ago

yknow there was this really good roster under the organization gambit at one point...

Unironically though:

posted about a year ago

History made man, not two masters events, but still two global lans back to back.

posted about a year ago

Got rolled by Jonaaa6 in a DM last night, hope they win.

posted about a year ago

I started Iron after playing tank on ow, now I'm A3 after 1000 hrs of comp. You'll get there

posted about a year ago

Silver players not understanding gamesense moment.

posted about a year ago

I mean yeah its actually incredible that KC signed the players they did. Like why did you not sign probably a top 3 french speaking player when their other option was tier 2. Enzo also has IGL experience, which would have solved many of their issues too.

posted about a year ago

Smokes is the easiest to IGL from since smokes are so necessary to conditioning the opponents and for executes, so as IGL if you are on smokes you can do that faster than if you had to call it. Other util is helpful to executes but smokes are pretty much necessary always, so its more okay if it is used for individual non-called plays. It doesn't really matter though, IGL should play what they are best at. For example we watched Kinggg on Levi play raze/kayo and IGL and be considered the best player in the world (in scrims) by pros because of his performance and IGLing.

Also you can control your teammates and stop them from overpeeking/pushing if you smoke them off.

posted about a year ago

Or bang, who has been consistently getting better for as long as he's been on 100T

posted about a year ago

I mean MW is good, but there's no way you're putting him in over sacy.

posted about a year ago

Honestly went through and looked and aside from Jinggg being replaced with foxy9 and him being 4th with cned 5th it seems pretty set rn. Mostly non-duelist players have been stepping up and there's fewer hard duelist only players so its harder to rate people on just that one role.

posted about a year ago

Honestly dude you are playing too many roles. Try to stick to one agent per map, and if you have to flex try and flex onto an agent you play on another map. Another thing is that you are playing too many games in a day. When you play more than like 3-4 you end up auto-piloting too much and being unable to engage fully in the match to the extent that you need to to maximize your impact.

Also Astra is an extremely heavily teamwork based agent so if you are playing smokes you are almost always better off playing another agent.

posted about a year ago

Arcade Fire, 6052 min, top 0.05%

posted about 2 years ago

These Streamers Mald!

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

There are already KR players on NA teams…

posted about 3 years ago

126 plat 1 almost made diamond last act

posted about 3 years ago

Icebox has problems for the viability of mid, but I agree for sure

posted about 3 years ago

S: breeze
A: ascent, haven
B: icebox
C: bind
D: split

posted about 3 years ago

His cousin makes cheats, and he was banned for cheating in the past. He did not cheat in Valorant and he was the best player in EU during first strike. He had been on and off playing because of issues with his family and had to stop playing completely in order to try and figure it out. We hope he comes back soon.

posted about 3 years ago

Overwatch is in the middle of their season

posted about 3 years ago

SEN is the best team in the world. EU might be the better region as both their teams came top 4, and the other teams in EU are also close to those teams in skill, leading to a stronger overall region. HOWEVER V1 didn't have wippie, and they likely would have been better and made 3rd over Nuturn if they had wippie. There is definitely a tier gap between SEN and the rest of the world. Ranking rn:

B: Nuturn, BR, X10

posted about 3 years ago

Bind is Nuturn's best map, but it also is Fnatic's best map, and they might be the best in the world at it. The team that played astra won on the non-Bind maps lol

posted about 3 years ago

Just cause SEN is the best team in the tournament doesn't mean that the other teams are bad

posted about 3 years ago

Scream does IGL, but I do agree that that is the wrong choice as an IGL

posted about 3 years ago

You can still do that while making an actual team that would work

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

It all depends on who wins tomorrow. I might want whichever of Shahz and Boaster win for igl, but then I'm not sure if I would want Derke for jett or for sova depending on who wins and then who I pick. Right now I think I'd go:

Shahz (jett/sova)
Derke (Sova/Sage)
Mistic (smokes/skye)
Dapr (sentinel/viper)
Doma (flex)

posted about 3 years ago

Peak was already 750K people IIRC, so 1 million isn't that crazy. It certainly should be a great match

posted about 3 years ago

It should be a good game, I'm leaning towards a SEN win simply because they have revealed less, but I want a FNC win. We will see!

posted about 3 years ago

Mostly players from the minor regions as I had seen literally none of their play and was expecting very little for them, and then they actually competed (at least KR and SEA did).

BR disappointed me as a team, and a few players did do much worse than expected. Sacy was as expected, the best or second best player in BR.

EU was what I expected as well.

NA I expected Tenz to choke so his performance was a bit surprising.

posted about 3 years ago

Link was the most valuable player on Liquid during the tournament, soulcas was excellent, jamppi was mostly consistent and good, krypix was good, and scream was consistently great. Scream didn't carry that hard, it was a team effort and he did more than his job, but he still didn't succeed while the other players in the conversation did.

posted about 3 years ago

Shahz is the best/most valuable player in NA, still isnt the best player in the world. If they win I'll give it to him though.

posted about 3 years ago

Derke will just be the best sova in the world ig

posted about 3 years ago

They only play it where it is the best, liquid are on something though...

posted about 3 years ago

He is one of the best riflers in na, the team is just disastrous with playing together like a t1 team

posted about 3 years ago

Yeah, you have to do great utility combos to get more value out of brim than you would with astra, and astra just is a better individual agent in addition to being slightly better for utility combos.

posted about 3 years ago

Paura Derke Scream cNed Ange1

Wish that niesow was still playing as he was likely the best player in Europe for a time.

Sacy mwzera Khalil saadhak xand

posted about 3 years ago

I think it would be sick, but still....

posted about 3 years ago

I mean sacy is either the best or second best BR player so it’s not that big of a deal.

posted about 3 years ago

It’s cause sen don’t take the less important games seriously. They prepare very little, they play their game, and they don’t worry about being the best in the region against lesser teams because they don’t need to expend that level of effort to win.

posted about 3 years ago

Roles modCheck

Also gtn did not look good at Reykjavik

posted about 3 years ago


posted about 3 years ago

If it’s stupid and it works it’s not stupid, or at least that’s what I tell myself

posted about 3 years ago

And Asuna isn’t one of the 100T players on the list. Even as a 100T fan this man is on crack. I want some of what this guy is on cause it’s gotta be really good.

posted about 3 years ago

At least they have won stuff

posted about 3 years ago

I think that it is posted in order of likelihood of victory. So FNC is most likely, followed by VKS, then Liquid, and so on.

posted about 3 years ago

The 3 way rock paper scissors match between NA EU and BR styles should be really interesting for sure.

posted about 3 years ago
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