would win
it was almost 100% Bob's team would win
sheahhhh [#4]i never thought mel was the star, idk why she is GC's poster child
but alexis is not bad
Alexis was the worst one in C9W
fIuid [#8]#statpadder + she got lucky + has the easiest role
how is initiator the easiest role? she had insane plays so she cant be a stat padder, ur trippin
ibop_ [#7]mel isn’t good don’t see the hype around her, if she gets through today i’ll give her benefit of the doubt but she was t the star on c9w yet got the most recognition
isnt meL the igl?
sheahhhh [#9]how is initiator the easiest role? she had insane plays so she cant be a stat padder, ur trippin
I'll come back to this when they make roster changes ^_^
noxx [#10]isnt meL the igl?
yeah meL IGL'd for C9W, plus she mid-fragged all but one of C9W's matches in Berlin. Maybe she isn't a flashy topfrag, but she seems to be reliable when it comes to fragging. I can't speak to her IGL abilities tho, I don't know how to measure that.
dipdipdiver [#12]yeah meL IGL'd for C9W, plus she mid-fragged all but one of C9W's matches in Berlin. Maybe she isn't a flashy topfrag, but she seems to be reliable when it comes to fragging. I can't speak to her IGL abilities tho, I don't know how to measure that.
then I dont get why people are calling her mid because she is putting up massive numbers and rarely goes negative for an igl tbh and I saw people saying she wasnt the star player of c9w?? like there were so many games where she hard carried c9w while being an Igl which is unheard of
ibop_ [#7]mel isn’t good don’t see the hype around her, if she gets through today i’ll give her benefit of the doubt but she was t the star on c9w yet got the most recognition
from what i've seen, she's one of the top igls in the gc scene (if not the top) and from the outside we can't tell exactly what she contributes. but through interviews/streams you can tell she's extremely passionate. as was c9w as a whole. she's extremely vocal in games and does analysis and stuff on stream, seems to have a great mind for the game
ibop_ [#7]mel isn’t good don’t see the hype around her, if she gets through today i’ll give her benefit of the doubt but she was t the star on c9w yet got the most recognition
+10 kd vs bob and kat's team last map, deserved recognition imo https://www.vlr.gg/165085/version1-vs-riribunobsumi-challengers-league-north-america-ro64/?game=110179&tab=overview
boboboygalaxyyy [#16]+10 kd vs bob and kat's team last map, deserved recognition imo https://www.vlr.gg/165085/version1-vs-riribunobsumi-challengers-league-north-america-ro64/?game=110179&tab=overview
check overall, not bad but once again not the best
sheahhhh [#17]check overall, not bad but once again not the best
It's not all about top fragging. You don't see that she had highest rating? How has she almost top fragged on astra last map? Shecan atlwast hold her own against other teams.
unknown_trash [#19]Sheah actually stfu your takes are abysmal. Huge L
get 1 wrong and ur on my coc stfu dumbass
SAMPV6 [#18]lmaooo stfu bozo
u have no takes of ur own u pussio whale stfu, u cant go 100% everytime
sheahhhh [#24]u have no takes of ur own u pussio whale stfu, u cant go 100% everytime
stay mad bozo lmaooooo
unknown_trash [#28]Uh she literally just did it twice lmao
if she cant frag against diamond players while being known as one of the best gc fraggers that would just be sad
andrewdamf [#31]if she cant frag against diamond players while being known as one of the best gc fraggers that would just be sad
i thought you had to be at least immortal to take part in the qualifiers???
unknown_trash [#35]i thought you had to be at least immortal to take part in the qualifiers???
not anymore
unknown_trash [#37]wait the limit must be like ascendant at least... right?
also a bunch of other players
noxx [#13]then I dont get why people are calling her mid because she is putting up massive numbers and rarely goes negative for an igl tbh and I saw people saying she wasnt the star player of c9w?? like there were so many games where she hard carried c9w while being an Igl which is unheard of
Yeah I agree, she's pretty cracked. Being as consistently good as she is while still IGL'ing is insane. There's a reason they barely ever lost games in 2 years of GC.
dipdipdiver [#12]yeah meL IGL'd for C9W, plus she mid-fragged all but one of C9W's matches in Berlin. Maybe she isn't a flashy topfrag, but she seems to be reliable when it comes to fragging. I can't speak to her IGL abilities tho, I don't know how to measure that.
bro i swear... do people not watch the matches and only see the stats or what???? smh
ibop_ [#7]mel isn’t good don’t see the hype around her, if she gets through today i’ll give her benefit of the doubt but she was t the star on c9w yet got the most recognition
When chamber was first coming out she was owning on him. You can check some old matches. Isn’t as good fragging on smokes but that’s to be expected.