I think we can all admit this team needs a total rebuild (except SicK, TenZ and MAYBE Kanpeki). Org hired Rawkus because he is friends with them, and we all know he was only hired because he's a yes man. Dapr has regressed. Kanpeki has had his moments but looked rough today. I don't even need to say anything about Shahz. Leaf's tweet today sums it up. Good stats + IGL + No results = Good IGL in people's eyes. We have zero actual strats or discipline on the team. All they do is fight even before the bomb is tapped in the post plants. It's so hard to watch, and the worst part is I doubt the org even makes any changes unless Kez grows a pair and makes changes, hires a real coach, hires an analyst, and hires an IGL dedicated to the game.