No they're def the real deal. Yay's just going crazy
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Registered: | December 7, 2021 |
Last post: | March 4, 2025 at 1:35 AM |
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No they're def the real deal. Yay's just going crazy
For a second I was like damn this is a bad take then I saw the user and was like, nvm this is the boring usual
Nah I've had their flair since NSG Open 14 and I love them. I'm just saying what I think's gonna happen based on previous gameplay of both teams. Just cause I don't delusionally say my team's going to win everytime doesn't mean I'm not a fan. The guard have far more potential than optic long term, and even now they have room to grow and develop as a team and as individuals. Even if they don't make masters, I'll be rooting for them in the future :)
Two reasons: I've seen Optic play on bind, and I'm tryna hard jinx
I don't think it was net trolling as much as Yay just balling. He's an insane player.
I can't see guard beating optic on bind. They really needed that 11-10 round and they didn't get it. Sadge.
If optic perform like they did against C9, them. If they fall apart (also possible), Guard.
Apparently they got 13-0'd???? I'm so confused what's even going on in EMEA.
I agree but I'd say not fns there. Smokes should be Zander and sentinel should be Mitch OR Smokes is Vanity and sentinel is Wippie. I'd say the gap between wippie and mitch is more than Zander over Vanity, so I'd go with the second one.
Damn this is hard. Imma try one for EU.
CNed (I really wanted derke but only boaster worked well for IGL and lets not forget that CNed is still insane)
Chronicle (I mean just look at him)
Shao (Pretty underrated, he can do sova incredibly well)
Boaster (Great IGL, he's been popping off recently, super good kayo util too)
L1nk (I think Nats would be the best controller, but we already have Chronicle)
I know you're biased but even you have to admit derke's doing better than scream these days
Honestly good list I agree
I think Leaf is doing better than Yay these days. For EU I'd put chronicle instead of nats ngl, but DEFINITELY keep derke. That guy has been crushing everything.
No way LMFAO. They're winning the next masters unless Russians get banned from everything, I'm calling it.
Obviously that's a big upset, but they were always much more inconsistent than M3C in the latter half of 2021, and to be frank, they looked a LOT worse at the start of this season. M3C looked godlike in groups (apart from that FPX nailbiter game) and even in playoffs they looked incredible. Their match against fnatic was some of if not the best valorant I've ever seen. Lowkey it feels unreal that they flubbed it afterwards.
Honestly the only weird part there was M3C, and it's probably because they got exhausted af and had an awful game when they needed to perform.
Yeah one bad map doesn't make it usual dude
I don't think we've watched the same deffo LMAO
I just woke up what the fuck happened how the hell
Ok so I woke up and M3C lost to G2? What the fuck happened???
This is genuinely the only way another region will win LMFAO
I love trent and saya but realistically they lose to players like chronicle and derke the majority of times.
Yes I agree with that first part, that's why I didn't list fpx. They seem a lot more inconsistent.
After watching that Fnatic vs M3C game, I'm feeling kinda down about other regions. It really does feel like those two teams in particular are so far ahead of everyone else, and it's hard to imagine a world where a C9, Loud, Optic, Xerxia, Kru, or DRX beat them. Someone give me the copium pls, I'll need it for Reykjavik.
I loved that game too but I think the team and utility coordination of m3c and Fnatic today is so much more than the gambit and ascend of last year. Just look at that insane 6vs5 fracture retake from fnatic where they PUMMELED m3c
Yeah no way they're not qualifying.
Best match in valorant history tbh. Even though the stakes were a lot lower than some other matches, the team and individual performances were off the fucking charts. I just hope that kind of play becomes the tier 1 standard in a year or two.
The best valorant I’ve ever seen in my life, this is the gold standard game.
Nah but fr. Every team needs to step up their game after watching this
Bro shaz is an incredible player in terms of mechanical ability and utility usage. His mentality on the other hand....
If tarik ever decides to grace pro valo with his presence, it will not be on TSM lmfao
Dude I'm sorry but optic have NEVER played consistently (I really wish they did). Even recently, they'll have insane peaks but then look like shit the next map (think vs V1 in groups). I'd say the most consistent NA IGL in Valo has been Vanity because he's led two different rosters to do well internationally.
M3C just get wholesome + practice buff
Deffo was great too. He was crying for Kru after that semi-final.
Oh mb abt curry but there's no way he'd beat out Xeppaa or Zellsis or even JonahP in the flex role. Just looking at T1's recent games vs very much not top tier opponents, he's mid to bottom in most. I do agree the most important part of IGLing is calling ability, but at the same time, if it's a super team, you need everyone to be able to frag and clutch. FNS isn't SO much better at calling that makes up for his inability to frag most games.
They both play Skye and Kayo. Xeppaa also plays Raze while Jonah does Sage and Omen (with like 1 viper game thrown in there). In this lineup Wippie would play the Sage and Zander would play Omen, so there's no need for those two. Saya can also play Raze, so that's covered. That means the added flexibity of both of them means nothing, so I think Xeppaa's firepower (possibly the best of any flex player in NA) makes the big difference.
Nah he’s a good IGL just not quite as good mechanically compared to someone like Zander for example
Have you considered xeppa or zellsis
The real super team is just chronicle in every role tbh
Initiator: Trent
I don’t think anything else needs to be said. Only Shaz if you don’t take a smoke igl for whatever stupid reason.
Smokes: Zander if IGL (he just edges out valyn I’d say), Skuba or Marved if not. All have great fragging and clutch potential.
Duelist: Leaf balls outta control. Cryo would also be good here.
Flex: Xeppa or Zellsis, I genuinely can’t choose between them. Incredible utility and fragging from both.
Sentinel: Wippie is too good to pass up here just look at map 2 vs Sen in playoffs. Net is super clutch but he’s just not quite consistent enough, dapr has not been great recently, and Mitch is good but not as good as wippie.
Nahhhh Zander/vayln > fns in terms of mechanical skill, Trent > xeta, I don’t mind Marved and Leaf is top tier, but I’d take Yay or Cryo over Curry any day.
I think you could also do leaf Jett, zellsis/xeppa flex
Dude before that he was one of the best hitscan players in ow (a much harder game to aim in). Look up some of his clips they’re insane.
Bro chronicle outfrags Derke on controllers and flex agents. No hate to derke, he’s absolutely one of the best Jetts out there but chronicle is different
Chronicle will at the next major tournament, trust
Saya was one of the best hitscan players in OW, it's no surprise he has cracked aim. What I'm more surprised about is his great supporting utility, probably in part because of MCE's help and the Guard's structure.