He did say that, I trust you bro
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Registered: | December 7, 2021 |
Last post: | March 4, 2025 at 1:35 AM |
Posts: | 5084 |
He did say that, I trust you bro
The only way I can twist it is: they were pugging with xeta a little last game because they expected to play with curry and they're actually insane with him. That's the only hopium I got.
Agreed and I fucking love to see it!!!
I actually want C9 to win. We know optic is fucking fantastic, if C9 manage to beat them, we’ll have two very good contenders for the world stage. If they can’t and lose horribly, I don’t even know which NA team could make a worthy second team.
I watched a bit of his overwatch career and honestly it seemed like even on shock he was never the best in any role
What, masters 1 of 2021??? That barely counts tbh
Sinatraa isn't going anywhere near their active roster bro
(try from 8:08)
edit: omfg on breeze to. Madman.
Yeah it is on points, but Guard got first seed from Challengers 1, so that's more than enough. Optic is almost definitely going to win Challengers 2, so no new team can topple that and even if they did Guard will still definitely make it. We'll have to see how they perform then though.
They'll still make it to LCQ and we'll see then
It's seeming likely they won't make playoffs so we'll see them in LCQ. I trust them to get better cause there's no way we don't get to see Saya on LAN again. Might switch to Zeta in the meantime tho.
It's just a flesh wound, they'll get over it
Where do you see odds :(
But honestly Sick is the only flex SEN need. He's definitely not the best flex in NA, but he's certainly not a bad player at all.
Good thread thanks guys
Do you really think Phoenix buffs will make him workable? I highly doubt that.
Yeah exactly! So I'd call him what he is: the best duelist in the world currently (on chamber which is by far his main pic).
Anyway I'm fine with this as a whole but fuck sinatraa; just scout some insane T2 player.
Ok if we’re literally just scrapping V1 for parts , replace dapr with Wippie that dude’s NUTS. Zellsis is amazing too but I’m not sure he would have a place on the team.
So do you count him as a sentinel main then? I’d argue chamber is the new meta duelistlike.
Sentinels 2023:
Zander -smokes igl
Sick - flex (kayo + raze + whatever else)
Tenz - please for the love of god learn chamber
Dapr -sentinel/second flex (hey he’s still good)
Fifth player -scout a cracked sova/fade or pay Mini to find em, he’s good at that
Coach: poach MikesHD
Analyst: no clue but get one
This will be a winning roster.
I’m fine w the yay not being there bc he only plays Jett as a duelist (guess he’s a sentinel main then?), but how are you gonna say “by recent performance he’s not that good”
When I see them being consistent, yes. Haven’t seen that yet.
Cryo's a little high there don't you think?
His mic kills me tho
Like I mentioned, I put certain chamber players (like Yay and now Derke) on the list because they're practically duelists. Good list tho
And he went stupid in all of them against some of the best teams in the world
Cryo and Mwzera I'm not as sure of, but I agree completely with the rest
I originally had it like that but I think he needs another tourney to prove that
To get our mind off all these awful CS threads, here's a non-bait val one. The following are my personal choices, I'd love to hear who you think and why. Another disclaimer: I'm counting Chamber players who were formerally duelists as duelists. This means I'm not counting Chronicle even though he's definitely an insane player, but I am counting Yay for example.
Yay. I don't think I need to justify him that much. He's an insane fragger with ridiculous peaks, is probably the most consistent duelist worldwide, and just fragged Optic to a victory in Reykjavik.
Derke. It's a massive shame we couldn't see him on LAN but he's looked like an absolute animal ever since his slump mid last year. He performed insanely well in Champions, and in EMEA quals he was probably the best player on any team. Super excited to see him at next masters (fnatic too good to jinx dw about it)
Scream. Just look at his Masters performance. I know he plays plenty of other roles, but even on Sage or Kayo, he plays like he's on a duelist. His mechanics are probably the best out of anyone on this list; he's just nutty.
Aspas. This one might be recency bias, but to go from never playing on LAN to fragging in almost every game you play at fucking 18 years old is no small feat. I have high hopes for the kid in the future, and I have no doubts we'll see him and Loud again.
Cned. Even though we haven't seen him on LAN since Champs and he wasn't the star of Ascend then, let's not forget this dude dunked on everyone for almost all of last year. He's had to tone down his insanely agressive playstyle because teams have gotten better, but he's still incredibly strong.
Honorable mentions it hurt dearly to leave out: Sayaplayer, Jinggg, Forsaken, and Nukkye.
I hope not, xeppaa is one of the best kayo''s out there.
I want an M3C bounceback
and Lil Skies like the dude above me said
No way this guy is saying the Yakuza are better than American gangs so Japan > America, what kinda argument is that??
It’s weird to judge C9 bc they didn’t know they were playing with xeta until the last min. I’m interested to see how they do against optic.
What the fuck are you talking about optic has one Canadian and everyone else is from the US
Her ult should do double dmg on the head but have a dmg drop off at long range. That way it won’t affect lower ranks much (they can’t hit heads anyway), and it’ll be viable in pro play.