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Registered: February 2, 2022
Last post: May 30, 2024 at 7:24 AM
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he has never banned anyone for that, he just times people out as a joke these days. you're just wrong lol.

posted about a year ago

they're literally friends. the two of them were teammates for years. just don't insult his close personal friends in chat and you'll likely be fine. he has a very chill chat, if you don't want to participate in the way that he wants to just don't type in chat, it's not super difficult.

posted about a year ago

Go watch CS then you braindead loser

posted about a year ago

i mean, that's pretty obviously what i meant in the context of this conversation. if you'd like to argue semantics, I'm done with this discussion. have a good night.

posted about a year ago

yeah bc he keeps getting switched all around so he cant get comfortable on his entries. if they'd leave him on duelist, or even just jett, he can OP and keep it up. i kinda wish they did pick up an NA duelist, but it's not like ardiis isn't good enough to be on this team.

posted about a year ago

They put him on KJ every other map dude. They picked up an entry role and placed him on senti bitch duty. The issue with NRG isn't the players, it's the constant role swaps.

posted about a year ago

ardiis is a superstar brother, did you watch a single FPX game last year. man walks on water.

posted about a year ago

yeah he's been wild with it. idk if it's working in scrims or what, but the role swaps are not it.

posted about a year ago

dude, C9 has been a team for 2 months lol. how is Furia, the team that beat Lev, losing without even taking a map off of them? what's happening isn't even just the antistratting - NA is getting a handle on the meta, and people are playing proper roles again. Now it's not going to be NA just getting stomped, it will be a properly competitive playoffs. I honestly have no clue who's getting to Tokyo out of Americas other than Loud. They're the only team I'm really confident is making it out.

posted about a year ago

mCe and Chet are the best coaches in NA, if only sgares was still around we'd have three GOATS coaching NA's franchised teams, shame honestly.

posted about a year ago

Fnatic exists they honeymooned their way into every LAN last year.

posted about a year ago

I wasn't a big fan of the Brazil crowd, but I think it doesn't end up really mattering bc loud still lost an 11-3 lead with the crowd. If the crowd actually helped they never lose that shit lol.

posted about a year ago

yo, it was a good game brother. but i think it goes NRG's way if they just figure out who's playing what fucking role.

posted about a year ago

yeah, and I've talked to dozens of fans, on and offline, who don't call Brazilians anything like that! and Brazilians call us gringos all the time, and I'm not blaming all of Brazil for that. stop generalizing all people just from the online assholes, every community has assholes. Did you get it now? bc u didn't the first time.

posted about a year ago

who tf calls them sub humans? you're doing the exact same generalization of all NA fans as fucking racist assholes. Most people in the US, especially on the internet, are pretty reasonable, and not that racist. Gamers are a group who are generally conservative in any country, so you're going to see more assholes in that group. but afaik, from many of the other NA fans I've talked to, most of us are fans of Loud since all of them are nice guys. I'd ask you to give me an example of a toxic NA franchised player, the worst you could probably come up with is FNS, who just trash talks during the game and is super cool outside of it. our best players are super chill and wholesome, like yay or tenz. It starts with a change in perception.

posted about a year ago

Blame Riot? Idk what to tell you, it's not like the NA orgs made the decision as to who did or didn't get into franchising. Also, refer to previous comment. Loud is a fantastic, incredible, amazing team, but they're the only Brazilian team to get out of groups at an international event, ever. While NA has had multiple teams at least compete at Masters and Champs, even if we never won a Champs. If Brazil deserves another spot, which I can't comment on, you'll win Ascension, and you'll continue winning against NA teams, and they might get relegated for Brazilian squads. That's just the nature of competition. But you can't say that NA hasn't shown more depth than Brazil competitively up until now.

posted about a year ago

Maybe in the past, but again, I'm cheering for Brazil over EMEA or Pacific any day now. Any South American or North American with a brain will realize that if any Americas team succeeds, it means more slots for all Americas teams to succeed, so unless they're brain dead everyone cheering for either region should just hope all of Americas does well, bc it matters the whole region. Also, who tf cares about other esports or the past? we can change shit now. I'm not faking a sense of union or whatever that dumbass sentence means, I really like Loud, i think they're a group of great players who are super wholesome and cool. If one team in our league succeeds, it helps all of us. Americas against the world from now on.

posted about a year ago

EG had much better protocols today. replace c0m with bcj, and i think they take the series 2-0 honestly. Ascent was super winnable, and fracture wasnt even close.

posted about a year ago

cauanzin is better mechanically than sacy imo. tuyz has been inconsistent, but if he can keep up his peak i think he'll be just as good as pancada ever was on loud. just needs experience.

posted about a year ago

Also dude, I'm happy your teams have caught up finally, bc Brazil literally never got out of groups besides Loud, and no other team besides Loud has ever even come close to a title. maybe it's just bc talent wasn't all pulled together, but that's absolutely true, so let's maybe chill out a bit, bc until now Brazil was a one team region. that one team is very good, but it is one team.

posted about a year ago

bro this infighting is so dumb, we're all in americas now. save it for the international stage, bc im sure as fuck cheering for Brazil and SA over any EMEA or Pacific team, and I'd hope the same from you. Having a competitive region with lots of good teams just makes our league as a whole that much better.

posted about a year ago

I love me some jimzo, but Shao is the best clutch king in the world. I've never seen anyone as clutch as him, especially on his home agent of fade. Mako and sacy are some pretty good honorable mentions tho.

posted about a year ago

if he didn't sign anything during Champs, then it is absolutely fine to explore all your options. And he won the championship with them. It clearly wasn't in his head if he was good enough to win the biggest tournament of the year with his team lol. that's logically inconsistent. you can what if and maybe all you want, but clearly the reality is that he was invested enough in Loud to win the most difficult tournament of his career, and do it on a team that put on one of the best performances in history.

posted about a year ago

wait, there's no way this is an era? lol, loud is still a top 2 team in the world even without sacy and pancada, they almost won a back to back tournament. if they keep playing at this level, this well, it's very likely they become the first team to win two tournaments in valorant history. they're probably going to make an era without him, so it's not like him staying on the team and an era of brazilian valorant are mutually exclusive.

posted about a year ago

Lol you're so mad bc you didn't understand what I was saying and now are just bringing up random shit to try the old mindflood. Stay shook bro, I ain't reading all that. What a fucking loser lol.

posted about a year ago

I hope

posted about a year ago

hopefully NA gets better

posted about a year ago

"please tell me how else i am supposed to interpret this."

I'll tell you exactly how to fucking interpret that, you brainless fucking simp. By reading what I said, and not implying anything farther than that! I used him as an example of a good player in NA, where we have a lot of talent to be developed! With some coaching, he went from a ranked demon, to a player who could go toe to toe with talent that was playing well against Optic last year!

To answer your moronic fucking conjecture, we don't fucking KNOW if they can win champions or masters, they've been in t1 for a literal fucking month. Regardless of who they have beaten, they still were able to take a map off LOUD, the fucking second best team in the entire world right now. that's a big fucking leap from literal nothing to going up against world champs and taking them to a map 3. In one fucking month. that's how much depth there is. you know how you get international experience and develop talent? By giving it a fucking chance! you don't go leaping to an entirely different region! And though we haven't watched a ton of NRG, there is NO WAY they should ever, ever lose to MIBR, made up of SA players who at no point had any chance against Loud last year, And there's a lot more to be concerned about with the flip flopping of roles there than anything else.

And the whole point of TGRD losing at that LAN is that they would have then gotten that fucking international experience! We didn't see them get to another international event, but that first LAN is often the most difficult. Look at XSET, they had no experience in Copenhagen and got owned, and then went to Champs and performed far above and beyond what anyone ever fucking expected, beating FPX and FNC, two teams that should have been way, way better than them! AND TGRD LOST BC THEY DIDNT HAVE INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE, SO USING YOUR OWN FUCKING LOGIC ONCE THEY GOT THAT INTERNATIONAL EXPERIENCE BY LOSING THEY SHOULD BE READY TO OVERCOME THAT FUCKING PRESSURE YOU MORON.

posted about a year ago

no I DIDNT. I said LOOK at Oxy. As an example of a great player in NA. specifically, in the context of him, one who is a complete rookie but has gotten better and better with each game. I NEVER said he would be in NRG. I just used him as an example of how NA has a lot of talent! Use your brain and fucking read my words!

posted about a year ago

Holy L you fucking moron

posted about a year ago

dude, can you read my comment and use your reading comprehension? Like, actually look at what I said, and see if I said at any point that Oxy deserves to be in franchising? You made up a strawman argument, and then tried to fight that instead of actually replying to what I said. Oxy isn't good enough to be in franchising. He needs way more experience and coaching. But he's getting there, every game. Look at Runi and jakee, two t3 players who are good enough to play in t1 with a little coaching and a lot of scouting. Oxy doesn't deserve to be in franchising yet, but as I said, there are great players in NA who could have fit onto NRG way more easily than ardiis. Victor could have played full duelist (he has a pretty good Jett) and we could have gotten JonahP, eeiu or Nismo on flex. Instead we went to a different region, for a player that doesn't even exactly fit the roles NRG needs. It's ridiculous. NA has enough talent, we can MAKE champions, we don't need to buy them from other regions. No hate on ardiis, he's a great player. I love the guy, I love his personality. He's hilarious and cracked. But if we were going to fucking lose anyway, and there were going to be role problems ANYWAY, just do it with fucking NA players! I'm sorry, that's just my fucking opinion. mCe literally took two t3 players and got them good enough to compete against Loud in a month! It's not that hard to just find good NA players.

posted about a year ago

XSET got better every single tournament they played in, they went from getting shit on at Copenhagen to playing the best EMEA teams really close and beating them at Champs. Imo, franchising wrecked all the good chemistry that was getting built piece by piece in NA. We'll see if we can ever get it back.

posted about a year ago

I still love NRG, they're a great team. I will never stop cheering for my GOAT IGL FNS. But look at fucking G2 LFT Oxy. There's great players in NA that could have fit in onto NRG if they were willing to do a little bit of scouting instead of just jumping for a big EMEA name. I get the impulse, but if we were going to fucking lose anyway we might as well have lost with our own talent instead of EMEA and Brazil players.

posted about a year ago

I've always loved the Guard bro, idk why tf you think I'm just now jumping on their train, and I literally bought M80 merch the moment the store opened. Assumptions make asses out of you and me both bucko. I'm just pissed that NA teams tried to get clever with it and pick up talent from other regions instead of just using legit fucking NA talent. So many good players in our region and we have to go fuck off to Brazil and EMEA.

posted about a year ago

Doesn't even matter, couldn't take a map off DRX omegaLOL. imagine being an EMEA team and losing to DRX.

posted about a year ago

They're probably better than RNG (that was on purpose) and Sen too.

posted about a year ago

As if Optic would ever lose to DRX, much less lose twice in a row without taking a single map lol. What's your Champs excuse? No visa issues there, yet no FPX in the top 4. Curious.

posted about a year ago

"destroyed" beat in a close match after a few miracle clutches. Man, you're really just trying to spin one narrative huh? Koi is a team with two weeks practice and that matters a ton, but when FNC beat Sen with 3 weeks of practice it's still amazing!

posted about a year ago

And you couldn't take a map off DRX in Champs. I don't have a dog in this fight, but FPX did pretty bad at the tourney right after Copenhagen if we're being good faith.

posted about a year ago

It wouldn't matter bc they would have Cryo supported on comfort roles, bcj fragging on initiator, zekken the ultimate flex and Ayrin helping dephh with calls so he can focus on his gunplay a little more, since he is actually quite good when he's not full time calling

posted about a year ago

I don't even care about that, it's just ridiculous that we feel the need to force the signings from other regions when we have such good talent in NA. Both Sen and NRG did it, EG did the stupid ten man thing, and we all know what happened to C9. 100T had no excuse, they really screwed the pooch losing Sean.

posted about a year ago

XSET was actually getting fucking good, Optic was playing amazing, and then franchising destroyed our fuckin region bc every single org tried to get funky with it instead of just building a good NA roster with the talent we had. So dumb, maybe next year we'll get good again with Ascension players taking spots from players who don't deserve it.

posted about a year ago

Fucking NA should have just signed NA talent instead of trying to get clever with it. Guard, M80 and G2 were all available to sign, instead we tried to get funny with it and try stupid shit. Victor on full duelist and JonahP, eeiu or Nismo on flex would have been amazing. But everyone wanted to be cool and different. Just sign NA talent and we'll start getting better again. We have enough, just watch challengers.

posted about a year ago

i would cheer, Americas is Americas now. A rising tide lifts all boats, if SA can win at LAN it will help all of Americas get better.

posted about a year ago

Zekken imo. Him, Victor and Rb are the top. EMEA doesn't play neon very much.

posted about a year ago

Lol. Hopefully he's as good. But no one beats FNS.

posted about a year ago

it's obviously just doug memeing lol

posted about a year ago

They are an anti winning team.

posted about a year ago

Dude KC fans were flooding his DMs after he made some pretty reasonable criticisms of KC, I think you've clearly never watched a single piece of Sideshow content if you think he actually wants to destroy the player's mentals. He's not a bad dude lol.

posted about a year ago

Yeah you said three players AND THE IGL! It's only two players and the IGL. be more clear bro, we're literally on the same side and this is such a dumb argument to have. My only point is it's just Ghost v Ghost and either side that wins, Ghost wins. Idk why you're being so pedantic since we both clearly liked Ghost, but have a nice day.

posted about a year ago
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