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Registered: July 15, 2024
Last post: September 19, 2024 at 3:11 AM
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vit for kicks

posted 1 month ago

might as well change your flair to fnatic at this point

posted 1 month ago

you could say they’re… unGUARDable

posted 1 month ago

generational hating

posted 1 month ago

polar bear in arlington texas type comment

posted 1 month ago

good list

posted 1 month ago

what the fuck LOLLLLL

posted 1 month ago

never thought i’d see the day where fnatic of all teams is the most interesting in emea

posted 1 month ago

this just in, vlr users learn that world class players make a world class team

posted 1 month ago

i think drx has dark horse potential and 14th for them is crazy, otherwise good list

posted 1 month ago

geng and sen sometimes make flashy plays and it sometimes wins them rounds. you know who else does? g2!!!

for example that one execute in abyss against 100t, that was certainly flashy. but people still call them boring

most people here just want everyone to play like prx or edg and get surprised when they bomb out to players with 10x more discipline and structure

posted 1 month ago

“potential to beat him” he HAS beat him

think it’s now a 2-2 record overall

posted 1 month ago

unfortunately bringing back patitek would make a minimal difference. maybe they’ll make it out of groups but that’s really it

posted 1 month ago

you can have mechanically insane players on a team but people consider teams like g2 boring when they don’t pull off crazy executes or set plays every round

like they see prx full send it into site and think “yeah this is for sure a champs winning playstyle”

posted 1 month ago

people are beginning to realize overly flashy teams don’t win trophies

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

good post kskm

posted 1 month ago

format sucks, but every team has had equal opportunity to make it to champs if they just win games they need to win. 100t would’ve made it if they won against furia or didn’t choke against loud

if you don’t win the right games, you don’t go champs, simple as that

posted 1 month ago

relax bro, everyone knows you’re secretly going to hate watch

posted 1 month ago

is paycheck stealer the only insult you know

posted 1 month ago

time to log off buddy

posted 1 month ago

winner: GEN
most overrated team: PRX
most underrated team: VIT
most overrated player: PRX Jinggg
most underrated player: G2 JonahP
team that is gonna choke and flop in groups: FNC
mvp of the event: GEN Meteor
player that pops off on an ass team: KRU heat

posted 1 month ago

i might when champs starts

posted 1 month ago

it doesn't matter what seed you get so long as you treat every team with the respect they're due and prepare for them accordingly

posted 1 month ago

eeiu was certainly the best sentinel in americas

posted 1 month ago


have all regions sent their best representatives?

posted 1 month ago


GG 100T

posted 1 month ago

bro heard the shit talk and locked in wtf am i witnessing

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

why are the games we expect to be ass more always interesting than the ones we expect to be good

like the lev g2 game was a complete stomp but the 100t kru game is a mudfest but actually close

what's going on

posted 1 month ago

don't compare the GOAT to mta

posted 1 month ago

to be fair he went from duelist to init/viper but this guy is NOT it

posted 1 month ago

i see twitch chat has discovered vlr

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

ascent 2022 loud

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

good bait 👍

posted 1 month ago

he was the duelist for SAW, i believe, placed third in emea ascension

posted 1 month ago

marteen, n4rrate, tomaszy

posted 1 month ago

yeah i took it back immediately after i sent it LMFAOOOO

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

jonah more of a flex no?

posted 1 month ago

i am a s0m and fns fan above all
i am rooting for g2 at champs

posted 1 month ago

another successful lesson by professor p

posted 1 month ago

this post was sent via internet explorer

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

bartender, i'll have what he's having

posted 1 month ago

does he know 100t won map 1

posted 1 month ago

kru simply does not like winning, i can't come up with any other reason as to why they thought this was a good idea

posted 1 month ago
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