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Registered: July 15, 2024
Last post: September 19, 2024 at 2:41 PM
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okay sure so he shits the bed a few times internationally, it is what it is

still a good player, still overhated, still a world champion

my point still stands, he turns up when he needs to and he is turning up now

posted 1 month ago

you don’t have to do well every game, just the ones that matter

c0m is the best representation of that

posted 1 month ago

not even swvyboi baits this hard

posted 1 month ago

he looked bad at the beginning of the year since he played a whole year of duelist before that, but he’s locked in now

posted 1 month ago

vit and g2 (assuming lev wins this match) would both be #2 seeds

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

if g2 is saving strats then they’re cooked for champs personally, planning out strats and actually executing them on stage are two different things

posted 1 month ago

why would g2 save strats anyway, trophy is trophy

posted 1 month ago

your first mistake was opening vlr

posted 1 month ago

wild seeing lev fans come out of their hole after a map win, you guys think they actually have a chance of winning champs? kkkkkkkkk
also the people suddenly acting like c0m was getting undeserved hate, this guy has mediocre aim and decent utility (and are we forgetting his performance in split 1 + shanghai?) you can replace him with any of the tier 2 recon players and they'd likely be better. it's easy to look "good" when your whole team is showing up and performing well, the moment they stumble you'll see him back at the bottom of the scoreboard every game as usual

posted 1 month ago

just put the fries in the bag bro

posted 1 month ago

melser as non-igl was cold tbf, at the time it was a good signing

posted 1 month ago

love my boy dan but leo is the GOAT baiter

posted 1 month ago

there is no other player in americas that has had the same level of dominance as he has

he has consistently been at the top of his region since his debut on loud and he’s showing it here on lev, and whatever his playstyle is whether it’s entrying or baiting or whatever, it obviously works for him and his team so that’s why he does it

by far the GOAT of americas, no one has yet to come close

posted 1 month ago

big game player

posted 1 month ago

thoughts on 100t vs kru?

posted 1 month ago

i feel like removing the ability for iso to die in his ult makes it too overpowered, a lot of duelist ults are capable of taking space and creating chaos in different areas of the map, but all of them have ways in which they can be punished and i think this idea removes that for iso

posted 1 month ago

zombs is a co-owner of sentinels

wardell is streaming with onlyfans girls i guess ☠️

not sure what sick and hazed are up to these days

posted 1 month ago

maybe it is, but we’ve seen their peak and there is a non-zero chance we could see it again

posted 1 month ago

none of this will matter if sen bring their a game

if this calculation is based solely on the face that sen might not improve/lock in from now until seoul, then yeah i see what you’re getting at

posted 1 month ago

i become fans of players by watching their streams or watching their pro games, then i just end up rooting for them wherever they go

posted 1 month ago

c0m shoot bad, c0m go negative, c0m get hate

even when he plays well there are 3 million threads on him every time he plays

posted 1 month ago

he vanished when sen needed him most

he was their win condition, without him they’re no longer good

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

why is trent habib

posted 1 month ago

texe fucking rino

posted 1 month ago

“look how little first deaths he has!!! he must be a baiter!!”

right because he doesn’t run in and die immediately like a headless chicken, the guy actually entries and gets the kills and then his teammates all just die around him

posted 1 month ago

pretty sure it’s a cs thing

s1mple was called s0mple whenever he had a shit game, among other examples

posted 1 month ago

he was actually on the roster at the beginning but he had an injury

posted 1 month ago

greatest of all time ≠ best of all time

sacy has a champs and a masters

posted 1 month ago

both are in goat conversation

posted 1 month ago

all these “aspas is a baiter” threads make people forget that this guy is still a world champion and has consistently been at the top of his region since his debut

call him a baiter all you want, he’s got aura and is definitely in the goat conversation

posted 1 month ago

guy is playing insane this series

posted 1 month ago

either way he’s happy because either one of keznit or aspas is eliminated today

posted 1 month ago

i just checked and you’re right, by 13 days

posted 1 month ago

youngest player is probably woot

oldest probably boaster

posted 1 month ago

game is game

posted 1 month ago

what is c0m’s mother tongue?

edit: i thought you meant comming OOPS

posted 1 month ago

i guess it makes it easier to make groups without having regional matchups within the first few days

match-up wise i feel like it shouldn’t matter if every team locks in and prepares for everyone they go against

posted 1 month ago

get an actual igl, melser looks giga uncomfortable calling

posted 1 month ago

100 throws

posted 1 month ago

g2 and lev seem levels above everyone else, and g2 is a step above lev

i wonder how we will fare against other regions

posted 1 month ago

getting diffed by boaster should mean instant retirement

posted 1 month ago

good post lelouch526

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

they have been undefeated since shanghai bro, i don’t think they’d want to make any changes unless they start getting shit on

posted 1 month ago

leaf is not the only aimer on g2

posted 1 month ago

this guy is insane but he’ll just end up in a budget roster by some team like koi or tl and he’ll get snubbed

posted 1 month ago
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