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Registered: July 15, 2024
Last post: September 19, 2024 at 3:11 AM
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it's map 1 bro

posted 1 month ago

your team is losing to kru bro, lock in

posted 1 month ago

give my man jonahp some respect

posted 1 month ago

My name is Hiko
I am a baiter
I'll meet you on site
A little later

posted 1 month ago

lev melser vs xset on split

posted 1 month ago

phantom diff

posted 1 month ago

fluke win is still a win

posted 1 month ago

i'm guessing just the winner of that tournament unless they had some regular season matches

posted 1 month ago

gamers2 esports may perhaps be good at the tactical shooter title VALORANT

posted 1 month ago

this team was always t1 level, people forget these guys were on par with optic

difference is now, these guys are no longer rookies; they're more mature, have worked on their aim/playstyle, and are much better teamplayers than before. paired with valyn growing and maturing as an igl, in hindsight their success seemed obvious from the beginning

posted 1 month ago

fuck professor, i'm thinking president p at this point

posted 1 month ago

don't get me wrong g2 is in incredible form right now, but they look levels ahead of everyone else. are we just bad??? whats going on????????

posted 1 month ago

so? if i had a player like aspas who is more than capable of guaranteeing trades AND capitalizing off of them as well, i'm baiting for him too

lev works because aspas is capable of using his duelist utility to shut down plays with explosives and escape util

either way, this is all being done when he was on defense, he actually entries on attack so idk why i keep seeing these threads LMAOOOO

posted 1 month ago

yeah because he knows that if he dies first they lose the round

posted 1 month ago

lev lose = 500 aspas baiter threads

never gets old

posted 1 month ago

i'd lose my shit if that happened to me

posted 1 month ago

go get some water my guy

posted 1 month ago

i think next year they implement a system where if they qualify for champs they guarantee another spot in t1 the following year

posted 1 month ago

that's it i'm convinced, g2 is winning champs

posted 1 month ago

this reads like a drunk post

posted 1 month ago

saw the title and immediately knew it was a trembo post, generational hating

posted 1 month ago

class is in session

posted 1 month ago

how is it too early? they look to be in their best form directly before the biggest tournament of the year

posted 1 month ago

top 3

posted 1 month ago

they lost to the guard core regionally though

posted 1 month ago

my bad i think my mind refused to remember babyj ever being in tier 1

posted 1 month ago

th vs vit was a stomp wdym

posted 1 month ago

all this to lose 13-0 to valyn again

posted 1 month ago

g2 became the best team in na once they signed fns as their costreamer

now we know why nrg flopped, he passed on all his aura to them

posted 1 month ago

i miss trent's viper tbh

posted 1 month ago

i refuse to hear ANY lakia slander

posted 1 month ago

does this mean vit wins 3-1?

posted 1 month ago

i'll be real i don't know if this team is ever splitting up

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

they did not look this good in split 1

posted 1 month ago

your boys look drilled icl

posted 1 month ago

at the end of the day seeding won’t matter if you lock in and give your best against every team you play

upsets happen all the time and it will happen in this event too, so every team should focus on themselves and prepare to make a run

posted 1 month ago

where is the flair change you promised

posted 1 month ago

3rd seed at champs

honestly they’ll probably make it out of groups anyway so it doesn’t mean much but their performance looks bad today

posted 1 month ago

in that case demon1/jawgemo

i’d give the edge to jawg because he’s more of a true duelist

posted 1 month ago

i would consider chamber a duelist-esque agent in 2022

plus his jett was also very good

posted 1 month ago

if we’re talking all time, yay has to be 5th

he’s giga-washed now but you can’t deny he was him at one point

posted 1 month ago

i mean we’ve been sayin this

posted 1 month ago

get rid of deadlock and they’ll be fine

posted 1 month ago

if i had a player like sayf on my team i am 100% playing around him

look where he is and look where tl is

posted 1 month ago

well no one else is doing shit either 😭 they’re sending him in to die and then they act surprised when they lose the round

posted 1 month ago

miniboo just needs to play something other than neon. he isn’t getting frags and no one knows how to play off of the space he takes

this should’ve been so obvious to them but they’ve made him play this agents 4 maps in a row LMAOOO it’s so cooked

posted 1 month ago

i’ve seen enough of the neon, th use it like a crutch except they still fall over and over again

posted 1 month ago
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