Flag: China
Registered: October 9, 2024
Last post: March 1, 2025 at 11:50 AM
Posts: 203
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It's a team game, people keep acting like a trophy makes that big of a difference when it comes to individual comparisons when it really doesn't. Not everyone who wins champs or a masters is the best in their role or even close to it. It's the better team that wins, not the better individual.

posted 3 days ago

typing "cope" after he gives a valid reason is actual cope

posted 3 days ago

Beyn also shows up too?? like how can you call sacy and lakia "star fraggers" after not bot fragging for one tournament and then discredit Beyn? You aren't making sense.
Beyn is good with initator util (crazy assists per game) while flashback has world class lurks. Changing the roles makes zero sense when it's working so well.
And you are acting like DRX doesnt already have the best possible person on second entry with mechanical demon free1ng. DRX roles are fine. DRX didn't get eliminated because Beyn didn't frag, it was because hyunmin and mako had a terrible series.

posted 3 days ago

NS played bad and lost, I'm not coping.

posted 3 days ago

its legit their first tournament and they placed 1st kickoff, why we jumping to conclusions so early

posted 3 days ago

you cannot be fr right?

posted 3 days ago

You can 100 percent get carried to a trophy if your team is good enough. Sacy won both tournaments with two players considered worldwide number 1 at some point. 2022 loud would still be considered a modern super team. Not saying sacy is terrible, but he fs doesn’t deserve goat status. He did his job on those rosters well enough to not be a burden to his carries and that’s all he needed to do.

posted 3 days ago

Sacy and lakia are not better fraggers than beyn bro😭
Sacy was hella mid mechanically for his time on sentinels and lakia was bot fragging nearly every game.
Arguably rather have a mechanical sentinel over a mechanical initiator. You need to win your lurk 1v1s on sentinel and multifrag on site holds. Having a mechanical initiator is nice but a good aimer on sentinel will always have more impact imo. Look at players like leaf, meteor, and chichoo. Flashback looks very good on sentinel and he wins a lot of crucial rounds for DRX with his lurks. I rather keep the roles as is.

posted 4 days ago

Yes they are frauds, kickoff is a troll tournament without a group stage that goes straight to double elim. If teams had more margin of error before elimination I’m pretty sure another team would have made it.

posted 4 days ago

Senti igl is so viable. If your team has good comms you can sit in a lurk position and stare at the minimap with minimal info loss. Munchkin basically does this every time he plays viper on lotus and he absolutely cooks.

posted 4 days ago

Stare at the charts for 3 hours until you can see them with your eyes closed.

posted 4 days ago

Beyn has been solid imo and the team chemistry with him is honestly too good to let go of. Think you also also have a bit of recency bias because when he was subbing for flashback last year he was absolutely cooking.

posted 4 days ago

TLN flair talking about cope

posted 4 days ago

Just remember conservation of momentum and you can solve like 90 percent of the problems no issues.

posted 4 days ago

Think about it the other way: no coach besides Termi can get just consistently good results out of different rosters. And considering that they are starting out the year with this kinda performance and 2 rookies, DRX can be expected to play even better this year. The new roster hasn’t peaked yet imo.

posted 4 days ago

Izu the most underrated player this whole tournament. Looking like Korean forsaken with his agent pool too.

posted 4 days ago

Being able to make this many rosters play at that high of a level consistently is an accomplishment in itself tbh. And if we are being fr here if hyunmin didn't have a stinker game and meteor didn't recall his 2024 form for this match DRX probably would have won fracture at least.

posted 5 days ago

G2 has had their core 3 for way longer

posted 5 days ago

Hyunmin had such a bad series while meteor finally woke up. T1 super team finally living up the the hype.

posted 5 days ago

Kickoff 2025 u mean?

posted 5 days ago

I feel like forcing IGL on initiator is super overrated. SEN won Madrid with johnqt on senti. Boostio won champs playing KJ.

posted 5 days ago

he just tilts easily, verno out here punching FNS.
not comparable

posted 5 days ago

yeah based on how he plays on t1 I'm starting to think munchkin's calling was the real reason meteor did so well.

posted 5 days ago

also a Singaporean org so they have money for sure

posted 5 days ago

people will blame anyone but the player and the team

posted 5 days ago

sylvan perma negative kd but at least he's consistent with it

posted 6 days ago

yeah this post was super braindead

posted 6 days ago

I actually have US citizenship lol

posted 6 days ago

told you so

posted 6 days ago

if he keeps up this performance I will probably move him up

posted 6 days ago

Derke can't play neon even tho its super strong on some maps and KK has a monster raze at least comparable to derke's. I'd say KK is more well rounded overall which is why I rate him higher.

posted 1 week ago

Derke not being able to play neon during the neon meta was so troll. Imagine how much better 2024 FNC would have been.

posted 1 week ago

autumn is actually a power of friendship coach bro, get rid of him asap

posted 1 week ago

TE can play like 3 maps at an acceptable level bro, they are not better than T1

posted 1 week ago

Keiko was a monster domestically and we have only seen a single series from him at bangkok. Would still keep him top 10 but trexx and kicks are both great players. Tournament is honestly so stacked with great individuals its hard to tell.

posted 1 week ago


  1. EDG (or VIT either possible)
  2. VIT
  3. DRX (put G2 here if you aren't a DRX fan)
  4. G2
  5. TL
  6. T1
  7. SEN (most overrated team here)
  8. TE (or SEN both look terrible)


  1. KK (would put derke here if he could play neon tbh)
  2. derke
  3. chichoo
  4. free1ng
  5. hyunmin
  6. trent
  7. keiko
  8. less
  9. nobody
  10. mako
posted 1 week ago

Bro tried to sneak S0N into this one, that mid ass team is not winning.

posted 1 week ago

Both teams deserve to qualify and it would be disgusting to let a team like SEN or TL into playoffs in their current forms over DRX/G2.
Please rig this shit riot.

posted 1 week ago

Don't know who's downvoting this, objectively true.
KK dropped kill record at champs and nobody gives this guy any respect. KK is top among OPers if not the best, among the best riflers, among the best entry fraggers, and can play every meta duelist at a top level, + drop inhuman highlight reels with his insane mechanics. Derke can't play neon.

posted 1 week ago

lowkey, more like highkey dominating
only close map so far was g2 map pick

posted 1 week ago

SEN fans will always find an excuse.

posted 1 week ago

yeah I think LAN experience is what matters the most for sure. International or not, the in person pressure is different.

posted 1 week ago

real legends remember kingzone dragonx

posted 1 week ago

where is chichoo

posted 1 week ago

I hate to break it to you, but you might be a SEN fan if you support SEN? That might be what being a fan means? Are you in denial?

posted 1 week ago

That wasn't even the point I was making. I was just calling out the weird logic that losing to a good team should mean that they somehow should beat some completely unrelated team. The examples shown weren't against comparable opponents at all but it was spun into some weird improvement narrative. Not saying SEN don't improve after losses, all teams should learn from a loss, but the reasoning behind the comment is so braindead.

posted 1 week ago

cubert flair
extensive post history supporting sen or favoring them in matches
"I never said I was a SEN fan"

you never denied it though?

posted 1 week ago

used to be a n4rrate believer but might have to concede that he was a one tournament wonder

posted 1 week ago

"When did i say i was a sen fan"

like bro you can play dumb but you did indeed say all this

posted 1 week ago

cubert flair not helping lol

"sen never wins the opening matches so we shouldnt be worried as this is normal
al good
posted 12 hrs ago

caught lmfao

posted 1 week ago
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