Flag: China
Registered: October 9, 2024
Last post: March 1, 2025 at 11:50 AM
Posts: 203
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tbh he's just an aimer, nothing about his util is super exceptional

posted 2 weeks ago

best initator doesn't mean best fragger bro, s1mon has god util

posted 2 weeks ago

thats only for 2025 kickoff events, and even considering that its still a high pickrate for a map like haven where a truely meta comp hasn't been defined

posted 2 weeks ago

People can fall off? Sen and Optic players were considered world class when they won. You literally gave two examples of players who fell off hard and expect none of their teammates to also fall off? Braindead logic.

I've gotten nothing but good vibes from Rossy in the few recent streams I have watched, and for a hater I can't see you watching more than a minute of his stream, so this twitch chat claim is sketchy asf. Why would you interact in the chat of a player you clearly hate. As mentioned before, the entire roster of T1 that year had no issues with Rossy. If you wanna make a case, find me a recent clip of Rossy where he clearly shows a problematic attitude.

posted 3 weeks ago

asking for thoughts since you clearly didnt think at all writing this list

posted 3 weeks ago

he might be brazil's father

posted 3 weeks ago

"g2 didn't even look good mate"
yeah they don't look good if you're fucking blind

posted 3 weeks ago


posted 3 weeks ago

Do you have selective memory? You can scroll up and read back what you said yourself buddy, that is exactly what you said.

posted 3 weeks ago

aspas is not a femboy 😭

posted 3 weeks ago

he's bad on entrying in general please stop coping

posted 3 weeks ago

This is platoon slander, m4 report was legit 100 pages of chatgpt and demon1 is still shit on raze.

posted 3 weeks ago

So why did you just drop the most retarded take ever calling sentinels the only team that has players who can win rounds? Actual zero self awareness

posted 3 weeks ago

Foxy9 is already starting to cook don’t count him out. Also yoman is not even that bad mechanically, arguably an upgrade over Lakia in that department

posted 3 weeks ago

Not a g2 fan but you might have brain damage

posted 3 weeks ago

Literally every top team has players who can step up and win rounds, do you not watch games besides sen games? Actual sentinel fan brain damage at work. EDG, PRX, NS, TH are all teams with 5 self sufficient individuals, and I could probably name more if wanted to.

posted 3 weeks ago

im a believer

posted 4 weeks ago

nah trust he just needs more time on controller to adapt.
I can't see demon1 utilizing his frag potential nearly as well on senti when he could just play second entry smokes and bait tex or natank perma.

posted 4 weeks ago

not even sentinel just put him on controller like he was on EG

posted 4 weeks ago

what are you smoking this is not true at all

posted 4 weeks ago

If you have good timings but can't capitalize off it then you shouldn't play senti. Zellsis is not mechanically good enough to win his lurk fights consistently

posted 4 weeks ago

No, I'm not acting like anything, I am saying that Zellsis is too mechanically inconsistent to be a good sentinel player and nothing you said disproved that.

posted 4 weeks ago

You just described every lurk no? Idk what point you are tryna make here. The whole point is to get that second option if you can take that space. But clearly you can't take any of that space if you can win the singular duel vs the anchor that opens up that side of the map. And you clearly were not watching the game if you said Zellsis wasn't playing hard senti. Arguably his best moments that map were when he played hard anchor and swung off his flash.

posted 4 weeks ago

"he is not the designated lurker"
Then why is he lurking? He is literally playing sentinel which is the standard lurk role no? A lot of excuses for a player that clearly isn't the best. And i just watched him whiff an easy shot on a guy who wasn't even looking at him on pearl. His mechanics are clearly the problem since that whiff lost them the round.

posted 4 weeks ago

Zellsis is super mid mechanically no matter how you spin it. The best sentinel players need to have high 1v1 winrate to get successful lurks off. Every top senti rn has top tier mechanics. There is a reason teams are switching mechanically good but inconsistent duelist players to senti. Look at meteor, leaf, foxy9, etc.

posted 4 weeks ago

Feel like people care too much about his role because right now he’s just outaiming people like he’s thanos.

posted 4 weeks ago

Two meat riders fight

posted 4 weeks ago

Tbh if we are gonna be completely fair flor is also dropping pretty damn good numbers despite her team running it down. Yeah she might not be the top duelist EMEA like the delusional hype men say, but she for sure won't be bad at all if she keeps it up. All in all it is really too early to make any sort of judgement on her standings among duelists considering that she's played like 2 BO3s so far. All the flor hype men and haters are honestly jumping to conclusions way too fast.

posted 1 month ago

yeah get this guy off sova. rather have oderus atp.

posted 1 month ago

"EMEA owned americas" proceeds to say absolutely nothing else to back it up, s tier ragebait

posted 1 month ago

FNC with Leo didn't even make Madrid. TH was the only team making it to top 4 in 2024, and they didn't take a single trophy. America's sent two teams to top 4 every single international of 2024 plus secured a trophy on top of it. EMEA is actually a one team fraud region by comparison. They literally do not own shit.

posted 1 month ago

emea had one top 4 team all of 2024

posted 1 month ago

you underestimate the american sleep schedule

posted 1 month ago

bro can't even take the time to read his own comment, who's the real retard? last comment is also 5 sentences, so if your brainrotted brain registers that as an essay ill keep this down to 2 so you can maybe get through it without subway surfers playing on the side.

posted 1 month ago

Athan had shit stats for literally every offseason game minus his kayo games. Clearly team has not gotten worse after subbing Beyn in. Like there is no way you unironically made a case for some rookie none of these players know over Beyn who had a solid 2024 season and was literally called Korean Zellsis for the hype and morale boost he brought to the team. Beyn has been on the team longer than Athan has played in tier one. I don't know what kinda braindead logic has you thinking that their practice will be worse with a player that they have played with before.

posted 1 month ago

coming back to gloat over how wrong you were

posted 1 month ago

did you even watch a single EDG champs game?

posted 1 month ago

Literally every pro who reacted to this match said the opposite. Any decently high ranked player with a basic understanding of valorant macro and teamplay will tell you you are wrong. You cannot be higher than plat with this braindead take.

posted 1 month ago

meiy clears all of them no?

posted 1 month ago

Buzz was hard cooking on literally every series of the 24 DRX champs run you must be on drugs

posted 1 month ago

bro had his eyes closed during the drx matches

posted 1 month ago

Flor has a better ACS in game changers champs than she does in NA ranked. Yeah she looks insane in GC but that doesn't at all compare to VCT. GC is like half low radiant to immortal 3 players whereas VCT, especially international tournaments, is literally the best players worldwide. Flor will be good just judging from ranked stats alone, but acting like she can hard carry some bums to a trophy is just delusion.

posted 1 month ago

is it actually proven that he actually paid them or did they run it down on their own accord?

posted 1 month ago

She's passive aggressive, toxic, and recently went out of her way to message someone's university esports team (presumably with malicious intent) over some lukewarm ranked beef she wasn't even part of.

posted 1 month ago

Athan isn't terrible but Beyn clears easily, no way they do worse with this change

posted 1 month ago

Most recently Joona made some incredibly vague incriminating statements about shanks "saying stuff" about her and characterizing him as "someone who likes to say stuff". Made it sound like he was hard flaming her or something when all he said was "how am I in her lobby?" which is entirely fair to say when you are high radiant and suddenly in a mid low immo lobby. Shanks just said that as a statement of surprise that he even landed in her game since it was so much lower elo than normal, not in any way to be disrespectful to Joona. Joona's response was like underhandedly implying that Shanks outright shit talked her or something, after which Shanks later clarified that he in fact did not mean anything rude. Shanks now has beef with her after he saw the clip of her implying that he was talking shit about her, which never happened. Joona is just a weirdo who likes to frame situations in the worst possible ways. There was literally zero beef before she instigated it.

posted 2 months ago

bro went from 7-8 to 3-4 pick a number bozo

posted 2 months ago

I'm pretty sure its like 0.048 3200 instead of the reported 0.48, so his actual edpi is around 153.6

posted 2 months ago

I mean, I would argue to be the greatest of all time you would have to be the greatest at some point. If you are familiar with league esports, Faker is considered the greatest of all time in league but that's because he truly was the greatest at points in his career. Even in recent history, he basically solo carried T1 through their two recent worlds runs in the JDG series and in the BLG series. Chronicle has been consistently really good for a while, but he has never been considered the greatest player at any point, as even within his own team he is always outshined. He hasn't had the peak that players like Faker, Yay, Demon1, Aspas, and more have had. Being good forever will never make you the greatest forever. Not to say that he isn't one of the best, but he has never been the best at any point, just really damn good consistently.

posted 2 months ago

Late to this but this is the most dogshit take I have read in a while. Rossy did have some ego issues back in the day in NACL but T1 dropping him had nothing to do with him as a person or player. T1 dropped him and xccurate to form a full korean roster for the obvious communication benefits. As far as I know from social media interactions, voice comms, etc, Rossy was pretty close with the entire early 2024 T1 roster, particularly iZu, who also expressed shock on socials when Rossy got dropped by C9. Rossy was also one of the most consistently solid players alongside iZu on that T1 roster plagued by inconsistency.

Anyone can tell from his T1 stint and his Redbull performance that he is much better than he was back in t2. And don't know if you know, but GEN t3xture was also a winless GE shitter and korean t2 nobody until this year. Bringing this up to say you can't use past team placements as a metric for individual value, especially in team based games. You could put prime TenZ and yay on the most dogshit teams ever and they wouldn't win shit. A good player needs a good team to shine.

posted 2 months ago
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