Flag: International
Registered: September 5, 2021
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 6:26 AM
Posts: 5536
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posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Today will finally be the day. After numerous exhausting weeks, filled with strenuous training it's finally going to happen.

Today. Today is the day I will be able to suck my own nutsack, at long last!

posted about 2 years ago

I'd let Brim orbital strike my choke point, if you catch my drift.

posted about 2 years ago

Oops! I closed the letter by accident, teehee .

posted about 2 years ago

bronzil? more like bro take your Hydroxydonepezil, it's a few months overdue at this point.

posted about 2 years ago

Vivo Keyd'nt win this match, but Vivo Keyd take me in the ass.

posted about 2 years ago

cNed lost to human trafficking scheme??? 我有大公雞 Brother involved???? 我有大公雞 Escape from Turkish Military 請發送裸照 cNed lost to human trafficking scheme??? 我有大公雞 Brother involved???? 我有大公雞 Escape from Turkish Military 請發送裸照cNed lost to human trafficking scheme??? 我有大公雞 Brother involved???? 我有大公雞 Escape from Turkish Military 請發送裸照cNed lost to human trafficking scheme??? 我有大公雞 Brother involved???? 我有大公雞 Escape from Turkish Military 請發送裸照

posted about 2 years ago

I can't wait for the next minor region tournament, sponsored by Crypto.com's newest furry hentai NFT branch, featuring the best teams from Canada (minor because it has 0 real people), Australia (not even a real place), and Ethiopia.

It really sucks that the last event got canceled due to a pedophilia scare, but that is one of the downsides of an only minor tournament. NA and EU have taken all the older players, who participate in special tournaments catered to senior citizens like Old "Hiko" Man.

posted about 2 years ago

Racist Rito: The VLR.gg voted best childrens' book of 2021.

It has reviewers frothing at the mouth. Here are some of the users' comments:
" chill bro just a game"
"let's not go that far.."
"Are you kidding me?"

With accurate depictions of racism in real life, this precautionary tale simultaneously teaches growing children about the many dangers of racism and recounts a gripping story of its own, with roots in historical events.

posted about 2 years ago

I'm glad to see that you've recognized the error in your ways, spookmeister. Here's to hoping that you continue imparting great wisdom to us with your, now available, intelligence.

posted about 2 years ago

You don't heckin' love TenZ?
That's not very BatChest of you, fellow vlr user. Be aware - there WILL be consequences ...

posted about 2 years ago

my letter for Rito:

I chose this letter because it's my favorite site. It's also the first letter of my favorite emote: BatChest. It's a great emote, used in many sentences. A great example being:

I heckin' love TenZ, BatChest.

posted about 2 years ago

Here lie two late Bruneian fans. Their life was short-lived but full of love and joy. It's truly a pity that passed away due to sleep deprivation and exhaustion from their dedicated, unchallenged copy-pasting "I heckin' love TenZ, BatChest". The epitome of a TenZ fan. All of us should take this moment to learn from them.

posted about 2 years ago

I want to preface this by informing you that I've put together all my chromosomes while writing this post. You can be assured that this post will be credible, thanks to my 40 chromosomes (I dropped the other 7 on my morning run) .

Last night, I fell asleep to a picture of Sacy's bald head. He's the reason I wake up every day. I just want to lick his smooth head for hours. His juicy, luscious, curvy scalp. It probably tastes like the cotton candy you get at carnivals, so sweet yet so light. I want to devour it. Just thinking about it gets me all warm and tingly.

I wanted to make this post to confess to my dedicated fans at VLR.gg, to inform all of you that I am no longer available. Yes, I know. I know I've broken scores of your lovestruck hearts. And I'm deeply sorry for doing so. I didn't mean to, seriously! But, love arrives when you least expect it, faster than you can blink. Let this be a message of warning to all of you lovely readers. Do not look at Sacy's scalp. It WILL bewitch you!

Vikings 2-0 Gambit. "Gambit has lost. They've lost all reason after just a glance at Sacy's head. They've chosen to forfeit the match in fear of infighting over Sacy's head"

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

I stan cNed and Zeek. Or, should I say, Zned.

Maybe cNeek would be better?

posted about 2 years ago

Thanks, brother. Let's thrust to a better tomorrow by penetrating the barriers of today. Let's stand erect, united in sodomy!

posted about 2 years ago

I came. Now what? I still have a bottomless hole in my chest. For what reason do we exist? Why does this endless cycle of procreation and annihilation continue? Everyday, billions of people get up, get dressed and head to work. They slave for hours working jobs they dislike, to go home exhausted and unable to spend time with the family who they work for. Is this what we're meant to do? Is there nothing to look forward to but more suffering.

My femboy porn addiction must be a consequence of global warming.

posted about 2 years ago

Cringe + Ratio + I fucked ur mom in tetris last night + jerks off to barney cosplay

posted about 2 years ago

apaerture pls be mny father too! i prwiomise that my perfarmance of bed mush mush betta than Sand, who'isa sussy slut

posted about 2 years ago

wtfff? whyyy! skurreaam so good before. nvidia been strict punishment 4 stealing all his shooting skill sussily

posted about 2 years ago

sussy soulcas shower situation with sentinels sick :flushed_emoji:

posted about 2 years ago

ScreaM brother, Nvidia steal his aim cells and cause whiff so liquid lose match vs sentinils, like impostar from amogaus. Whater ur thoughts, friends?

posted about 2 years ago

When the glitch was first discovered and spread on social media, I was interested to see how Riot would handle it. Choosing to ignore the situation outright would draw the ire of Giants' and X10's fans. However, a harsh penalty would only further fuel the existing anger of Brazil's fans, who've just had another incident in the Sen vs Furia teach pause.

Riot chose to give individual rounds to Acend, to the point where they won the map and thus won the series, posthaste. I feel that this was a good short-run decision - it is in line with maintaining the competitive integrity of the game, isn't hypocritical in comparison to X10's similar penalty, and was done in a manner that wasn't so harsh as to feel directed against Brazil. However, picking out specific rounds where the bug was used creates a precedent for round-specific punishment. It opens up the discussion to the idea that Vivo Keyd should only lose rounds wherein the exploit gave them a significant advantage, which is exactly what this thread is about: https://twitter.com/MateusCysne/status/1466996925610221568 .

For this reason, I feel that choosing to introduce round specific penalties for an already existing exploit, in the largest Valorant stage to date, was a bad decision in the long run. It may result in teams attempting to use exploits under the belief that, at most, their penalty will only be a few rounds. And, if Riot decides to outright disqualify a team for such an exploit, this incident will definitely come up in the discussion - making Riot feel hypocritical.

On a slightly unrelated tangent, this controversy may end up being beneficial to viewership. A potential Acend vs Vivo Keyd rematch would get the attention of many then uninterested Brazilian fans, and also the attention of those who dislike Brazil. It could very well be the single most toxic twitch chat to date.

posted about 2 years ago

Is there a way to delete replies?

posted about 2 years ago

<moved to main post>

posted about 2 years ago

<moved to main post>

posted about 2 years ago

It was mostly contained to Facebook. The organization itself participated in the "movement", there was even a hashtag that I cannot remember now.

posted about 2 years ago

100% agree. However, even if it was intended to be for these purposes, it doesn't feel right to connote those extra causes to this specifically worded hashtag.

posted about 2 years ago

It's hilarious that both teams abused the exact same glitch, got punished in a similar fashion, and witnessed their fans protest against it. Having them meet in the lower bracket elimination match is a great coincidence. I personally don't believe that X10 can win, however, it should still be an interesting match.

EDIT: Extra information:
Found a Reddit page detailing the retaliation from X10: https://www.reddit.com/r/ValorantCompetitive/comments/p8tntm/re_x10_camera_exploit/
What's particularly funny about this is that heat's tweet (https://twitter.com/heatfps/status/1466966463571447812) has similarities to the meme on X10's facebook page. They both imply that the reason they were punished was because of their nationality.

posted about 2 years ago

The word "justice" fits none of these periphery purposes. It implies that Vivo Keyd was unfairly punished, which is decidedly false - there's even past precedence.

Had it been "#supportvivokeyd", or a similar alternative, this would make sense.

posted about 2 years ago

That's exactly what this post said. It is pointing out the difference between Dapr's legal setup, and Jhow's illegal setup.

posted about 2 years ago

It's a grey situation. Apparently, that camera can be placed without jumping. He may not have realized that it was glitched.

If it were something like going under the map and shooting enemies, it's clear that the abuser is at fault. In a situation like this, it's difficult to do the same.

posted about 2 years ago

There's a chance he didn't. X10 and Vivo Keyd both communicate in languages other than English

posted about 2 years ago

Riot are nincompoops for not fixing the glitch after it was exploited twice in high-level play.

I'm annoyed that Vivo Keyd decided to use this camera when X10, and Giants both did and got punished. They clearly displayed that they were more than capable of beating Acend. It would absolutely suck if all that went to waste.

Finally, it sucks even more that people are attempting to justify these actions. It would be very annoying to X10 fans, who spent days protesting on social media if Vivo Keyd got off with a less severe punishment. (see https://www.upcomer.com/x10-use-illegal-cypher-camera-during-vct-challenger-playoffs-match/)

Relevant links:
https://www.upcomer.com/x10-use-illegal-cypher-camera-during-vct-challenger-playoffs-match/ - x10 situation, the most recent incident
https://www.vct.gg/news/129265-vct-competitive-ruling-vodafone-giants - Guild situation, "ground zero"
https://twitter.com/LucasRojo/status/1466819281598005256 - Explanation of the glitch

posted about 2 years ago

more recent than the giants thing, more immediate punishment. I've heard that the cam was not actually an exploit though.

posted about 2 years ago

Oh, I didn't realize! That's very relieving.

EDIT: This is a reply to ACQZY's reply

posted about 2 years ago

Compared to the Giants situation, this had an immediate map loss. It sucks that they chose to use that cam, since they won by quite a margin.

posted about 2 years ago

They will go ballistic. It won't be "come to Brazil" anymore, but rather "Brazil will come to you".

However, X10 and Giants were both punished for the same glitch. X10 lost the opportunity to proceed to playoffs and compete for Berlin, while Giants lost their next map.

I'm interested to see how RIOT will handle this situation, a bad decision here could fuck a lot of things up.

posted about 2 years ago

DavidP (igl)
Koldamenta (sova edition)

posted about 2 years ago

It's better to be called lifeless virgin on vlr than a lifeless virgin irl! I think you should not decrease your time (well) spent on this forum, but do the contrary. Increase your post numbers. Go for the throne! It's reserved only for the single biggest virgin in the world. That way, you can be number one at something.

You CAN do it. I believe in you.

posted about 2 years ago

Breaking news from Berlin.

Friendship ended with Acend.
New best friend with Turkish prison.

posted about 2 years ago

fr fr. you just typed straight fax. Straighter than a banana observing feminine feline males.

It's still true! Even after reading it twice. Even after typing this sentence.

Well, actually. Actually... that's just really really true! Genuinely the most truthful statement I've read in my life

The wisdom, knowledge and sheer cerebral energy put into this statement baffles me. "JettOnetap", you've outdone yourself. Truly, this is a brilliant post.

Absolutely excellent. Incredible. A feat for the ages.

posted about 2 years ago

fr fr. you just typed straight fax. Straighter than a banana observing feminine feline males.

It's still true! Even after reading it twice. Even after typing this sentence.

Well, actually. Actually... that's just really really true! Genuinely the most truthful statement I've read in my life

The wisdom, knowledge and sheer cerebral energy put into this statement baffles me. "JettOnetap", you've outdone yourself. Truly, this is a brilliant post.

Absolutely excellent. Incredible. A feat for the ages.

posted about 2 years ago

least toxic turk

posted about 2 years ago

If the support from their fans remains strong for another year, I think there's a high chance a Japanese team will develop to the level where they are a serious contender.

posted about 2 years ago
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