Flag: International
Registered: September 5, 2021
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 6:26 AM
Posts: 5536
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Starting at 1,000$ USD is disgraceful. For the physical product, bidding should commence at 10,000$ minimimum. However, if you were to NFT-ize .jpg's of the bath water, this starting price would be reasonable.

posted about 2 years ago

Unfortunately, as a VLR.gg user, my aim is so bad I hit the downvote button instead! My bad.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Me. I'm just that attractive.

posted about 2 years ago

Netero is a man of the people. A paragon for all that is just. It saddens me to see that they are yet to possess the four-star crown. #Justice4Netero. Give him five stars.

posted about 2 years ago

I'm convinced that there is a sweet spot that exists where Japanese, European, and East NA all have medium viewers, resulting in the highest view count. That being said, Saturday night is peak time for viewers. It wouldn't get too much better, but I was referring to the difference of ~50-100 thousand extra viewers if it was slightly better timed, to get it over 800k.

The shit-talk was just not there for this match, I feel. G2 showed that controversy does improve view counts. Not that it matters that much either way, though.

posted about 2 years ago

650k+ on twitch alone. Seems like the timing messed things up for a lot of people, if this was a second-time zone match it would have hit 800+ easily. Still, with three whole games left there's an opportunity for that to still happen.

posted about 2 years ago

bump because truth

posted about 2 years ago

my bad, wrong prediction. liquid violin was not the problem

posted about 2 years ago

I jmapple EU, BatChest.

posted about 2 years ago

Gambit lost a 9-3 icebox half against 100t at the exact same stage in the tournament to 100t
Now they won the exact same 3-9 half against Vikings at the same stage.

Incredible coincidence

posted about 2 years ago

this valurnt not ligue, boy. pls go back to ur game 4rum

posted about 2 years ago

Viikings th ebrazil team lasst because of viovokeyd tech pause. let me explain: when the Rioat admins say brazil they pause so vivo keytd lose game ! which had very bad bad yes. Then, heat was sad and post on twitter. because sad is contagious virus (wwww.who.com/sadnessvirus) viking whole team became sad. then they lost game.

RIOT ADmin such racist aginst BR teams why? so sad to see in ESports. very appointing.

posted about 2 years ago

I came. Now what? I still have a bottomless hole in my chest. For what reason do we exist? Why does this endless cycle of procreation and annihilation continue? Everyday, billions of people get up, get dressed and head to work. They slave for hours working jobs they dislike, to go home exhausted and unable to spend time with the family who they work for. Is this what we're meant to do? Is there nothing to look forward to but more suffering.

My femboy porn addiction must be a consequence of global warming.

posted about 2 years ago

you forgot Liquid.

posted about 2 years ago

Hi, this is queueK. I'm here to say that everything above is false. It was typed during a moment of delirium.
read the paper or I will molly your mother
Please disregard the message. If I do not post in a while, it's because I've decided to travel to a different nation and spend my life dedicated to studying the Mexican Redrump Tarantula.

posted about 2 years ago

I'm writing this message from Riot's Berlin HQ. I infiltrated their lair using a technique I developed through immense training: the vents. I went into the vents and dropped inside the building. Because their only competent observers were busy with the LAN, I was able to walk down into the basement. As expected, the APAC observers missed all the action. I got to the steel door, and used my KA/YO knife to open it. Inside, I found rows and rows of whirring pcs. All equipped with RTX 3091 (Nvidea gives them the new versions). That was the first piece of evidence: why do the players always complain about pcs when RIOT has 50 3091s in the basement? There must be something wrong. I investigated more, and what I found was astounding:

The conspiracy is true. I found it in the directory: C:\Users\John Riot\Downloads\MLP_Hentai_1080p\Top_Secret\new folder\Brazil.txt. That file. It detailed everything that happened, even though it was last modified on 01/12/21 (dd/mm/yy, NA degens). From the Furia timeout, to the Vivo Keyd scam. And, to my surprise, it even had information about Vikings esports. What I'm about to reveal is groundbreaking. I may not be able to make it out of here, but if this message is public I've achieved my goal. Tell my body pillow I loved her. Throw the black sock into the trash can, and burn the dildo. The file said. NO! BRIMSTONE PLEASE, I CAN EXPLAI-

transmission terminated

posted about 2 years ago

why post my message! stop robbering me

posted about 2 years ago

OOHHHH!!! thank brother

posted about 2 years ago

pls dont speak brazil. what is nivera????

posted about 2 years ago

Becase Scream's brother Niagra got infected by the coronavirus, RIOT changed the real LAN into sussy mickey mouse lan. Same as NA LCQ. You know what else happen at NA LCQ? NA player get cowood - Victor on NV. Sound ssus, well that's because it its. now Gambnti must play ruissian ping because their valorant accounts locked into Vladivostok server only so bad ping. ;Gambit lose to Biking esport only because bad ping. Fuck you scream brother, Liquid Viagra!!!

posted about 2 years ago

I came. Now what? I still have a bottomless hole in my chest. For what reason do we exist? Why does this endless cycle of procreation and annihilation continue? Everyday, billions of people get up, get dressed and head to work. They slave for hours working jobs they dislike, to go home exhausted and unable to spend time with the family who they work for. Is this what we're meant to do? Is there nothing to look forward to but more suffering.

My femboy porn addiction must be a consequence of global warming.

posted about 2 years ago

I came. Now what? I still have a bottomless hole in my chest. For what reason do we exist? Why does this endless cycle of procreation and annihilation continue? Everyday, billions of people get up, get dressed and head to work. They slave for hours working jobs they dislike, to go home exhausted and unable to spend time with the family who they work for. Is this what we're meant to do? Is there nothing to look forward to but more suffering.

My femboy porn addiction must be a consequence of global warming.

posted about 2 years ago

Only Brazil can lose a 13-6 lead.

posted about 2 years ago

You're welcome!

posted about 2 years ago

In 2022, I will have sex for the 14,214th time. Just a few more times than I already have. To be specific, that's only 14,214 more times.

posted about 2 years ago

It's hard being a Brazil esports player. Even when you win rounds, you lose them.

posted about 2 years ago

Neither are their team's star player. Showdown of the second bests. The real duel is between nAts and Sacy

posted about 2 years ago

Sacy just walked out :Kreygasm:

posted about 2 years ago

I'll have group sex with the entire Sentinels roster after they beat Liquid 2-0, beat Vivo Keyd 2-0 for fun, beat Gambit 3-0 (they allowed an extra map because of the "jett" exploit), and beat my asscheeks 5-0.

After re-reading this, I've realized that I'm an idiot. This isn't even a hot take! It's destiny.

posted about 2 years ago

Twitch chat is toxic, as expected. If the match gets replayed, well. It's time for the hazmat suits.

posted about 2 years ago

I hate to ruin the enjoyment but I simply can't hold back when I play. It will be disappointing to watch the second-best team get absolutely dominated by me, but I'm sure my incredible attractiveness will provide entertainment to some intelligent individuals who are coincidentally mostly female, at the very least.

posted about 2 years ago

Brazil teams are usually super hype to watch. I'm crossing my fingers in hopes that Vivo Keyd makes it far in spite of the recent events. I want to see Heat and Mwzera vs Derke and Doma, or Scream and Nivera.

posted about 2 years ago

nAts probably, but Magnum has looked incredible so far too.

posted about 2 years ago

just lose and beat VK again, 4Head.

posted about 2 years ago

Sentinel, the team or the agent type?

posted about 2 years ago

yes. /thread.

posted about 2 years ago

Don't worry Milan. I'll play instead of Liquid. 1v5. The other team (most likely crazy raccoon, who're we kidding?) will never see it coming.

posted about 2 years ago

I heckin' love TenZ, BatChest.

posted about 2 years ago

2021 is the last chance for Brazil. In 2022, Crazy Raccoon will hit level 25 and max friendship, and level up into Crazy Zigzagoon. At that point, there's no hope left for any regions.

posted about 2 years ago

Unfortunately, all their designers were working on creating big brimmy

posted about 2 years ago

WE can't. But I can, as the one and only CEO of VLR.gg. Just say the magic words "fuck me in the asspussy, queueK daddy" and I'll work my magic.

posted about 2 years ago

I came. Now what? I still have a bottomless hole in my chest. For what reason do we exist? Why does this endless cycle of procreation and annihilation continue? Everyday, billions of people get up, get dressed and head to work. They slave for hours working jobs they dislike, to go home exhausted and unable to spend time with the family who they work for. Is this what we're meant to do? Is there nothing to look forward to but more suffering.

My femboy porn addiction must be a consequence of global warming.

posted about 2 years ago

mwah! thwansk fatha

posted about 2 years ago

Not fixing that glitch for months is very annoying. However, I think the situation was handled about as well as it could possibly be, after the fact.

posted about 2 years ago

bitches be like: "AYOOOO?"
AYOOOO what, bro.

posted about 2 years ago

Don't lie. You are insecure. Or, more specifically, your ass is insecure for Zombs' girthy cock.

posted about 2 years ago


really hilarious! I laughed a lot.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Me too. I agree. This is very true. For those who don't understand, there's no need for a translation. Just know it's extremely true.

posted about 2 years ago
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