Flag: International
Registered: September 5, 2021
Last post: June 1, 2024 at 6:26 AM
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posted about 2 years ago

Who's going to be the H to my O2? Let's bond!

posted about 2 years ago

I think there still is a chance for such an event to occur once the virus is no longer as serious (hopefully soon). The idea of pitting the best of the minor regions against the "second-best" of the major regions is very interesting. It ensures inclusion and diversity, yet also attempts to permit only the best teams into the most prestigious stage of the event.

posted about 2 years ago

I also think a play-in stage would be a good idea, however, it may be logistically difficult.

Would this mean regions like Turkey, who currently must compete against all of EMEA to achieve a position in Masters events, get a slot in the tournament? Or will the group qualification stage continue?

posted about 2 years ago

What if a region consistently underperforms, is there a point wherein they no longer are given the benefit of the doubt?

posted about 2 years ago

Are you then okay with boring matches, like the recent Secret vs Raccoons match? What should be done to decrease the gap between teams participating due to diversity and those earning their spot with ability?

posted about 2 years ago

With a year of unimpressive play from minor regions in SEA, Japan, and even Brazil for a large part of the year the discussion about slot allocation comes up. In this debate, there are two predominant perspectives - slots based on fanbase, views, and playerbase pitted against slots being attributed solely to the ability of the teams. So, which is correct? With a limited 16 possible teams and almost 16 possible regions of competition, the slot allocation is vital.

Viewership and Fanbase
Valorant has done what no other esport has done in its first year of competition: surpassing a million peak concurrent viewers. It is an incredible and entirely unexpected feat for the very first international LAN event. Consequently, there was a large amount of media coverage regarding this impressive number - sparking comparisons to cs, future predictions, and setting expectations for every following event. Berlin also had a similar discussion, regarding low final view counts and impressive group stage matches between Sen and G2.

This focus on viewcounts from the viewers and fans of the game did not exist in previous years, it was regarded by most as an interesting bit of trivia after the event. Only due to accessible sites like escharts, has it become a matter of importance in Valorant. It permits teams not only based on their ability but also by the number of people willing to watch them - leading to the continued participation of perhaps less skilled teams such as Crazy Raccoons. This has, on the positive side, resulting in an ever-increasing Japanese viewerbase, fueling big peak view counts for otherwise boring matches.

This is a very straightforward argument: the most exciting games will be between the best teams. It is logically sound, and often criticized for its lack of underdog stories and more predictable nature. However, this type of tournament still garners excitement and view counts, just look at CS's most recent major.

So, which one do you think is more important in slot allocation? Why? What is your ideal slot allocation for 2022, with regions including: NA, LATAM North, LATAM South, Brazil, Turkey, CIS, TUKN, Middle East, SEA, Japan, South Asia, Korea, and finally OCE.

posted about 2 years ago

A lot of the interest in Japan stems from their completely unexpected interest in the game itself. This is the first fps game that the Japanese fanbase watches for the competition. While their performances are undoubtedly lackluster even in comparison to other minor regions, the fact that they were even able to bring some form of competition at the highest level impressed many. Being offensive, if anything, would really only serve to further increase the "love" for Japan. Brazil and SEA both have had experience, interest, and participation in major FPS titles, which is why they feel less "loved" - they're just not new to fps.

However, with immense investment, support, and a thriving player base Japan will almost certainly improve. I hope that organizations choose to develop homegrown talent than always relying on imported players, though.

posted about 2 years ago

Only recently has technology and infrastructure evolved to a point wherein a greater portion of India is even aware of the existence of "e-sports". Still, this number is almost certainly less than a tenth of the population. Similarly, organizations and financial support has increased tremendously in recent years, permitting more and more upcoming players to dedicate themselves to the game.

I think India will start making a dent in the next few years: more and more people are playing games, investment is increasing (tournaments, organizations, infrastructure), and interest is mounting. With the massive potential player base slowly being realized, talent will start to shine and the opportunities to develop skills will become abundant - everything required from a successful esport region is steadily becoming present.

posted about 2 years ago


I've had my suspicions for a while, but now I'm 100% sure Brazil is a hivemind.

posted about 2 years ago

Tha's what I'm saying. They lost 13-6.

Brazil just different

posted about 2 years ago

seek therapy

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

Somehow, Vivo Keyd have managed to lose not once, but twice and still remain in the (double elim) bracket.

That boy Brazil just different

posted about 2 years ago

wtf. I'm Aperture's only son. If I had a brother I'm sure I'd know about it...

posted about 2 years ago

As co-CEO of @Acend esports and European I truly would like to see this kind of behavior be punished accordingly. It can not happen! Esports is about respect, passion, love. Disrepect millions of people, a lot of them living in poverty is unaceptable

posted about 2 years ago

As co-CEO of @Acend esports and European I truly would like to see this kind of behavior be punished accordingly. It can not happen! Esports is about respect, passion, love. Disrepect millions of people, a lot of them living in poverty is unaceptable

posted about 2 years ago

Least coping Brazilian

posted about 2 years ago

It's difficult being a Japenese Japan. If this happened to North America, nothing would happen.

posted about 2 years ago

so much passion in the barely 25k twitch viewers OMEGALUL

posted about 2 years ago

the war crimes weren't in the Riot rulebook, so there's nothing wrong about them!

posted about 2 years ago

But they don't. The viewership has not increased because of the Twitter stuff. The only content that was created is insensitive, offensive, and often misguided twitter memes.

posted about 2 years ago

Come to Japan for big titty anime bitches
Go to Brazil to play COD:Zombies irl

posted about 2 years ago

Japan should get one or two of Brazil's slots:

-High viewers, always
-Cute Players
-Always respectful
-Crazy Raccoon
-Pay players well
-Massive twitter presence
-Welcome international competition

-Rarely more than 50k watching
-Cute Players
-no anime
-no crazy raccoon
-pay in twitter interactions
-Massive twitter presence
-Death threats

Clearly, Japan is a better region.

Being serious though, after the shitstorm that happened on Twitter it's absolutely embarrassing for Brazil to have almost 10k fewer viewers than a single Japanese stream.

posted about 2 years ago

I hope this is the case.

posted about 2 years ago

The hashtag had 50k+ tweets in the span of an hour, many massive BR content creators tweeted too. If the view count is also not increased, it means that Brazil doesn't give a shit about Valorant; that they just hopped on the bandwagon.

150k+ Brazillian viewers or Brazil's so-called "fans" don't even care about this event, they just want to make a scene.

posted about 2 years ago

EU (East Urope) had four slots for champions. But, what about WU (West Urope) 's teams?

It's so sad that Riot is this racist.

posted about 2 years ago

The quadratic formula was the technique used to solve this problem. It is derived from the "completing the square" method, which is why there was a brief mention of it.

posted about 2 years ago

NA vs South South NA

posted about 2 years ago

my bad, daddy.

posted about 2 years ago

I knew VLR users had bad aim, but how did you miss so bad that you put your whole leg into her pussy, instead of your cock?

posted about 2 years ago

Completing the square can be used to derive a general formula for solving quadratic equations, called the quadratic formula.[5] The mathematical proof will now be briefly summarized.[6] It can easily be seen, by polynomial expansion, that the following equation is equivalent to the quadratic equation:

Brazillian fans = crazy

Taking the square root of both sides, and isolating x, gives:

Brazil > EU


posted about 2 years ago

nUts is not player for "Deez" he is player for Gambit Espot!!!

posted about 2 years ago

here link to subrsussai twitter

posted about 2 years ago

Come on guys. all this problem happened bcs Shahzam went to the bathroom. Thats it. How if Jhow thinks that is not a bug bcs he thinks Riot already fix it and continue with the cam line up ?? Come on, why riot never fix it anyway, and let this problem arise every VCT. Especially in this match, VK totally dominating breeze. And think about this please, how many rounds that Acend go A and the cam is there? They not always going A rite ? So the cam is not useful anytime rite? Come on think with a clear mind.

posted about 2 years ago

thank you daddy

posted about 2 years ago

Bump, because it happened again.

posted about 2 years ago

what is a 'deez'. sorry my first lenguge not Engish

posted about 2 years ago

The heck is Riot going to do about overweight, pungent, and lifeless so-called fans sending inconsequential death threats through social media? They can't really do much here. It's on those with popular followings to take action, and they have. Unfortunately, the actions of those with big audiences have only served to exacerbate this situation.

Riot did what was necessary: administer a penalty to a team that broke a rule. That is all they are responsible for in this situation.

posted about 2 years ago

wow! what sadness story. TSM Subrussia will go international and win against Russia team for revenge arc!!!

posted about 2 years ago

my left nipple is more sensitive, but my right nipple is no joke. however, I'm most sensitive in my nether regions.

posted about 2 years ago

Where do you live? I have a death threat but I don't know where to send it to. Please tell me so I can send the letter as fast as possible!

Yours lovingly,

posted about 2 years ago

pls tell me if true or not. what is ult never hit I not ask for this question answering.!!! will report to vlr admin ...

posted about 2 years ago

no brother cannot be hoe if he having ballsack.

posted about 2 years ago

Please inform me if this really true!??

I am TSM Subrussia nuber 1 fan all time. if he from Russia then why he paly on NA team instead of good Russia steam like Gambit or Crazy Raccoon???

posted about 2 years ago

i not miss!
my aim good as simple so never missing happen.

posted about 2 years ago

gambnit e-spot number one russia valornt team! team include player like:

Gambit chronickle
Gambit deaf
gambit nuts
gaMBIT shaggy
gambit chronickel

posted about 2 years ago

Today, I will teach you how to aim like Gambit espot. I know how to do this because I am the uncle of Gambit CounterStick player Simple:

First. Get mouyse. Not just bad office mouse but big glowing gaming mouse.
Second. Puchase mousepad. But not any type! This is top secret techqnieu. I reveal only because I am nice person: Buy anime mousepad: I reccomed this: https://www.amazon.com/NieR-Automata-Comfort-Support-Computer/dp/B07L4R6CNX/ref=sr_1_10?keywords=oppai+mousepad&qid=1638692802&sr=8-10&tag=teamfortresst-20 .

Third, cum on mousepad. This way the mouse will move more smoothly and you will have better precise because mousepad is part of body. All good players do this!

Fourth, posture. make sure poster good! put you're spine in shape like mouse so aim energy flow better in body.

With this four ease steps I taught you how aiming like Gambit Espot. Use this an became next player like Gambit Nuts or TSM Subrussia!!!

posted about 2 years ago

Yoru, as the Japanese character, should get anime abilities. He should be able to run on walls, throw shurikens, and violate the enemies with tentacles. That way, Yoru will remain relevant whilst still being rooted in Japanese culture.

posted about 2 years ago
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