Flag: International
Registered: August 15, 2021
Last post: March 25, 2025 at 5:43 AM
Posts: 1379
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there's no "Wyatt's law", the better team wins and if SEN look shaky again then they will lose but based on form rn, SEN should beat LOUD pretty convincingly and their sunset wasn't as impressive as SEN, they just played against an inherently worse team plus LOUD won't have the surprise factor this time

posted about a year ago

everyone had jitters + pistol wins can be very luck based because of the low amount of util and if sen won 1 of the pistols then it wouldve been a different story or if they didnt throw against saadhak, SEN just looked shaky

posted about a year ago

no saadhak having a life game on splt makes it a fluke, i still think loud would've won on the 3rd map because SEN were looking very shaky but if they play properly then its over for LOUD, they didn't look very impressive against EG

posted about a year ago

true, they participate in goated tournaments such as redbull homegrounds

posted about a year ago

yeah the amazing counterstratting that helped them get 3 rounds against the most played map by SEN, absolute genius by chet and the others

posted about a year ago

so? they are the top 2 teams from every region and they deserve to be there, nobody fluked their way into it or anything

posted about a year ago

What's this whole deal about this tourney being "the least competitive", is it just because FNC didn't make it? because that's bs FNC just got outplayed by a new team and all though they are still a good team they just aren't the best team in EMEA, same thing with NAVI. This isn't because FNC got considerably worse either, the other teams just got better and FNC failed to adapt so far and NAVI just look uninspiring to say the least and the same goes for pacific, Gen G hard clears DRX and overall Madrid is going to have very high quality valorant being played (atleast way higher than that of LOCK//IN)

posted about a year ago

nah, sunset should have never been that close, sen shouldve had it in the bag they let them stick the spike twice and lost both pistols and forced after 1st pistol round loss

posted about a year ago

let's try and beat regional teams first yea?

posted about a year ago

we dont claim this bum

posted about a year ago

im confident enough to say that they have chances but it just feels like they are backed up against the wall rn, its gonna take a lot to win this one

posted about a year ago

Curious to know what y'all think the chances for SEN are in this matchup, they are quite obviously the underdogs and are slightly expected to lose but still I think its higher than what most people are making it seem like, I think SEN has a 40% chance of winning and even if they don't win I'm sure they can put up a decent showing, the only problem here is that the anti-strating could dismantle SEN unless they change everything up which is very unlikely but even then it'll be fun to watch 2 teams who have their fundamentals done right

posted about a year ago

he's like steel if steel was unfunny and even more annoying to listen to

posted about a year ago

thats not the flex u think it is fam

posted about a year ago

u have to be good for once in ur life to be washed bro lmfaoo

posted about a year ago

ur gold 1 fam, ur terrible

posted about a year ago

ben tenz

posted about a year ago

i dont mean the literal retake setups, the util combo and a few new things will definitely catch them off guard but its not game changing or anything, a timeout could fix all of that

posted about a year ago

i was really impressed with tenz comms tho, he was lowkey calling pretty impressive stuff in their new comms video but cryo is like jimmy he only talks when he has to which is also required because if u have 5 talkative people then comms would get all messed up and shit

posted about a year ago

he was a really good flex player and the only reason he is having to play entry role rn is because cryo couldnt but they have fixed all their role issues and if they can fix a little bit of their spacing, trading and a few other fundamentals this team can compete with the best in the world, like cmon fam we all thought they were gonna get shit on and they were few rounds away from beating lev and if they get asuna back to his normal form this team will do damage

posted about a year ago

acting as if those arent fixable issues, tenz used to be shit on duelist at times too and now look at him, sometimes a team has issues with setting up their duelist (especially raze maps) and it makes the player look bad, asuna used to be good at raze and he can most definitely bounce back if they fix their spacing issues (he tends to be ahead of the pack which throws everyone off) fix that and asuna wll be good

posted about a year ago

his comms are fine and does provide value to the team but its the way he does it thats the problem

posted about a year ago

SEN do have a chance to win this and its not that low either but its just that NRG just have too many vods on SEN and SEN have barely anything on NRG

posted about a year ago

it would be a massive fumble to take tenz off from yoru well because they quite literally have the best bind yoru player

posted about a year ago

they dont really use tenz tp to take space, they crunch showers during defense a lot and push b long a lot too, gekko flash combined with yoru flashes can be really dangerous it is basically like their sunset comp with gekko and kayo but instead of kayo we have yoru here, it can definitely work but a lot of adjustments and new protocols will be required for them to be solid

posted about a year ago

ok now i understand ur just baiting lmfaoo actual delusion if u arent baiting

posted about a year ago

most of it comes down to fundamentals like u watch sen play maps like split and then u watch any other emea team other than fnatic and navi and it feels very weird, they have a lot of set strats and very cool gimmicky rounds but apart from that the team play and cohesion is just lacking which is not surprising because most of the rosters in emea are built from the ground up (again other than fnc and navi) and this also affects the midrounding coz most of the igls are rookies and they seem very inexperienced (making very readable and basic calls, not bad ones but yea) but i do believe heretics can be really good with a little bit more time and that goes for most of emea due to the new formation of rosters and most of the teams lack identity for example sen are really good at retakes meanwhile nrg are really good controlling the pace and defaulting properly and loud have godlike mid rounding with that being said a lot of the teams show glimpses of promise like vitality and kc and heretics and with enough time they can be contenders but rn americas clears

posted about a year ago

he said koi (and heretics) lmfaoooooooo, trust me here americas top 3 clears every other team in every other region other than fnatic (and maybe navi) and I'm not even american

edit : but i do agree that sen need to beat nrg to prove that they can beat anyone no matter who they are against

posted about a year ago

its not even them saving strats, it just felt like lazy valorant just contacting everywhere and playing way too textbook and they never did any set strats everything felt very on the fly

posted about a year ago

moca jinx is real

posted about a year ago

their breeze and bind are super easy to read and can be picked up apart with enough time (u have to consider the afreeca vods too coz they are doing the same things a lot of the time) they didnt show lotus and sunset and thats their only way to win this game but NRG will prolly ban one of these maps

posted about a year ago

their comps are gonna remain the same but they will most likely have a lot of set strats and retake/post plant shit that will catch everyone on sen off guard

posted about a year ago

surely we have a different bind comp or ascent comp RIGHT???

posted about a year ago

This is over for SEN like NRG hasn't shown anything meanwhile SEN played all their maps and showed most of their strats but John did say they were trying to show much in the playins but even then the only way they win is if somehow this isnt their actual comps and they just show up with completely new comps on some of the maps but NRG wins this 60% of the time

posted about a year ago

there are actual people here saying g2 are better than sen coz they lost this meaningless match

posted about a year ago

if this match mattered like the first map did, this wouldve BEEN over a while ago

posted about a year ago

what lmfaoooo theres no way we take this shit seriously right like surelyy not

posted about a year ago

very tough as u can tell from the players, zekken crying tenz throwing up but its fine we will be back stronger #SENFIGHTING

posted about a year ago

he said "stand up now" then went onto lose every single attack round lmfaoo

posted about a year ago

bro they are GENUINELY getting hyped over wiining rounds and getting upset if they lose rounds lmfaoooo

posted about a year ago

bro the coach looks genuinely stressed about a game that doesnt matter lmfaooo meanwhile zekken and kaplan are giggling after throwing away rounds

posted about a year ago

like he could go triple negative for the rest of the year but he will make SURE that he drops 30 on every map against sen, its the same with derrek

posted about a year ago

yes they do, they are better than g2 and mibr and eg too

posted about a year ago

we might see sen sunset for the first time (after afreeca) but im worried they might be a little shaky on it whereas g2 look pretty solid, sen still could lose (to g2) because idk man whenever trent plays sen he goes from average to the absolute best player in the world then remains mediocre the entire rest of the year

posted about a year ago

drx are not that strong rn, the new additions are good interms of shooting back but they are just not solid like the old players yet their util is subpar when it comes to timing and when to use certain stuff and their protocols seem very different from when they had the old roster, id say drx is middle of the pack rn in pacifc

posted about a year ago

I mean im just looking at it from map to map view and I was only impressed with t1's lotus other than that they seemed to have a lot of holes and moments where they looked lost but yes it is closer than what i am trying to make it seem like

posted about a year ago

i heard people saying t1 would win against gen g yesterday if they got matched up but other than lotus gen g would absolutely dismantle t1 like its not even close

posted about a year ago

they couldnt do anything more like coz gen g were just better

posted about a year ago

their ascent looked better than lev's (against LOUD, without any vods btw) and bind is a toss up SEN were one of the best bind teams coming into vct and idt 1 loss to 100t should take away from that fact but with that being said lev do have a higher chance of winning this matchup. SEN has a strong lotus and sunset and split too and if these maps are in the pool then they should be favored but then aspas could just have one of those games and shoot everyone

posted about a year ago

zeta has the firepower rn but goddamn watching the new players play sova and kayo was annoying, they were constantly missing timings with their dart/knife ALL the time, one round were the kayo had knife there was 20 seconds left and if he used his knife it couldve stopped the attackers but he decides to just hold angle and the same thing happened with the sova on the next round lmfaoo but they both managed to get two, if they just get better with util zeta can be top 3 in pacific during the season (and dont get me started on their icebox gameplan)

posted about a year ago
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