You were cooking till you put Liquid above Vitality
Flag: | Wales |
Registered: | July 24, 2023 |
Last post: | March 3, 2025 at 3:12 AM |
Posts: | 2472 |
You were cooking till you put Liquid above Vitality
Where's mw's Champs trophy or VCT Americas trophy?
I swear that's not even the correct pronounciation of Furia. It just comes across as cringe ngl
Demon1, cauanzin, tuyz, kiNgg and Victor
Bro trying to say aspas has no personality while making his entire online personality just being Brazillian is crazy
Ethan. The man has done nothing wrong. I have no idea why I dislike him. It's very unfair on my part. There's just something about his aura that I fucking despise and idk
Damn Heat's Kay/O is kinda nice ngl
And they were wrong. LEV with Shyy and Nozwer would've smoked C9 and probably made Madrid
Yeah bro is the number one yapper among the desk and cast talent
Heat's Kay/0's been looking kinda nasty ngl. He's been getting mad amounts of value with his util
Did they? I just thought Shyy couldn't switch to speaking English so that's why he left the roster
If the only changes LEV made was -Taco +aspas -Onur +goked they would've been wayyyyy better and may have even made Madrid
I'm out of the loop. What did keznit do to invoke such pure and unbridled hatred from one man?
If 100T don't beat C9 then the org should officially give up and just sign Kyedae, Shanks, shroud, BabyJ and ThinkingMansValo as the IGL
Derrek is absolutely cracked but last year he seemed to just lose all of his mojo. What did 100T do to that man while he was on the roster to nerf him so much?
It's fine, KRU unlocked a second player with Shyyy. Give it a couple more years and they may even have 3
Bro fell off a cliff in 2022. I thought he played fairly decently individually in 2023 but he was clearly not gelling with NAVI at all. I wouldn't be surprised if he's on the higher end of duelist's this year ngl. Nothing baffling like his 2021 days but still notably above average
Lightly armoured vehicle versus coughing baby
Nah, LEV are the obligatory failed super team for Americas this year
Karon, f0rsaken, Leo, benjyfishy and zekken
If it's any consolation they're quite good at R6 (granted they're Brazillian in R6 but still we move)
Boaster would have a PTSD flashback from 2022 FPX and be unable to say anything, stammering and shaking and unable to call while ANGE1 appears on FPX's side of the stage, puts his hand on BerLIN's shoulder and says 'now it's your turn'. BerLIN would look back, shed a single tear and smile. '謝謝大師' he replies, before jumping peaking out of the smoke in Ascent A door and one tapping all of FNC with a bucky
Mini goated coach confirmed. We need him back. Please, you have another coach to be his assistant now just get that small man back in charge. The boys have gotten complacent without mini sitting in a corner watching them scrim for 12 hours with a belt ready to go at the slightest hint of a whiff or misplay
Tf? Why? He was looking so good on initiator. Why tf would they switch him to a role Sayf can play way better than him and take him off a role he was thriving on. Salah? Are you good?
TheAceGamer30 explaining how the most storied core in NA history and 2 players from the best team in NA history are actually talentless frauds who have never been good because he's 14 and fell victim to SEN's cringe Twitter memes
If LEV lose this match then I feel like the mental pressure and tensions will just cause a complete team collapse, with aspas leaving midway through the season
Elmapuddy NEEDS to be put here. I miss mini
Before the season started I thought Liquid would be strategically decent but lack firepower and wouldn't be able to push for an international event. They've massively proved me wrong to their credit. They're a mess strategically AND still don't have much firepower and won't be able to push for playoffs.
Americas - Leviatan
Pacific - PRX
China - DRG because vo0kashu put me in his Twitter banner
Sentinels won the first Masters of the year, therefore Shanghai will be won by the team with the most Russians. Unfortunately this means GiantX win Shanghai. Not happy about this ngl
mwzera, grubhino and ShadoW, Boostio, Keiko and nAts, Laz and Dep, sScary, Rb, Autumn, OXY, Cloud and maybe chuck Benkai in there
Saying runneR is a problem for VIT is absolutely wild when he's looking like one of the best rookies in EMEA. Also Keiko was one of the only good parts of Liquid's Kickoff performance idk how u think he's the problem
Mfs will say 'I don't care what someone's pronouns are' while at the same time aggressively making sure you know for a fact 100% that they make a point of only saying he or she. Goofy fuckin people
Me when I am bragging about living in a shithole
Absolute giga banger, could go either way
After getting slapped with a reality check, I reckon Boaster's been cooking something devious and they're gonna bitch slap everyone in Split 1
Zekken on Duelist, f0rsakeN on Flex, Leo on Initiator, Karon on Smokes and Alfajer on Sentinel and Potter as the head coach and ENGHH as assistant coach
Idk I can't lie I don't see how they replace Omen, Astra or Brimstone on any of their meta maps. Omen's flash, TP for entries and one ways, Astra's suck and stun combos and universal smokes and Brimstone's molly, ult and 3 19 second smokes all seem way more broadly applicable than Clove's abilities. Feels like they were more so made to be a ranked agent that tries to encourage the brainlets who physically can't play any agent but Reyna to play smokes than to actually be competitive with the other controllers in a professional setting
Bro you are fucking obsessed, try and spend one minute of your life not typing out a fucking thesis on why Moneyt skinned your cat and burned your small business and should be banished to the shadow realm, please
I'm giga high on T1 atm, I think people massively overestimated the difference between old DRX and new DRX and Gen.G and PRX are both looking primed to win Madrid. Probably unlikely
The only games PRX have one are ones where elimination is at stake. They apparently just want to eliminate everyone they play. Not only that but they started with the back to back EMEA elimination, now they have the chance to do the back to back Americas elimination. Pacific revenge arc is here
I swear mindfreak just turns his mouse off unless he needs to clutch then he just activates demon mode and locks them in his mind palace