Achillios is hype asf you can't deny that
Flag: | Wales |
Registered: | July 24, 2023 |
Last post: | March 3, 2025 at 3:12 AM |
Posts: | 2472 |
Achillios is hype asf you can't deny that
Good showings in 2021, considered close to top 3 in their region, fall off in 2022 and have pretty poor seasons, win LCQ and get hyped up for champs, don’t accomplish much there. Build hyped up rosters for 2023 that end up choking and disappointing fans. Continually choke important matches that they should win. Have similar fan base of doomers who are too deep to back out.
Actually incredibly similar teams tbf
I mean their only competition for 4th place is 100t imo, and both teams have had incredibly good showings and some shit showings so far, so it’s very close
Pretty much every team with 3 syllables in their name has a chant people do, plus KC has allez le bleu, which is way better. Having a chant doesn't make u special bro
ANGE1's Master Yoda aura intimidates Karmine Corp and completely throws them off, NAVI 13-8 Bind 13-6 Split
Damn Derke heard everyone talking shit ig
Aren't Latvia and Ukraine CIS?
If anything he'd just fuck them even more. Oh and make the team worse I guess
I mean the 5 players and coach that make up NAVI have a trophy so NAVI 1, the trophy case is just in China
"Only has 6" mf it's the subregion with the most slots out of any subregion in VCT. NA mfs really just wish no other region was allowed to play the game huh
Once his injuries heal they can sub out Melser and put Klaus on smokes, and all of a sudden KRU have some fucking shooters
KPI, CASE or Apeks for EMEA
M80 or OXG for Americas
Fennel, ORGLESS or JiJieHao for Pacific
Fuck knows for China ngl
Assuming KRU win this next game, they'll have a lot of momentum going their way. Could they take that momentum and go on a bit of a run to playoffs? They can certainly bring it to EG and win, and at that point they'll be on a big winstreak and could definitely upset Loud the next week, which more than likely puts them in playoffs already. I can see it
aspas and keznit unfortunately can't 2v8, team 2 win
I mean he's playing with a Brazilian right now. +3 more and a coach and he'd be there
Arsenal are losing to Wolves on Saturday 7-1. HIIIIIII HO, WOLVERHAMPTON
Battle of marginally above average, should be a giga banger tho
Isn't the Spanish league the most competitive in EMEA Tier 2?
If DFM win this match Sideshow's house is officially gone
Once again my FUT fetish pays off
If 100t lose this they're officially cooked for the rest of time, I don't think they can recover
-c0m -tex +Shyyy +nzr. They fumbled making more changes than -Taco +aspas and replacing the coaches
They didn't need to get much else when they have the goat WRIGGLEMEISTER
I hate to say it but pancc, he shouldn't get on a tier 1 team but he's unfortunately their best option rn
They're the only team that's overcome the Plat Chat guarantee so far. ANGE1 ardiis duo too powerful for the egg and friends
Man is the biggest Odin merchant I've ever seen. It's like the judge to his Vanity
NAVI had their signature random slump for all of Lotus and the first half of split, then ANGE1 clicked Update and Shut Down on his brain and now they're back
And Mistic decided to return to Champs 2022
Liquid choke or Plat Chat curse? Will Liquid win this?
Mistic vs ardiis sumo wrestling match, who takes it?
If KOI dropped kamo, moved sheydos to duelist and signed Kiles I think they'd actually be quite good
FNC beat NAVI in regular season, in playoffs, in EMEA grand finals and in the first round of Shanghai playoffs before choking in the lower bracket final and NAVI go on to win Shanghai against PRX in the grand finals
I put him number 2 duelist in all of EMEA in the off season, does that count?
Only if Enghh's team wins Shanghai
On god, any of those could make Shanghai depending on the day, the single elim first matches fucking sucks
cNed ain't washed