Flag: United States
Registered: February 20, 2024
Last post: January 29, 2025 at 4:04 PM
Posts: 235
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"You're stupid" x 2

posted 2 months ago

Big Brother is always listening. Be careful out there fam.

posted 2 months ago

mmw, poppin and eggster never go to lan. We're gonna get some sort of "We just wanted to see how we would do..." type shit if they haven't already.

posted 2 months ago

I'm convinced they built engagement optimized matchmaking and then built a ranked system on top of it. Ranked systems are easy to create, especially when you message riot and they tell you that it's just a simple number.

We're never getting back a skilled based ranked system. We will always have some stupid moneymaking scheme attached to it. Modern gaming is a shitty movie where I pretend I'm good at something because I never have a chance to actually try because a greedy corporation would rather have smurfs, cheaters and boosted players for money.

I blame COD and the dumb community who thought everyone was a "sweat" when actuality they just bought controllers with cheats.

posted 2 months ago

There is no loser queue but in order to move up you need to not only win but win with a team of people in that rank. Sometimes that requires you carrying two people. If you don't want to carry two people, you arrive to the same place you deserve over time. Not sure how long that is but the point is that if you keep playing on the same account and you deserve to move up you will. There's just a lot of players who duo+ to immortal and then fall back down.

posted 2 months ago


  • I can buy an account
  • I can be boosted by a friend
  • I can bottom frag 10 times in a row and still rank up: (https://imgur.com/a/I7sOtOy)
  • I can 5 man beyond my actual rank
posted 2 months ago

tdawgg is my favorite val personality. dude is so gassed up on himself and walks around like he knows stuff but then fails the hardest on teams. coaching from that sort of position is wild.

posted 2 months ago

Hi FNC Owner/s,

I realize that you think you're smart or the group of you think of yourselves as intelligent but let me help you out here. You can't know what you don't know. If you have a problem, you can't keep the same people around trying to resolve it. If I don't know the answer to 2+2, thinking really hard about it isn't going to get you to 4. Do the corporate thing of flushing the org and make the current people train the next group. You just need new thinking.

posted 2 months ago

nah i can confirm there is a low trust queue. most people on vlr won't see it... you have to get some crazy hs% games over the course of prob 20 games or so.

It's crazy because I think it's at the level of if you load in your cheats they detect it and drop you into the low trust q regardless of your past performances.

posted 2 months ago

hard to care when everthing feels random

posted 3 months ago

they dont know about the art work rp loop hole

posted 3 months ago

Riot should offer a bounty program to turn in cheat providers.

1000 RP per successful report.

posted 3 months ago

still no demos.

posted 3 months ago

How did you figure this out? Can you explain your methods so we can record them for everyone to see?

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

Deal with it.

posted 3 months ago

Do you not try hard in swiftplays?

posted 3 months ago

tell me more

posted 3 months ago

How does it go?

posted 3 months ago

They are a radiant player and a random coach that has failed a bunch of times... they cited "anti-stratting" ... no one anti-strats. That was something people did in CS 1.6 and CSGO because the scene was undeveloped. Teams would come up with one strat and run it. Then NIP went on their run and you couldn't do that anymore because people watched...

Waste of money... waste of time... 100T are not going even this season lol.

posted 3 months ago


They ended up just picking two randoms who don't know shit about the game. The revolving friend door continues.

posted 3 months ago

god, I don't believe you.

posted 3 months ago

Excellent explanation. Thanks chap!

posted 3 months ago

Can you explain it like I'm five?

posted 3 months ago

Bob vs. Bob

posted 3 months ago

Tell me more.

posted 3 months ago

This has worked very well for this poster. You don't know this but this advice got him to tier 2 2nd place in the weekly junior varsity middle school tournament. You too can follow this advice and make it someday.

posted 3 months ago

That's why i post here :)

posted 3 months ago

All I'm going to say is that if the coaches we idolize were so good then I don't see how you rationalize the results of the sen city tournament. Chet replaced by a player coach. Sen decimated. Not enough green tea in the world to improve on that.

posted 3 months ago

How are you grading this scale?

How would you know the level of involvement?

This is the same sort of person that idolizes a billionaire because they are self-made.

posted 3 months ago

Don't worry, Jkap just needs more green tea.

posted 3 months ago

This is a virus. I had to go to the doctors and they said it was bad. Please visit my patreon/gofundme/subscribe/like.

posted 3 months ago

Another day of the same default strategies where meta comps lose important players to wide swings and just become a tdm.

posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago


posted 3 months ago

thoughts... but only chatgpt responses will be upvoted.

posted 3 months ago

Fair but college coaches were usually players. They usually have something like 10-20 years experience. I don't see that reflected in esports. I see fresh, under 30 coaches with really no experience in the game and often under-skilled. In Overwatch, a coach ended up being a vod-recorder.

posted 3 months ago

Bro how are you going to talk about my post history with yours? You know people are going to look through your history now? I would start deleting...

posted 3 months ago


These are just friends of players.

Also saying what? I asked for opinions. Why are you so angry?

posted 3 months ago

This idea is pretty popular. But I think in practice its become a way to maintain the power structure that in reality should be off-balanced.

Most "coaches" are not good at the game. And I agree that you probably don't need to be good at the game to coach if you're a people manager. But this idea of "coachable" seems to force players into a mindset that is authoritarian. You run in scrims and they critique your play? Based on what?

I know there are going to be a lot of people that disagree with me but think about this hypothetical. Imagine a coach who is very charismatic joins a team but they have zero knowledge outside of a couple of Youtube Videos about how you are supposed to play. This person brings the concept of "coachable" with them. If this person has a bad idea, objectively bad, how do you critique their idea? And what if the critique you provide threatens them? You point something out that is so outrageous that its very clear it's a lack of understanding...

I think the player just has to eat it. Waste their time and collect the paycheck.

posted 3 months ago

Your movement from actual serious analysis to just silly behavior similar to plat chat... sad. We need better voices in the community that don't pander to the lower common denominator.

posted 3 months ago

Unfortunately TMV found out that acting stupid makes more money.

posted 3 months ago

Asc 3 is the last place you can play to with groups. Immortal forces you to duo. This whole thread is disingenuous af. Pretending that the boosted players who 3-5 stack to Asc3 don't fall all the way back down and take a large chunk of the population with them. Not to mention its mathematically impossible to have an entire bell curve have a 50-55% win rate. That would mean that everyone in the bell curve would move forward and ultimately hit Radiant. How come that's not happening? Maybe it's because we are too stupid to understand what is happening because Riot fails to tell us how the system works. And if you point to those ads they put out, in what world is Riot going to tell us they are doing a bad job at matchmaking? They are literally looking for someone to fill that role because they know the current state is bad.


It's just utterly pathetic we turn on each other and pretend that Riot has finally found THE PERFECT MATCHMAKING system. The system is fucked and people are playing less.

posted 4 months ago

It's all the community. The community still thinks FNS can play. That vibe works its way to the person who makes the decisions. Not to mention they gatekeep players in T2 who would perform better than FNS. This is the results of a franchise model. People just get to live on their past accomplishments and people are just happy to see them there. It was like Shroud at the end of his career in CS.

posted 4 months ago

But Pros also don't understand these things. At what point are concepts too complex for their user base to decode. I mean how many still think that Deadlock trips should be played like Cypher trips? They think Cypher is a counter to Neon... The general community is cooked and show us on a daily basis.

posted 4 months ago

If that's the case then they weren't serious about the search outside of the scene for a coach. No one got contacted.

posted 4 months ago

statement still stands.

phx - people don't use wall for entry
gekko - people don't understand the delay on the flash
sage - people don't know the difference between concealment and cover
cypher - people use his trip as a universal alert but neglect the fact that multiple agents can bypass it without issue.

People are not smart. People want to use things the way they want to use things.

posted 4 months ago

Many of these agents people don't even play right. So they are likely going to dumb them down to the level to which people play at.

posted 4 months ago
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