Flag: Bulgaria
Registered: November 18, 2022
Last post: April 1, 2023 at 2:52 PM
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Funny take. CS players fundamentals are so much better than in Valorant. And no, it's not a game without strategies you think it is.

posted about a year ago

Most of the top CS players would absolutely make it in Valorant if they dedicated enough time

Stewie2k is a nobody in CS for several years, not nearly the best player of all time, not even top-50

posted about a year ago

Valorant doesn't require as much individual skill to reach the top as CS does

Valorant has bigger hitboxes and slower movement, meaning it's simply a lot easier to kill enemies than in CS, you don't need to be as precise

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

I can find a lot more examples of the exact opposite

posted about a year ago

You don't understand. CSGO scene is just so stacked with very good tier2 teams, that the gap between tier1 and the best teams of so-called tier2 becomes almost non-existent.

posted about a year ago

Because I saw it's 80% somewhere else

posted about a year ago

That's one time occurence

posted about a year ago

As the person above said, statistics shows that in majority of games (70-80%), winning pistols guarantees you a map

posted about a year ago

In that aspect, yes. But at the same time, Valorant is a lot more random. It's been 2 years of internationals and not a single team won a global event twice, and only 1 player won it twice.

posted about a year ago

My guy all of these teams are still very good, it's just that the standards have changed

posted about a year ago

Hitboxes in Valorant are bigger and character movement is slower

posted about a year ago

"In shambles" = not as dominant as supposed to be
In reality, tier2 teams are just getting better

posted about a year ago

In Valorant there's only 13 rounds to win and very rewarding pistols, in CSGO there's 16 rounds, everyone with a brain understands that Valorant is a much more random esport, especially when meta shifts so often.

posted about a year ago

It's not really "problems", they play well, it's just that the scene has grown from top heavy to very stacked

posted about a year ago

Yes, skill ceiling in CSGO is way higher than in Valorant, hence even tier2 in CS is much stronger by fundamentals, that's why they're catching up

posted about a year ago

Hard exposed? No, tier2 is just catching up

posted about a year ago

Tier 1 scene in CSGO right now is stronger than ever before, that's why even tier2 teams take maps off tier1

posted about a year ago

CS requires more brain unironically, in Valorant all you need to take a map is win both pistols

posted about a year ago

Looks like you've never watched CS. The level of gameplay there is so much higher than in Valorant, here every match in tier1 has a random result

posted about a year ago

That's why Valorant legends are tier3 rejects who achieved nothing in CS?

posted about a year ago

Why not merge all of EMEA VCL except Turkey/MENA into the same tier2/tier3 leagues with relegation, promotion and stuff like that
Because they're literally suffering right now while being separated from one another

posted about a year ago

Lmfao I remember how Valorant fans were slandering CSGO for collaborating with betting/gambling companies

posted about a year ago

He still has family issues, he will come back

posted about a year ago

Valorant has always been about momentum and winning pistols

posted about a year ago

What is Matrix bullshit?

No, I believe in science and statistics over everything

posted about a year ago

Why are you an SJW?

posted about a year ago

Heavily supporting and defending men like Andrew Tate who perpetuate such behavior is thus also hateful

I never did lmfao, you're the one who mentions Tate over and over. Again, I couldn't care less about that guy

demonizing and dehumanizing a group of people is hateful

Whom did I demonize? Could you elaborate? Pointing out differences between sexes is now "demonizing"?

posted about a year ago

There was absolutely no hate in my comments. If you're hurt by them for whatever reason, keep it to yourself.

posted about a year ago

By modern-day agenda

posted about a year ago

You've been brainwashed, that's all I'm gonna say

posted about a year ago

I don't give a single fuck about Tate, I never said women are inferior

posted about a year ago

He's socially engineered crybaby

posted about a year ago

Why do you care so much about it?

posted about a year ago

CSGO in EU alone is more popular than Valorant worldwide

posted about a year ago

6 million is the amount of Valorant players who open game everyday. It's not peak concurrent players.

Do you understand the meaning of the word "concurrent"?

posted about a year ago

You're showing statistics for total Valorant playerbase per day, not one at a time

posted about a year ago

Navi, Fnatic, KOI, Liquid

posted about a year ago

Not really, on VLR there's more bitching about CS than the other way around

posted about a year ago

Who cares about a tournament more than a year ago? Yay is nothing without chamber right now, just an average player

posted about a year ago

yay is gone just as chamber is gone, he is an average tier1 player and organizations signing him for huge salary would be a waste of money

posted about a year ago

Wolfen and starxo are not worse than yay, and don't require as much salary

posted about a year ago

Yay is not one of the best players in the world, he's mid after chamber nerf, there's literally dozens cheaper and as efficient as him EMEA players available

posted about a year ago

Liquid don't need a washed chamber one trick

posted about a year ago

r/ValorantCompetitive has no freedom of speech at all

posted about a year ago

It's definitely not like this for my country.

I don't believe you're in China, aren't chinese women losing their virginity the oldest and overall don't date that much?

posted about a year ago

10 is not red flag for you already? You have some weird standards

posted about a year ago

No it wouldn't
CS created the base of modern FPS genre, made it popular, and gave Riot the idea to replicate it

posted about a year ago

You realize the only reason Valorant is so popular right now is because of CS?
If CS didn't exist, neither would be Val

posted about a year ago
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