Flag: Bulgaria
Registered: November 18, 2022
Last post: April 1, 2023 at 2:52 PM
Posts: 362
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In terms of tactical ceiling, CSGO is higher than Valorant due to players having much better fps fundamentals. You're just clueless.

posted about a year ago

Talon won garbage opponent
Zeta is yet to prove themselves

You can't make a regional ranking out of this mickey mouse event

posted about a year ago

KOI is good, just unlucky with 1st round matchup

Btw pretty sure APAC has only 1 good team

posted about a year ago

EMEA owned everyone last 2 years by average results at every international.

posted about a year ago

EMEA as a region overall is way better than Japan. It doesn't mean which fluke team owned whom a year ago.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago


Do you know that Japanese and EMEA levels of competitiveness are, uh, different?

something and vici would be tier2 in EMEA

posted about a year ago

Japanese crowd will make you fall asleep

posted about a year ago

A lot of good players in tier2 EMEA, but organizations prefer "proven" tier1 washed-ups

posted about a year ago

Literally any EMEA franchise team has better aim than MIBR

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Mako: MIBR players have the best aim

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

What's xenophobic? Stats are xenophobic? Arabs and blacks in Europe commit disproportionate amounts of crimes, all kinds of crimes, especially rapes

posted about a year ago

Maybe I misinterpreted, obviously all human ethnic groups share % of same genetics, but otherwise we differ, differ a lot

posted about a year ago

They would go to Europe if there were open borders

posted about a year ago

I know, I was just joking about it, for me countries which preserve their ethnicity are the best countries

Because, from alitmanus perspective, every country should open borders and accept millions of arabs and africans

posted about a year ago

And? At least Bulgaria sticks to its national identity and doesn't ruin thousands of Bulgarian girls/women lives by immigrants raping and killing them, like often happens in Sweden, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, UK...

posted about a year ago

You don't give a damn, I do.
I wouldn't want my country to have every 2nd citizen arab or african, who are statistically times more violent, more likely to kill, rape or steal, than native people who were born here.

Look what Sweden has turned into. Not only their crime rates increased, Sweden also didn't fix economy problems because immigrants don't integrate and just sit on welfares in separated communities.

posted about a year ago

I agree, having immigrants integrated into society benefits long term because European birth rates are very low, white europeans are simply not having enough babies to make up for their countries' economies.

On the other hand, France lost its ethnicity. Basically 20-25% of France (originally white country) population aren't even white anymore. It's a tragedy in its own way, at least for me. If all European countries were to follow the same path as France, white race would be erased at some point of time.

For you it might not matter, for me it does. I understand why EU countries go for immigrants though. Europe is ageing.

posted about a year ago

US is not a racist country lmao, at this moment of time it treats everyone equally, corresponding to each person's potential and ambitions

I can't imagine US being racist while 43% of US population aren't even white, imagine discriminating almost half of your country's people

Soon US will be 50% white, 40% white, 35% white, and so on. Imagine discriminating more than half of your population. Y'all crazy

posted about a year ago

Not everyone is left wing progressive liberal socialist as you, not even the most left-oriented european goverments, like those in Swedistan, support your crazy ideas to implement "free movement" for everyone

That way European countries would be overrun in 1 day, Europe is so small

posted about a year ago

I mean you're kinda hilarious with this agenda

You blame US for building the wall, while US has 43% of population hispanic, black, asian or native american

You don't blame East Asian countries for being very strict with immigration laws, while East Asian countries have less than 1% non-asians

You might as well declare whole world racist because some people who want to cross their borders get denied

posted about a year ago

Taking away people's freedom to live wherever they want

It's countries' choice to allow or deny whichever person wants to cross their border

No, people can't just choose "I want to live there" and go there despite anything. You live in some fantasy anarchist world

posted about a year ago

Most "racist" countries are Japan, South Korea and China, and that's not a bad thing to preserve your own ethnicity and culture by controlling immigration

Only idiots would call USA racist when it literally allows thousands of non-white people get into America every day
If USA were truly racist, they would be >95% white homogenous or something like that

posted about a year ago

No we don't, ethnic groups developed differently in many natural environments

posted about a year ago

Last time they won was 20 years ago

posted about a year ago

Man it's funny to see y'all arguing over Bo1 matches
Anything can happen in Bo1, even more so in Valorant

posted about a year ago

Especially with only 13 rounds to win the map

posted about a year ago
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