Hey look at this Version1 vs lg and andbox vs have 24k and 3k viewers without costreamers.
Meanwhile starladder has 250k without costreams.
Once again you're a clown.
Flag: | Greece |
Registered: | December 4, 2020 |
Last post: | August 16, 2023 at 2:59 PM |
Posts: | 5763 |
Hey look at this Version1 vs lg and andbox vs have 24k and 3k viewers without costreamers.
Meanwhile starladder has 250k without costreams.
Once again you're a clown.
Nice. Nobody is co-streaming Version1 or Andbox. 24k viewers and 3k viewers. You guys are literally clowns. Where are those 50k people that watch from shroud? That's right, they don't care about the game.
Wake the fuck up man. This esport is losing all integrity, it's become jake paul boxing fights of esports.
But he didn't stream? Lulw? Or nobody bothered watching him?
Idgaf about pokimane. She's not a caster, nor a player, she's an e-girl, no place in esports.
Acend 2-0
Let's go daddy tsack
Have you seen gambit csgo play? They're gods. Whenever I watch a valorant map I feel like I'm watching elisa invitational in terms of prestige.
Wow that graph must be very wrong. I'll edit it.
Still double, huh? Does that mean valorant is double dead?
Just admit it, you don't care about the game flourishing, or making an impact or improving. All you care about is CSGO dying. You've actually never criticised riot and whenever I do so you call me a "csgo shill". This game needs improvements, a lot of them if it doesn't want to die. Yet, people like you act like everything is perfect even though the playerbased is constantly leaving and the only thing saving the game is the F2P aspect, which is not sustainable, because it means that people who play the game, stop playing it and never come back, and there are only so many people you can recycle.
Either stfu on what I have to say or fuck off and jerk off to some statistics like an idiot.
I mean I'd just enjoy seeing valorant flourish without the artificial numbers put up by big streamers. It just loses integrity when pokimane is streaming masters...
Still two times the player base so... Are you rarted?
Because all the other teams are shite. Sentinels were at least FPL players in CSGO + they have been playing this game the longest. Their competition as of now is either some lvl6 csgo players or some good pros who have been playing the game much less than them. Their fundamentals aren't even great, it's just that the bar for this game is so low.
The real el classico
How much excluding the most popular streamers on the platform?
because he doesnt care about the roster he cares about winning, which is what the roster was doing at the time he liked them
1 year from now when this roster will be dropped and will be fighting in NSG monthly cups he will be supporting whatever new lineup TSM will have
you're a hyperider gloryhunter, just saying. TSM in beta, Real Madrid, France.
But anyway, you shouldn't care, sports is about seeing quality persevere. Be hopeful that you can see some beautiful valorant/football performed by any team really.
Yeah this will change into a franchise league soon so...
I swear soniqs have been in NA for half a year and they've only played RNG and sentinels
Ewww cringe
I knew you were one of those "we smart we loyal we from brazil" imbeciles.
The man who said that icebox is "such a good fucking map, wish all maps were this good" unironically is not getting paid to blabber such bullshit? Ye right
I was just gonna post TenZ's garbage csgo stats. I typed tenz on the hltv search bar and the first thing i got was ex6tenz and i realized what a nonamer he fucking is lulw
But I'd like to have at least some comfort in the virtual world
Xdddd true
Just type useless and generic comments that are pretty much popular opinions, yet they add nothing to the conversation. Things that are not even needed to say like: X player is good, Y play was insane, i love Z team
2 months and you good
No? It's factual. They are the russians of this game. If you live in the Balkans you're pretty much fucked.
This acend team looks amazing
yeah... expected honestly
zero good teams right now.
best we have is some ESEA advanced pug teams.
why would i even bother? why would I waste time and energy doing so? what would I gain from it? You think valve is paying me? god damn fucking child, get a brain
Finally i can block all the brazilian children
Ppl with checkmarks are mostly clowns (on twitter)
You're a kid if you believe a random person on a forum ranting about one game is convincing marketing for another.
Maybe because i like watching valorant?
In pro scene standards: this is a terrible team and will get shit on
Playing immortal ranked: yeah they good
Didn't they sign ec1s?
X fps is all about moving your crosshair on the enemy's head
10/10 take
I had 200+ people in my friendslist. All of them active. As of 2 months ago, i see 2-3 people online.
You want me to criticize CS so you can feel safer that I am not trash talking your favourite multibillion conglomerate riot? Here:
Non-prime full of cheaters
Prime full of cheaters in NA
Ranked unplayable beyond third party platforms
Toxic teammates
Russian teammates who can't communicate
Always a brazilian account with a brazilian flair talking about how I am jealous valorant is doing so well. Same deluded supernova account who can't understand I enjoy this game and I want it to improve. But no! Valorant must continue being shit and it can just live off of hype, yeah, that's a great tactic I'm sure that it won't kill the game in two years (sarcasm).