which is 50% of the sites?
Flag: | Greece |
Registered: | December 4, 2020 |
Last post: | August 16, 2023 at 2:59 PM |
Posts: | 5763 |
i didnt call anybody a monkey. other people called you though
youre still malding over CSGO because ppl called you a monkey for saying "we smart we loyal"
IEM is not funded by valve nor does it have any affiliation with valve
It's the frankfurt server, trust me. I hear the same thing all the time, only by people who play in frankfurt.
well he was unable to provide the evidence that he promised + there is evidence against him so...
And ranked
And secret elo
And split
And icebox
Well it should. The map is quite possibly the worst thing to exist in a tactical fps. Worse than first version of overpass and that says a lot.
BcJ or sinatraa IF he is proven innocent
I still think he is a cheater. But it is just a theory. If he proves himself on LAN I will be convinced ofc.
My money is on him NOT proving himself on lan.
They're the most historic events in CSGO history. But the dude asked if it was a major, which it isn't. So what am I supposed to answer?
Major Cologne = biggest event
Non-major cologne = big event, but a normal circuit LAN
max 2 months, in which he will be mediocre at best and then benched. Calling it now.
(although hopefully he comes back and dominates again, but i have little faith in that happening)
stfu supernova, leave before i call you after a certain ape creature and you get vietnam flashbacks of being trashed on hltv
No, I remember distinctly everytime that Shroud isn't streaming that NSG is not actually pulling in those Shroud numbers, just the overall viewership dips by a lot. I remember a GenG Vs IMT game which would probably get 50k for shroud and 30k for NSG. Well, shroud wasn't streaming and NSG still got 30k.
I think supernova once explained that the attackers get the left hand model and the defenders the right hand, so that you can differentiate them.
That won't happen though :(
I dont think they are capable of beating EU teams. If anything TR has regressed as a scene (no hate), futbolist not looking as good, BBL is disappointing so much. The beacons now are Blaze and Ocygen, but oxygen can't have improved so much from getting 26-3d by lulquid. And blaze is a very EU-type team, just not as good.
The positive side is that Blaze has so much forepower. I mean paura is a beast and he is their bottomfragger every game, they have aim.
He will never come back.
That's untrue. NSG has 30k viewers for most of the closed quali matches regardless of shroud streaming or not. Those viewers do not reroute, otherwise whenever shroud didn't stream, the main stream would get 100k more viewers, which mever happens.
Taxi driver
The Father
Tarantino films
Nice guys (excellent comedy)
Kiss Kiss Bang Bang
Tell me if you need anymore (also if you want more/less niche/culturé)
Don't forget hobbs and shaw spinoff!!!!!!!!!!
Nah, just normal event. Well, first LAN event in a long time, but it's not like a Masters Event.
Kids. I need to see some IDs so that I can laugh my ass off.
It's been impossible to use vlr these days. Some kids are so annoying.
Holy heck are there some braindead kids. Have you guys been checking csgo numbers all day long? Your peepee will not get any bigger if the video game you support has a bigger twitch viewership.
Absolute clowns.
Ahhh, well, yeah. I always thought it would be a LAN with a crowd.
On which match?
Edit: nvm
Haha campus tournament that's nice
They can't have multiple teams in different regions. Like C9Korea or T1Korea, they were disbanded.
They beat one team and then go out in round of 128
Greece IS africa
I wouldn't count them as viewers :)
And I wouldn't add them to the total viewers :)
How about no? You piece of sh*t. Your opinion is dismissed. LoL league exploits children in africa do you wanna exploit kids in africa?
What the fuck is this simple ass test difficulty? If you ain't spending 16 hours a day reading for 3 years then the test isn't worth shit.
all my dudes underestimating france.
yeah but before 3.0 they didn't use astra
unironically tier1 team. this team would fucking boss everybody