Jokes on you I don't have a house and I live in a park sleeping on grass
Flag: | Greece |
Registered: | December 4, 2020 |
Last post: | August 16, 2023 at 2:59 PM |
Posts: | 5763 |
Jokes on you I don't have a house and I live in a park sleeping on grass
Well, if you consider pasta and pizza italian and not global, then Italian.
If not, definitely french. I can't get enough of their products, I like their wines, their cheeses, their breads, everything.
You don't have to kill the csgo scene to have a valorant scene. But i get whatsu saying
No, they have good tempo and get hype when they need to.
Also, it's not as much because they've had a career where they've seen way more impressive things than some 30yo boomer scoring a 4k against faceit lvl7s
Most NA casters and analysts are clowns who know nothing about the game and point out the most obvious shit as if it's a revelation. Only good ones are sgares and ddk. They can't add anything to the gameplay other than their over the top reactions. For them, it's either, say some obvious and basic things that were completely unnecessary or, constantly scream inane shit at the mic.
I feel like EU is much better. You have mitchman who is always the butt of the joke, some great casting in hypoc and pansy and the other guy from the UK. You also have that kid that just states weird facts about teams. They're either good at their jobs or they have a niche that justifies them having said jobs.
Problem is he never got punished. Hopefully RLewis is keeping a banger story just to ruin his career once ethics check in the valorant league come out.
Well shahzam is a rat since 2014, you shouldn't have much respect for him.
And no, I respect the fact he called ibp out, but the slimy rat was in on it.
It wasn't evidence, it was a statement by n0thing, that's not proof. What are you talking about?
Maybe in challengers. Depending on how Berlin goes.
EnVy is NA's FPX. They just choke too much.
Yeah well, I don't think valorant has gotten any bigger or more popular in brazil. It's sad.
Holy hell you could say all these things in 2 sentences, you repeating buffoon. Learn to express yourself in writing please.
Why do you read the chat? Do you expect any adult person with a functional brain to be wasting his time typing in that cesspool? Merely imagining it is depressing.
People are agreeing with him... We are officially the worst community.
Wasn't this also used by some EU team?
either that or they are a terrible team, what am i watching
skrossi >>>>
Skrossi is the best player to ever touch Valorant. He's the undisputed GOAT and nobody will ever surpass him. Can't wait til he destroys 13-0 13-0 all these EU and NA tryhards.
he will probably have crambs or sth by then. "i cant go to LAN because my mom's spaghetti was dry, sorry guys"
Once a man admits to his bait, it was never a bait.
-Famous Proverb
Was about to say that. Newer, more hype is always better. This ain't an indie gem that will be found out in 4 years because of some niche meme. It's a game made by riot.
Hahahha these kids are malding so hard. Ratio this and ratio that. The only ratio you should look at is shroud's kill/death ratio lmfaoooo
Braindead twitch watchers btfo'd
ice cream
they wouldnt need english, jady and chiwi already russian
Well, let's agree that there is a huge correlation between being good in CS and good in Valorant. In fact, since 90% of the top pros are ex-csgo pros, there is atleast a 90% chance of a csgo pro competing in Valorant. And the chance gets higher and higher the more relevant you were in csgo.
the fact that you missed the point is mind-boggling to me. he was talking about how boomers with more experience can still compete in csgo even though all the csgo boomers have migrated to valorant, hella ironic.
another triggered one. keep malding.
i dont approve or condone the m-word. but you kids are certainly triggered to the point of suicide everytime you hear it
So you're saying that takas and roden are just not good enough on duelist, right?
inferiority complex after being called the m-word for too long
keep malding kid
re o sunb1rd den htan to paidi pou trollare ton wombo sto twitch chat tou prin kati meres?
brazilians with VKS flair
aka supernova alts