Though an NA fan, that's probably the comment of the day. We like rivalries but some take it too far. I would just like to add that I ain't saying that TenZ> cNed and also not vice versa for the very simple reason that they haven't played against each other . Also disrespecting TenZ even after his performance in masters 2 is not reasonable nor can we say about cNed in any other tournament;but even if one outshines the other, can we say that one of them is bad, absolutely no, it's just the matter of who plays better against the whole team in that match. Maybe someday it'll be cNed and on some, TenZ, both have shown what they are capable of. If for some reason one of the players chokes in a match, we might say that he is bad or that he sucks, but when such players who give such amazing performances are disrespected by illogical reasons constantly, that really starts to get annoying. Some may think the last sentence is in favour of TenZ but that's okay cuz we all know that TenZ is criticized every single day by someone who is a fan of another team, but I did not mean it to be in his favour