i mean yeah but i think he actively harms the team by not playing on his full form
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | September 20, 2024 |
Last post: | March 9, 2025 at 6:42 PM |
Posts: | 3187 |
i mean yeah but i think he actively harms the team by not playing on his full form
Feels like he always run from his strenghts. His best performances even in frag terms were always as a support flex, and his best agents are flash initiators, but seems like he doesn't like to play as it. He always tries to play other roles when he has a chance.
Of course is too early to tell 2025 season but i don't like the idea of him not being flex and being scan initiator
oh this game gonna be GOOD
everything points out to the coach being the problem on fnatic. i dont really like blaming the staff on most times but since this last season i have this feeling. too early to talk about 2025 tho so maybe the team gets better
fnatic has young and new team problems but they seem to have some potential
C9 looks solid but i feel like its just offseason bias
world don't revolve around you buddy
Mind you Sacy was the best player at the champions final he won and a integral part of Sentinels madrid run respect his fucking name lol
damn 46% kast is rough
nice, red finally making good decisions
is shaw on the plans too?
tixinha tentando salvar o cenario brasileiro mais uma vez
yeah i wouldn't really know what goes inside tbh, im talking more as an outsider. to me the problem isn't even boaster too
That's what i said, tho. His best and most defining abilities are the paranoia and the tp, and they're still there. And they're both pretty balanced right now. His one-ways have been overused, it was a problem, and its good to get rid of it for the health of the game.
Also what paranoia nerf are you talking about? The running speed acceleration?
Yeah. While it was a minimal nerf on paper it impacted a lot on how execs are done.
Also i don't think every controller is bad tbh, it's just that omen was the most complete of them and now he's down to the same level
the thing with fnatic is that derke is a better duelist than kajaak and there was no reason to kick him out. he was never the problem and the problems is still there
dgzin had a problem most of furia at the time had which is overheating and throwing advantages but thats easy fixable with a more calm team like loud
I've seen many comments talking about how the nerf "take the individuality out of omen" and "lowers the skill cap of the game", like tex said on this tweet, and i couldn't disagree more. The omen nerf is perfect and here's why:
1) Omen pick rates were 68% during Masters Madrid, 64% during Masters Shangai, 63% during Champions, and 75% during GCC. The next orb smoke in Madrid was Astra with 9%, in Shangai and Champions was Brimstone with 11% and 13%, and GCC was Astra with 16%. Viper was above him through the year, but she was used mainly as secondary smoker/pseudo sentinel, never being the main smoker most of the cases (and she was also nerfed to control pick rate). Omen had insane supremacy and it was being used as main controller on almost every map of the current map pool, with the exception of Pearl and Bind (the latter which he was still used rare times as secondary smoker). And mind you these were almost chamber 2022 levels of usage.
2) What differs him from other controllers was his mobility, not his one-ways. He can easily disengage, take info-peeks, stalls execs with his blind, and create chaos and plays with blind+tp's in a way other controllers can't. His uniqueness is in being agressive and taking risky positions because he can escape later, and he was flexible on attack because he could lurk in distance but also take part on the exec and post plant.
3) You can't nerf his other habilities because there's no reason to do so. His current pick rate was because of his agressive smokes, that forced the other team to use util to get on certain areas, and were getting too many in too many maps. His blind already got a pretty significant nerf last year, and his tp is already pretty fine and counterable, being 100% dependent on the player habilities to when and where to use it. They are his signature habilities and is kinda dumb to say riot killed his individuality and saying these would be better nerfs at the same time.
4) And my central point: next year's meta needed that nerf. First, there were many teams that were clearly building with one of the pillars being omen as the main controller, having omen players and not actual full-role controllers on the team (Leviatan, i'm looking at you). If anything, the nerf is actually forcing people to be actual controllers, good with many characters, and not just omen players, and the skill floor is rising. Second, Omen is still viable on many, probably most maps, he's just not going to get picked as much. He can still do many one-ways, they're just more restricted now. Having a diverse meta with more strong agents is actually pretty good and exciting, and will open the door to many different playstyles.
When nerfing his blind or tp you are not changing the identity of omen
You are tho
Omen is not unique because of his one-way. He's unique because of his mobility and agressive controller style. All his abilities take part on this, but mostly his tp's and his blind. The one-ways were just being overused and made him way too strong of a controller, and most of them could still be done after the nerf, they're just controlling how much it could be abused.
His blind already got a pretty significant nerf last year and his tp is purely based on skill of the player. They were not being overused, and were pretty healthy, good enough abilities that are fine rn the way they are. There's no reason to change that, or the range and recharge of smokes, which are also pretty fine
its what made omen unique
You say that and then ask to nerf his tp and blind
Pick a side bro
cortezia is going to be sentinel on MIBR so it makes sense
its just going to be less prioritized in certain maps which is good because he was too overpicked during this year
me too, meta will be a lot more diverse and fun, without hurting omen that much
potter probably wanted to but gc schedule is a bit shitty
disagree, i think the omen gimmick is the blind + tp and theyre both pretty fine. oneways were tactical and kinda overused. hes still viable just not too complete anymore
i think she has been in europe for almost two months now because of gc. probably couldnt trial for americas from there and trialed around europe
honestly this changes a bit of my opinion in some teams because i think some of them have omen as main smokes as a team dynamic and i dont think he will be the #1 priority on next year meta
i agree, he's still very much viable, its just that he's not gonna be used on 80% of the map pool anymore (specially since astra got a great buff too), which is good because he has been the main smoker for too long
I can't say because idk how proplayers see it and how it will be played out so we'il see
she was already back but now i think she will be THE controller for 2025
I explained in #12
I think its either already live or later today
most impactful update we had in years probably. they just decided to shuffle everything and now the meta is really open. and its not even the whole thing because theres still neon nerfs and harbor buffs coming for next year
from what i understood is like half shield but more expensive (650cr), it absorbs 100% of damage and heals itself if you disengage long enough
nah the game needed it one ways were way too overused and omen itself needs to step down for other controllers
i think his blind has been pretty fine since they nerf the movement difference tbh but i was also not expecting nerfs on his smokes
although i understand because he has been pretty overused on proplay and he needs to step down a bit
im mixed because im sometimes an omen player and i should fucking hate it but i do think hes been the meta controller for wayyy too long
Absolutely bonkers. 2025 meta will be insane. Everything changed holy shit
Just woke up to the news. Very happy for her and curious to see her on Tier 1. Let's see if she lives up to it. Also think its a good bet by Apeks
i mean maybe this is a hot take but i dont think there's a need to spend very much on peripherals if you dont want to become a proplayer
if you want to and have the money, then go ahead
It's definitely more complicated than just "she had a chance and don't want to go"
refuses to go up against opponents with a higher skill ceiling
Well you don't know that lol
you can and should criticize them for hiring v1nny but getting lukxo is a very good move
I mean keeping a backup plan is not a bad idea, its part of being a pro. If they did that in 2024 maybe their year would be better lol
palla was still on MIBR plans before loud got dgzin and rich isn't an IGL and conflicts role with cauanzin (also rich is currently retired)
i mean yay played pretty well idk why he wouldn't stay
yeah, although i dont know if marved is really retired
from the 2022 champions final, 4/10 players are either retired or free agents
volta na primeira vitoria da gigante furiosa, to dando apoio ao GOAT
probably fight for playoffs. gobera is a downgrade to spike but hes good. zap is a great igl and they work well under the underdog narrative. i think they'il do pretty fine