it was tixinha's decision, not the orgs. i do think this could've be avoided with a "one team per org" rule, but i think he want to avoid orgs sending their gc/academy last minute. either way not that serious to onur react like that
Flag: | Brazil |
Registered: | September 20, 2024 |
Last post: | March 9, 2025 at 6:42 PM |
Posts: | 3187 |
it was tixinha's decision, not the orgs. i do think this could've be avoided with a "one team per org" rule, but i think he want to avoid orgs sending their gc/academy last minute. either way not that serious to onur react like that
EG only in C tier while they belong in A and many more nonsensical placements
nzr tomorrow
aspas announcement probably going to be something bigger (i think sacy is envolved) so i'd say probably teaser on wednesday and full announcement on thursday/friday
it wouldn't, demon1 only came because aspas was going to leave, there was no world the two would play together, and demon1 agent pool is too limited to play with aspas as a replacement of mazino anyway
two big brain igls on the team there will be ninja tactics to compensate aspas absence
tunnel vision and killing time are both on my top 5 songs of the year rn
mibr team is going to be srn - jelly - sayuri - nzr - artzin btw
yeah sadly T2 is on a whole situation rn, but its not gc's fault, things wouldnt change if gc didnt exist. riot is just a bad company at esports and made a unhealthy and unattractive format overall
not a fan of playing abyss without a sentinel tbh too many holes in that map for lurkers
where did i said hate lol i said you dislike it which is pretty clear to me you do
and the GC funding overall is not higher than T2 at all, the only thing they have different is an international event (which you could argue T2 should have, or at least classify to champs play-ins). GC is also a temporary league and will end in a few years so its not really comparable
and regional gc has as much viewership as challengers leagues if not more in some cases so of course is as interesting as challengers to riot
then just... don't watch it? i don't understand your point. feels like you just want to be pissed at something. it's okay to dislike it and you don't need to watch something you don't like. play a little, go outside, watch some old games, watch a movie, idc. just do something you like and want to do.
there was a rumour last year that they were considering doing a valorant movie but idk how thats going
and to think he would go back to CS2 before mibr called him lol
he's really good and he really did deserve a shot in franchising. sad that there's not space for many players in T1 and t2 is dying because brazil has really good talent
da pra liquid levar, revanche vai ser tensa, mas tenho fé
nt liquid, nao tinha mt o que fazer, essa galera da pronets é nome de franquia, bom pra ganhar a xp e evoluir
essa loud gc é foda, quando tá bem tem nível pra trocar contra o t2, mas choca muito fácil, sempre no "se"...
deve ser o qck
éan, sem xarola sem win
nao é um GRANDE upgrade mas acho melhor que o kyk
They can but they don't want to. And you can just not watch it
You know you can just not see it, right? its offseason, it's not serious
probably coordination? these maps are great to gain synergy between new teammates
also eventually they will comeback
Loud won VCT Americas by being consistent? split it into 2
This wouldn't change anything tho
Less is the best Viper in the scene? nerf it oblivion
Less was and is still a good overall sentinel it didn't affect him that hard, Viper was too strong and is still a good and viable agent
Aspas is the best Jett? nerf her continuously
Didn't affect him or her that much
a brazilian team has won Ascension? well now ascension is only one year
Decision was made before Challengers split 2 even happened
Loud invented a great meta for most maps? nerf sky, viper AND Killjoy
Killjoy wasn't that much nerfed at all and other agents also changed a lot
Map Pool complaints are fair but that's just life, teams should develop a strong enough map pool and not just rely on the same ones
Truth is BR has a lot of talent and yes there is some sabotage from riot (none on the op) but the orgs, coachs and players always make stupid decisions and we should blame weak years 90% on them and not just play the victim card
aqui a liquid infelizmente perde mas vai ser divertido torcer (com muito respeito aos pronets tambem)
br foi campeao do ascension cara
VAMOOOO LIQUID PORRA!!!!!!! tava morrendo aqui pqp
n é possivel q a liquid vai chocar isso pqp
justo tb. é que pra mim o xenom deu uma carregada nesse time ate os playoffs, sem ele seria um downgrade inevitável (a nao ser q fosse uns nomes inquestionaveis)
tem uns nomes bons, é um downgrade do ultimo split sem o xenom mas ainda tá fortinho, acho que seria meio de tabela hj (tanto q geral tava jurando q eles iam amassar)
que coisa linda essa liquid jogando, amassando uma equipe fortinha do t2 até aqui
insane play, daiki is a great igl
insane play, daiki is a great igl
VAMO VAMO LIQUID, muito respeito ao bom time da stellae porém PT-BR
tixinha also doing watch party
the fuck LMAO
neon was already meta in the map in 2023, it will be even more now
but the map has so much viable comps it will be a blood bath to know which team will be the best
fracture is terribly underrated, is a very fun and unique map
ascent is great but it needs some time out, 4 straight years on the pool is insane
i like both sunset and lotus so i dont care much about the change too (although i do like lotus more so its a win to me)
nt loud, jogou bem enquanto deu mas abalou demais, tem que trabalhar nesse psicologico
gap is getting smaller every tournament, in a few years/months there will be a GC team on vcb
nt demais loud, deu uma tiltada e perdeu o mapa, mas jogou bem
i mean loud gc is playing pretty good, waved and antg are stepping up
esse spot do prince kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk esse jogo vai ser pelo entretenimento
jesus christ
a galorys será campeã do ascension americas 2025
gremio jogando direitinho aqui, time promissor
he shouldn't do that to that's actively harming the team because he can't perform or call right if he doesn't feel comfortable
saadhak feels completely uncomfortable with sova. 3 assists, 50% KAST... kinda heartbreaking to see. idk why he wants to be recon initiator
damn crazy trent clutch