Flag: Australia
Registered: June 10, 2023
Last post: February 7, 2025 at 10:30 PM
Posts: 291
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if bro turns up where it matters most and shows consistent work and intangibles then he is still definitely worth a spot

after they lost Sacy and Tenz they honestly lost a lot of the leadership and voice of the team, he is more important than ever

posted 3 weeks ago

no-one ever said that aspas plays badly on international LAN, they just said Derke plays worse

posted 3 weeks ago

lowers skill cap lol

posted 1 month ago

i feel wonderful putting chumps down yeah

posted 3 months ago

11.5k posts on

700 hours and still hardstuck diamond 0.89K/D

this is so sad

posted 3 months ago

LOL haven't played since Act 1 and I still know more ball than you do 🤣

i've been playing more CS and holy shit the ranked system for that game is so much better

you on NA servers? come run your mouth dumbass I'd diff the living shit out of your -250rr ass

posted 3 months ago

he's an IGL, knows the Kaplan system better than anyone and is plenty vocal
honestly I'd even go as far as saying they didn't even need Sacy and Zellsis both midrounding last year but everyone was frying and the chemistry was good with that team so they didn't bother making changes

there's a reason why he picked to go with SEN as their 6th man AND he's probably under contract

posted 3 months ago

im not just saying shit lol you're pulling stuff outta your ass with no evidence LOL

there is no better environment than SEN as well, pay is good, content is good, great for clout and growing a brand or would you prefer he go to EG and then spend his prime in contract jail on an org about to implode on a team that maybe barely sniffs the regional playoffs because that's realistically the only choice for him once he turns 18 OR do you want a kid fresh outta highschool to fly alone to some new continent. People not even on the team anymore have raved about how good SEN is it's unbelievable that you're trying to claim it would wreck his career

and HOLY bottom 1% I feel bad for being so harsh on you brother
better times are up ahead you're gonna absolute dominate in plat FS

posted 3 months ago

zellsis didn't have games THIS poor that fucking FNS was diffing him in straight aim duels

and bruh obviously an IGL can take up the midrounding duties for two people tf?? not to mention n4rrate is a vocal mf when tenz and sacy were much more quiet during the round

also don't forget this whole discussion started off with you claiming that reduxx would be worse off coming onto SEN which is still absolutely hilarious

drop the tracker if shit is so funny

posted 3 months ago

I was fine with zellsis last year BECAUSE he didn't look like an absolute bot while aiming AND he was midrounding.
Now he DOESN'T shoot straight AND john is taking his role as a pack mid-rounder AND they lost firepower from Tenz which bang isn't making up for and N4rrate is being put in unwinnable clutches after the whole exec gets traded out

forget about sitting anyone's bum ass down bruv only shit you gotta be sitting down is onto your chair at school cause esports is not for you big boy

posted 3 months ago

a sign of a dumb person is making claims out of thin air to make their argument sound better

I never said that all you need is a pack initiator IGL, what I was saying was that Zellsis' role with John on sentinel was so much more important last year because he could mid-round and call different plays while John was lurking on the opposite choke point- case in point all of SEN's B execs on split last year when John was taking A-ramp solo every round- now that John is with the pack Zellsis role as a second voice isn't as important anymore and if his dip in fragging continues he lost the only other intangible thing keeping his job

and no shit you lost 250rr if this is the way you see the game LOL

posted 3 months ago

"quote of shame" LOL explain how it's wrong then i bet your ass is gold 1 peak

posted 3 months ago

y'all??? tf you talking about dumbass i was one of Sacy's biggest supporters even when he wasn't aiming last year

they don't need Zellsis' midrounding if john is playing pack initiator they need more firepower

dumbasses are you kinda mfs who don't have the braincells to not see when two situations aren't the same

posted 3 months ago

bruv there's a difference between being dysfunctional and making some obvious changes that will make the team better

posted 3 months ago

dawg SEN is NOT a dysfunctional lol they've been diffing everyone other than this NRG team

also there is not a single pro in existence that has had made their career worse by joining SEN why are you fake fans just yapping holy shit

posted 3 months ago

please grow old faster

posted 3 months ago

they got za in lithuania???

posted 3 months ago

name the 5 better teams

posted 3 months ago

brother chill

NRG is playing like a LAN winning team rn

SEN is at worst third or fourth best in Americas after losing their arguably best player

posted 3 months ago

anybody that instantly brings up stats as the primary justification for why someone is bad on a role is a peak plat player

posted 4 months ago

he was a good controller player because he could lurk effectively with global util dummy

it's not like his smoking was somehow better than everyone else's

posted 4 months ago

jasonr can't play with women dummy the team comms are going to be awful

posted 4 months ago

Heretics core will never win an international LAN

posted 4 months ago

careful bro you may make him quit again :'(

posted 5 months ago

sit back down buddy you ain't him

posted 5 months ago

welcome Sentinels zander!

posted 5 months ago



posted 5 months ago

and to make matters worse, boaster also has non-fragging roles AND IGLs

posted 8 months ago

Demon1 is sitting at home watching (I'm only half-joking)

posted 8 months ago

duh but you can have a better sub for sure

posted 8 months ago

what kinda decision-making is that, I get being nervous and having shaky aim but what I don't get is diving into untradeable places or just acting as cannon fodder

there are surely a billion better duelists in T2 that could've been picked up

posted 8 months ago

I did, in fact, read all of that. You by all means bring up so extremely relevant points.

I was primarily referring to Boostio and stax, two players which come to mind as having excellent aim while still having to call for teams with extremely nuanced playbooks. I feel that in general the trend towards IGLs bottom fragging is less necessarily because their aim takes a massive hit when they are calling, but more towards the fact that their raw aim just wasn't necessarily that good in the first place but they were still valuable enough to be on a team because of their gamesense and comms, etc.

I think Marved also did a bit of calling on Optic and Faze, two of his previous teams, and learnt a lot under FNS so I don't think it's very fair to say that he's completely new to the IGL role. Also, from what I remember of Marved's gameplay it was less crosshair placement and more just quite crappy sprays towards the end of the season. He also said himself that he's a more chill IGL, ie. less micromanaging (as I referenced earlier) so I don't think that his fragging should take as much of a hit.

posted about a year ago

texture is gone but botssi isn't confirmed yet??

posted about a year ago

yeah bro is sooo annoying I really wished he would stfu and let the actual experts speculate

posted about a year ago

sure, even if we be nice and say Marved was good during LCQ and the end of the season, s0m by far had the better season.

I like Jimmy as much as the next guy but optic d-riders gotta get off his meat and respect the facts when other players have clearly better years

posted about a year ago

I just explained to you why the IGLing role shouldn't have affected him as much

you need to explain just what it is about IGLing which should make your aim worse

posted about a year ago

IGLing isn't an excuse anymore, there are plenty of super solid fraggers that are IGLs as well + he wasn't even micromanaging that much so it shouldn't take away from his production

also, he wasn't great in comparison to the other sentinels players too

posted about a year ago

that's not the point, Marved's individual output wasn't great either way

posted about a year ago

on that topic idk if we should count pancada as NA even though he's on Sentinels...

posted about a year ago

s0m throughout basically the whole season was a top 5 player in Americas

Marved was lowkey mid on Sentinels

posted about a year ago

lost me at Marved > s0m

posted about a year ago

you must not be very intelligent

posted about a year ago

damn this team might actually make playoffs

posted about a year ago

you can do that on good teams too tbh

posted about a year ago

are there even any left?

posted about a year ago

if they say it's easier to get good stats on a bad team

posted about a year ago

wdym "least representation" that's a pretty good amount of teams

if we're being honest here, the highest tier of competitive NA talent only stretches 5 teams anyways

posted about a year ago

who cares at least we get to see the 10 teams in a region duke it out that's good enough

building a healthy T2 ecosystem is always difficult for a newer FPS

posted about a year ago

wow you are really that dumb huh

the whole argument you had was about "stats" to begin with, and whether it was easier to get them on good vs bad teams, don't forget that- KK's production was still massive in Champs, and they literally finished off in the same position as they did in Tokyo LOL

I think it's also funny that your boy yay is literally a contradiction to your whole argument, y'all really tried to forget quickly how badly he shat the bed consistently against far worse competition on a crappy team like DSG

my region may be shit but I think that's more because of the fact that our kids spend more time in school instead of grinding valorant so they wouldn't be as dumb as you fucks when they grow up, I'll watch my team make it back to international LANs as yours fucking creates content for Tik Tok again

You bronze hardstuck shitter.

posted about a year ago

what I'm saying is that even if you don't go deeper into tournaments, since the level of competition has increased overall its still comparable difficulties when it comes to teams both KK and yay have faced imo

they've gone up against Navi, LOUD, EG, PRX, Liquid over the course of like two international LANs, which are basically the cores of some of the top teams of 2022 which yay had to contend with as well

posted about a year ago
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