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Registered: June 13, 2023
Last post: September 30, 2024 at 5:48 PM
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nah, PRX just has a life game right back

five aim demons > one aim demon + 4 somewhat aim demons

posted 5 months ago

I know right... It was very sad to watch...

I don't know about 100% out aim G2, they can shoot back pretty well, and icy may have his occasional life game again.

And thank you for that! You too :)

(Though I still think you're underestimating G2)

edit: oh, and in case you're curious, I would say 65/35 G2 as of right now. Unless PRX has fixed their map pool, I still see G2 winning. But PRX can just have life games and outaim the heck out of them. 1v2 means nothing if you kill them both first :)

posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago

Also, how will you decide the winner? Just curious.

posted 5 months ago

PRX has the highest post plant win percentage in all of VCT during Stage Two(though TBF, it was only against APAC opponents.)

I'd say they've spent a lot of time learning post plants after they shit the bed in Shanghai. They definitely learned how to play post plants.

The problem I see is that sometimes, PRX will try to take the fight but either get hard read and/or lose gunfights. This isn't regionals, where they can just outaim their way out of disadvantages. Forcing fights is all well and good, but keep in mind all G2 did in their win during Shanghai was basically just sit for twenty seconds at the start and see where they pushed from. Unless they are slowing it down. they can't really win.

posted 5 months ago

I gotta be honest, I have no idea who Sayonara is

posted 5 months ago

I think you're WAY underestimating how well G2 can deal with these "aggressive" styles.

G2's entire playbook for a lot of maps is literally just to never take fair fights. If PRX has just a tiny bit of bad spacing, G2 are going to punish, take and win a 2v1, and then should clean up. You yourself agree that PRX has overheating tendencies, which is EXACTLY what G2 love to see, as they can always punish with how coordinated they are.

posted 5 months ago

f0rsaken. He can play anything, call decently, has good aim, and would be a great backbone to any team.

f0rsaken > Chronicle simply because I'm a PRX fan :)

posted 5 months ago

That's all very fair and true. (Thank you for actually backing up your reasoning with stats and overall knowledge btw)

The one thing that I think would make Icebox more preferable to Abyss has more to do with how Icebox is played. Icebox is the most cookie cutter map in how you play it. There are some things you can change, but it's overall relatively simple.

G2 is a very well structured team; it's their playstyle. I just feel G2 and Icebox are such a good combination on this map.

Now for your stats, I do feel that the stats are excluding some outside factors a bit.

PRX played five matches on Icebox. They won 3/5, against Talon, DRX, and DFM. They lost to Gen.G and DRX.

PRX has historically crushed Talon, and DFM is mostly a free win. If we excluded these two wins, then it's also a 33% win rate.

In the two games they lost, they lost 13-5 vs Gen.G and 13-10 vs DRX. PRX only managed to win 4 and 6 rounds on attack respectively. This is not exactly a good attacking half. The main reason why they have such a good attack win rate is because they beat DRX, Talon, and DFM by a lot.

These wins are not all that special. Outside of their 13-5 vs DRX, they have not played well on Icebox at all against good teams. I don't think PRX has all that good of an Icebox.

On Abyss, I still think PRX are decently favored. It's a new map, and I believe PRX are going to try and make it a strength. I know that's not much evidence, but with how PRX handled pearl last year, I believe they will try to learn abyss well.

posted 5 months ago

Try it then. I'd like to think I'm more reasonable than most, so try explaining it to me.

posted 5 months ago

Yes, because you don't have a logical argument at this time.

And after the game, you have no right to say anything like "I told you so"

We are discussing what their map pool is RIGHT NOW. Not what it will look like. And there is no argument that they have a good map pool. Can it change? Definitely. But as of RIGHT NOW, they do not have a good map pool.

You're just saying stuff for the sake of it.

posted 5 months ago

How do they have a good map pool at all?

Their sunset is arguably one of if not the best ITW, and their Lotus is pretty solid.

Outside of that, they do not look good.

Ascent is ass for them.

Icebox and Bind are both decent, but certainty winnable.

Abyss is a question mark. I personally think PRX are going to really drill abyss, and hope to become really good at it, but we haven't seen anything about that.

Haven is their perma ban.

posted 5 months ago

I think PRX are going to be the best team at abyss. They looked solid in their abyss match, and I think PRX recognize they need to fix their map pool if they want any chance of winning Champs. PRX was one of if not the best ITW at Pearl last year, and was a major strength of their run. If they can learn abyss well, tighten up a few other maps, permabanning haven is fine.

I would guess G2 bans abyss over icebox unless they have also been practicing it for this reason, and also G2 focus more on structure, and the abyss meta has yet to settle.

Edit: The other thing that's kinda cope is that PRX may try to pull out Haven for the surprise factor. They may be secretly practicing it.

posted 5 months ago

Thank you for this. #WGAMING <3

posted 5 months ago

Any post longer than 4 lines needs to have either a TW: allat or a TL;DR

But I just don't see FPX > TH or Gen.G just yet, unless they learn from their loss from TH

posted 5 months ago

I prefer <3 over :3 most of the time

posted 5 months ago

two games a day is fine. Provided you do it consistently and make sure to do a practice routine before/after you play, then you can still improve. It may just be a bit slower.

posted 5 months ago

I hate to say it as a PRX fan but G2 2-0 PRX. Even if we really fix things up, G2 2-1 PRX. G2 just hard counters out playstyle and to win we'd need to play very well and/or G2 play like shit

posted 5 months ago

give me please

posted 5 months ago

there is no rank dm

I literally played a dm on my alt while waiting for my friends to be online and played against a FUCKING RADIANT when the account is S1 and peak G1....

(keep in mind my main account is D2 rn)

posted 5 months ago

I don't think mine is anything special...

But okay ty <3

posted 5 months ago


posted 5 months ago

H350 Pandora

Honestly it's great if you don't mind wired, it's cheap, has good spatial audio, a very solid mic, and very comfortable.

posted 5 months ago

If you think you can IGL or at least call well, I'd suggest any flash init, but if not, prob KJ/Cypher

I don't recommend smokes unless you think you are good with them

posted 5 months ago


but i'd be distracted playing with the classic while rotating and die to the lurker while my team yells at me :(

posted 5 months ago

4K is a bit much imo

maybe $3500-3700

posted 5 months ago

no he linked it wrong, so you're looking at your own

posted 5 months ago

they're on an attack sided map...

posted 5 months ago

wrong way to link pickem...

posted 5 months ago

fuck yeah that would be dope

but I'd probably guess they make a new style of knife again

(pause i just realzied ion energy thingy exists, nvm)

I probably want a sheriff over classic, but other than that the rest is fire

posted 5 months ago

i like prime 2.0 and glitchpop 2.0, but it's roughly the same for me

posted 5 months ago

+1 for the elderflame

the one I want for sure is the Radiant Entertainment System one, but I'm not too sure how well the sounds would transfer to heavier weapons...

posted 5 months ago

just hate playing fracture in ranked, cause teammates are idiots and don't understand what map control is

watching it in pro play is really cool though

posted 5 months ago

I'll probably do it tomorrow

posted 5 months ago

wdym "inside the bomb"?

the three times when aspas had op on retake:


4v5 against a low buy

3v5(so I guess it's kinda fair for this one)

and there is a reason why I gave those rounds 0.5 of a baiter point and not a full one.

posted 5 months ago

yeah you don't have to watch it, it's just giving time stamped proof so you can't deny what I said is true

ugh that would take so long, but is probably a good idea too

any other suggestions besides zekken? Or is zekken who you'd like to see?

posted 5 months ago

I like or am at least okay with every map besides breeze, abyss(tho it's a bit too early), and fracture(in ranked)

posted 5 months ago

mostly based off what I saw him do per round

if he's going first, then he gets an entry counter(no matter what happens, so even if he dies alone)

if he just sits back site and/or does nothing, then he gets a bait counter

i gave my quick explanation on what I saw him do

but you can maybe debate some

posted 6 months ago

since people always debate stats and whatnot(which do also agree aspas isn't a baiter)

i looked at video evidence and gave proof

yes, aspas is not a baiter

now we can finally put this to rest for people like BulkyLettuce

posted 6 months ago

i literally put a TW

posted 6 months ago


Also, i'll just put this at the top:

for a total of....

bait counter: 5

entry counter: 20

for aspas, so he is not a baiter :)

(This is with video evidence as proof)

(Y'all better upvote this please this took so long)

I'm looking at this game:

LEV vs G2(Upper Final, where G2 2-0 LEV)

This game was chose because aspas played well, but didn't have some kind of crazy FK:FD. They also lost, making it more likely it's his fault that they lost.


I'm looking at actual rounds, where both teams have an actual chance to win the round. (Not ecos, unless they win or get close to winning)

On each round, I will be watching to see if aspas goes first or not

Map One: Icebox

Round 1: aspas is last on the retake, fails clutch

bait counter: 1
entry counter: 0

Round 3: aspas starts B main at the beginning of the round, get's a pick

bait counter: 1

entry counter: 1

Round 4: LEV fight yellow, aspas leads charge

bait counter: 1

entry counter: 2

Round 5: aspas walks up belt, finds a pick then dies

could be argued as "troll", as you're pushing up solo vs an eco, but it doesn't mean he's a baiter, so another point of entry

bait counter: 1

entry counter: 3

Round 8: aspas just holds spawn with op, doesn't assist retake till later:

but he has op so i can't really fault him too much

I'll give him 0.5

bait counter: 1.5

entry counter: 3

Round 11: beginning of vid is cut out, but we see aspas is dead in a one for one

bait counter: 1.5

entry counter: 4

Round 12: aspas finds first pick on retake

bait counter: 1.5

entry counter: 5

Round 13: aspas just kinda sits in back site and does nothing but die

bait counter: 2.5

entry counter: 5

Round 14: aspas plays up close during post plant

bait counter: 2.5

entry counter: 6

Round 16: aspas kinda takes a foward angle, but then tries to run back and post plant and dies

i know he didn't do much, but he was up front and was told to play post plant which is why he left

bait counter: 2.5

entry counter: 6

Round 18: aspas is up front, first trying to fight with viper, then trying to find a pick, but gets pushed off by hunters fury

bait counter: 2.5

entry counter: 7

Round 19: aspas uses knives and takes entirety of site by himself, then later plays up front during post plant

bait counter: 2.5

entry counter: 8

Round 20: aspas takes foward angle during post plant and finds an opener

bait counter: 2.5

entry counter: 9

Round 21: aspas goes first, but just dies and doesn't get traded

bait counter: 2.5

entry counter: 10


Current tally:

bait counter: 2.5

entry counter: 10

Map 2: Bind

Round 1: aspas tps with his team, but just kinda sits in tp and lets rest of his team die

tho he does get somewhat close to clutching it

bait counter: 1

entry counter: 0

Round 3: Aspas has op on top of truck, finds opening kill

bait counter: 1

entry counter: 1

note: aspas does kinda bait during post plant, but he has op so again i can't really fault him too much

i'll give him 0.5 again

bait counter: 1.5

entry counter: 1

round 4: aspas leads charge during retake, finds opening kill

bait counter: 1.5

entry counter: 2

round 5: aspas leads charge for CT side of retake, finds opening kill(for the CT side of retake)

bait counter: 1.5

entry counter: 3

Round 6: aspas is playing A, and kingg just kills them all before aspas can rotate

no point for either

bait counter: 1.5

entry counter: 3

Round 7: aspas has op once again, and you guessed it, aspas kinda baits his team

but 0.5 again

bait counter: 2

entry counter: 3

round 9: aspas plays a for most of this, so not much happens, but he does try to find a timing and wins them the round

bait counter: 2

entry counter: 4

Round 11: aspas plays foward position, but leaf gets the kill

bait counter: 2

entry counter: 5

Round 12: guess what, aspas has op and kinda baits his team again

you know the drill by now

bait counter: 2.5

entry counter: 5

Round 13: aspas leads charge, finds opening kill

bait counter: 2.5

entry counter: 6

Round 15: aspas leads charge, but dies and doesn't get traded

bait counter: 2.5

entry counter: 7

Roundd 16: exact same thing happens as round 15

bait counter: 2.5

entry counter: 8

Round 18: aspas watches CT, but no one goes that way

later he does swing and get a kill on his own

bait counter: 2.5

entry counter: 9

Round 19: whoa, it happens again

aspas swings into u haul, dies, doesn't get traded or it's a negative trade

bait counter: 2.5

entry counter: 10


woah he gets the same score line

bait counter: 2.5

entry counter: 10

for a total of....

bait counter: 5

entry counter: 20

take this however you want

(this took like an hour)

posted 6 months ago

b-but aspas is just a baiter and this is proof

posted 6 months ago

even as a PRX fan PRX > G2 does not happen unless we play amazing and fix a lot of issues and/or G2 plays like shit

G2 just hard counters us

posted 6 months ago

the problem with that is that comp does matchmaking based on skill

DM has no matchmaking at all(from what I know)

so you could 1v1ing a immortal as a silver and just get shit on

posted 6 months ago

The "can't find anyone" part is really only true if people leave, if it's a full DM then it's fine.

posted 6 months ago

I don't know...

A few of us are still here, but most of the time other people just remember Bulkylettuce or whatever. After two years of failing to win a trophy, and how badly we shit the bed in Shanghai, most of us have also realized we will never win a trophy unless major changes happen. Our map pool is pretty shit, we still have overheating issues, and we can't play standard comps.

posted 6 months ago

he finished, he did it for a year

posted 6 months ago
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