Flag: Canada
Registered: May 7, 2024
Last post: December 18, 2024 at 6:58 PM
Posts: 10036
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So what you're saying is mada doesn't exist AND he's imaginary??

posted 1 month ago

(Former) Viper main here, bring back Icebox I had a 70% winrate on it

posted 1 month ago

Nooo dude Idaho's such a bad map

posted 1 month ago

Yes the map rotation with today's patch was Bind out Drift in

posted 1 month ago

Let's duo later, currently silver 3

Also dude how is your winrate π 😭

posted 1 month ago

If f0rsakeN is on Yoru they have a fighting chance

posted 1 month ago
This Death Blossoms?
Why is their smokes player called Sleepy Femboy wth

posted 1 month ago

Harbor (this is copium, they're probably gonna end up running Viper + Brim/Clove)

posted 1 month ago

This just popped into my head for some reason:
SEN ban Raze
PRX ban Neon
We end up getting a f0rsaken vs. N4RRATE head-to-head on Yoru on all three maps

posted 1 month ago

Alright, I'll talk to some friends about it. Maybe my Diamond 3 Chamber one trick friend can help me figure something out. You never know

posted 1 month ago

Hi CanadaMan!

posted 1 month ago


What do you think they're gonna do? They did say they're taking a while because he needs "larger scope work" so it could be anything, really

posted 1 month ago

I didn't think about that, honestly. There's definitely value in looking at actual pro games and seeing what the Harbors are doing. I'll have to look into that, thank you. 👍

Also practicing walls is something I've done before, but not much. I guess it's a good idea to get in the habit of it if I really want to get better at the agent.

posted 1 month ago

This is probably the most efficient way for me to develop Harbor on a specific map-by-map basis; I could look at situations where I didn't know how I needed to play, and find out what I need to be doing in that kind of situation. So there is definitely a lot of merit to VOD reviewing.

The problem is... how do I know if what I'm doing myself is the optimal way of doing things? It's like if you come up with a Cypher setup and you run it a bunch of times and it does well, but only because it's not obvious to people at your skill level how to exploit it, so you rank up and all of a sudden your setup isn't doing anything to stop them anymore. The issue is that I'm not good enough at Harbor myself (or the game itself, let's be honest) to be able to dictate whether or not what I'm doing is valid, or whether it's just working because my opponents are stupid.

posted 1 month ago

If anyone has any advice (other than stop playing Harbor, because uh, no) please let me know.

Don't get me wrong... I know Harbor isn't meta on most maps. But that doesn't mean he's unplayable—in fact, I find pretty good baseline value with him on every map. It's not that he's bad, per se, it's just that the optimal way to play him either hasn't been discovered yet or isn't very publicly available.

posted 1 month ago

Kai (duelist/senti)
FengF (duelist/senti)
s0m (controller)
C0M (initiator)
Zap (flex/igl)

posted 1 month ago

He has some pretty good tech, and I learned quite a bit of stuff from his older VODs (entrying with Cove if your duelists aren't willing to, using pockets in his wall to dodge recon/dogs, throwing down his Cove to get out of sticky situations), but around a year ago he stopped trying to play optimally and started going for clips because it was a lot more fun to him (and yeah, it is a lot more fun, but I'm trying to learn how to play Harbor optimally, and Ludilue won't do that for me anymore—his recent map guides are him teaching his cubby tech half the time, and he's playing Deadlock in ranked instead of Harbor now anyway).

posted 1 month ago

I have a problem.

I REALLY want to get better at Harbor, but:

  • There are no serious Harbor pro VODs on YouTube. Every VOD is one of three categories:
    1. playing Harbor for content and/or playing Harbor but not really trying much (e.g. s0m)
    2. playing Harbor because a viewer asks them to but they don't know how to (e.g. nAts)
    3. playing Harbor but because they don't play Harbor much/at all in VCT they're not super good with him or don't have much tech at all (e.g. Boaster)
  • No pros are playing much Harbor in ranked, so I can't go to their Twitch VODs for help, either. Here are a few examples:
  • The only Radiant (or Immo 3 +, for that matter) I can find on YouTube or Twitch who plays Harbor consistently is Ludilue, and...
    1. He's always going for the corners, gibby jumps, boing boing every single times, etc.
    2. He's gotten so bored of playing Harbor he's one literally tricking Deadlock in ranked now

What do I do if I genuinely want to get better at Harbor? I main Harbor, and I have 175 hours on him, but although my util isn't bad by any means, I feel like I've hit my limit when it comes to getting better simply with reps. If anyone has any advice (other than stop playing Harbor, because uh, no) please let me know.

Thank you so much. 🤍

posted 1 month ago
  1. Why are you copying n1cf?
  2. What does the z stand for?
posted 1 month ago

¿Por qué?

posted 1 month ago

When I make these jokes, I get downvoted and called an NPC :(

posted 1 month ago

Any time anyone says "unique shooting style" the only person I can think of is Asuna

posted 1 month ago

Why are we laughing at Sacy and Saadhak, again? Sacy was topfrag with 26 kills and Saadhak was igling while playing Sage of all things (and still Sage diffed btw)

posted 1 month ago

Didn't know I needed this matchup in my life, but oh my god, I can't wait to see this

posted 1 month ago

and what a play

posted 1 month ago

I need one of those Harbors on my team every game

posted 1 month ago

40 hp heal every 20 seconds

posted 1 month ago

Default Sentinels of Light Phantom
Black/gold Terminus A Quo

posted 1 month ago

Bring back DeyahAlAjarma, he was so much nicer

posted 1 month ago

You would NOT drop 400 ACS entrying onto yay's site, don't lie to yourself

posted 1 month ago

Literally two days earlier he dropped 392 ACS on Raze

posted 1 month ago

Rob Moore has to be the worst VALORANT caster of all time

posted 1 month ago

Tell him to ask them for a new one, then. VLR only change player pictures when they ask for a change

posted 1 month ago

Go find a new gimmick, this one's gone on for too long

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

This is because he's Polish and the others aren't, isn't it?

posted 1 month ago

Hope you make it out (they will freeze over)

posted 1 month ago

Yeah lmao. Just call them PokéBalls

posted 1 month ago

Don't wanna that guy but Gekko isn't radiant, he just kinda allegedly broke into a Kingdom facility and stole the Globules. Everyone else is right, though 👍

posted 1 month ago

You should definitely come to Canada, but not to escape the cold, per se. If it's for winter break then I definitely recommend looking to stay near Niagara Falls—the Falls themselves are worth visiting for, but they also celebrate the holiday in more spectacular ways year over year. Not sure if the hotels are all-inclusive (dunno what that means, honestly) but you can definitely find something to accommodate your needs 👍

posted 1 month ago

No idea
Also why would you come to Canada in the winter? That's when everyone's trying to get out 😅

posted 1 month ago

crashies is 2½ months older than Zellsis

posted 1 month ago

Ty I was just about to check

posted 1 month ago

I'm ngl dude he looks half bored

Also literally what prompted you to make this

posted 1 month ago

I don't hate a lot of people but I'm willing to make an exception

posted 1 month ago
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