LOUD would've thought of something great but they'd probably have to run Neon anyway because of their roles (plus they ain't making it)
Karmine Corp would have some good ideas but I feel like they'd overcook
NRG are trying to run Clove on every single map and I don't think Abyss will be an exception
FPX are definitely running something wild but it's gonna be the kind of thing that'll only work for FPX
Team Heretics has the best stratbook in the world right now so they're definitely contenders
Gen.G is a big one but they seem to me like they're not as focused on creating new ideas as they are on refining and perfecting ideas they already have
FNATIC will definitely try to do something creative but I don't know if Abyss is the kind of map they'll be really good at
Paper Rex will probably run double duelist let's be honest
Overall I'm gonna throw a curveball and say Leviatán just because of how their roles are set up (plus Mazino can play Harbor really well and I think he'll be important on this map)