This is because the Japanese playerbase's perception of the game is extremely surface level. The majority of fans in Japan still believe to this date that crow wasn't the problem.
This is what happens when people who play 5 swiftplay and 3 unrated every single day, and then go on about their lives. The number of girlfriend boosters in Japan are growing every single day. What kind of opinion do you expect from these people other than the casual one? Obviously there exists a minority that care about the eSports, hence they are not afraid to criticize those who do bad.
ZETA management didn't care about team's performance until the Tokyo choke happened. When more people were speaking up against frauds like crow and XQQ, management realized that the fanbase is no longer ruled by the mask wearing girls who shake the players' hands after every game. They had to kick them out, but just to be safe they kept them as coach and content creators. cr0w, who peaked Diamond 2 in NA ranked, is not a coach of anything. He isn't doing shit.