Flag: Japan
Registered: August 25, 2022
Last post: December 1, 2024 at 8:42 PM
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Fr the ones who stan girl groups are lowkey chill people. It's the ones who stan boy groups... oh god, it's a horror show. Their idols will be saying shit like "We love you for what you are <33333" and enabling their stank ass. That's where they get the narcissism from.

posted 4 months ago

Nah what the hell. I changed my pickems the moment he left and now he's back?

posted 4 months ago

Yeah I just saw it lmao. Twitter is jokes man. Randomly decided to show it to me. And it's one of the same losers mentioned in the original post.

At least the beyond delusional ones are proudly admitting that they hate men. There are some who are in denial. One of the quotes is saying that OP is a loser for posting twitter links on vlr, as if they aren't doing the same by posting vlr screenshots in twitter lmao im dead

This is what I mean when I say this is the average kpooper. Their brain is so deepfried to the point they don't think before they hit send. Actually getting second hand embarrassment reading their shit oml these people participate in society? We are so cooked

posted 4 months ago

Looks like the rumors were right. SZ roster is blowing up, they might end up completely pulling out from Valo since they will skip out on sp3.

posted 4 months ago

This has more to do with them being kpop fans than them being PRX fans. f0rsaken basically became an idol. He has his stan accounts and stuff. Also remember when he was in this video? yeah

Kpop girlies hate every man that isn't a kpoop idol

posted 4 months ago

That's because most of them are kpop fangirls from SEA. If you have spoken to a single kpop fangirl irl then you would know that this is just normal behavior. This has nothing to do with PRX or hating DRX, it has to do with them being professional men haters.

posted 4 months ago

The sane people never hated Sinatraa. All the pros and content creators alike still play with him, where as if the allegations were true then nobody would want to be anywhere near Sinatraa. The fact that there are teams that were trialing him (NRG) should also back that up.

Some people who hate his personality use the rapist allegations to hate him.

posted 4 months ago

He's doing the ideal thing which is letting his legal team handle it. It's best for an athlete like him to not engage with the person accusing him on Twitter of all places. If he just says "I didn't do it" people will say he is not taking it seriously therefore he has a problem with his character. If he says more than that then he will have to be careful with the wording and all that stuff so his words wouldn't cause a misunderstanding and later be used against him.

Of course, this is all assuming he is innocent until proven guilty (which is how all law systems should work)

posted 4 months ago

Well, like I said here, there are circumstances when you can believe the accuser. But that's when there is plenty of proof and all that's left is for the person to be charged. When it's word of mouth like this, it's best to stay neutral.

People who see nothing wrong with asking DRX to drop players before a major event have major problems in their heads.

posted 4 months ago

What happened to his racist gf? They broke up?

posted 4 months ago

Idiots like him outnumber the sane people in Korea. I'm glad DRX isn't taking any stupid steps listening to these type of people. In situations like these we always have to be neutral unless there is definitive evidence against the prosecution.

posted 4 months ago

"Innocent until proven guilty" is a thing that could have easily worked, but can't because of the terrible law enforcement in both Korea and Japan. Because of the borderline insane defamation laws, victims can't even properly speak up, which inclines the general public to side with the victim. But that also leads to some people abusing that privilege for their personal vendetta.

TLDR; the root cause of the problem is the terrible criminal law system and the lazy law enforcement/judiciary. Again, both Japan and Korea have notoriously bad judiciary and both countries follow the "guilty until proven innocent" stance, which should not be allowed in any country ever.

posted 4 months ago

Good. Now T1 can start winning again

posted 4 months ago

I thought it was common knowledge that IGL are scarce not in pacific only but in every region. Getting rid of the IGL is always a bad idea. It's hard to determine what makes you a good IGL. You have to gel with the team too, doesn't matter if you are god tier IGL. Look at what happened to Loostio. If there were better IGLs with available contracts, T1 would have got them.

posted 4 months ago

Was he doing it that much? Because I might've missed it. Also, he's going Zellsis mode, he got the whole bundle equipped and even telling people to buy it. Timing is too perfect no?

posted 4 months ago

More than just a possibility, we're past that

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

So if they lose this, they either play OXG or Blinn again. Can this team just lose out already

posted 4 months ago

This sucks. Flop of Life is one of the most soulless ggs out there. I mainly came to VLR to see what the masses think about this one. I'm glad it's doing shit. I hope Riot somehow brings out Aespa cause this is not it

posted 4 months ago

Stopped reading at "besides the argument" don't move the goalpost away from z0st

posted 4 months ago

Speaking of relapse, surely you would know a lot about it. You know, being upset at a comment made on VLR. Hope you get the help you deserve

posted 4 months ago

Stopped reading at "of course im upset." I was right. Clearly you have some issues to sort out. Hope it works for you.

posted 4 months ago

You say it's bait but then you're this upset? All I did was preach the truth, z0st wouldn't fit in that team as he is clearly washed. Watch as he fades into irrelevancy right after bl00d drops him next year.

posted 4 months ago

It is not bannable in Cheater Shite, can't say for Overwatch. And for Valorant, honestly I wouldn't take the risk. Sigma Vanguard bans you for breathing the wrong way.

posted 4 months ago

I was there when it happened. He was hard baiting. Top fragging is easy when you're a natural born baiter, an NBB. This is a team game. He is playing support. Seeing the scoreline, clearly, z0st is not a good player or at least not good at doing his job.

posted 4 months ago

Fair but he was playing against Grandpa Laz + 2 of the worst franchise players ever. How do you let Grandpa Laz get a +17 on you, this is not 2022

posted 4 months ago

I know it's cheating from the optimum video. I'm pretty sure ESL or whatever that is said it's okay or something. I don't think it will be banned in Cheater Strike, they're okay with that kinda stuff over there

posted 4 months ago

Could see the roster working but Zest is beyond washed

posted 4 months ago

At the end of the day, I'm glad I play Val so I don't have to worry about all these garbage bullshit being added day by day. I can't imagine being a sweaty movement shooter player losing my mind over peripheral companies making hours worth of practice meaningless.

Day by day I realize maybe I love Valorant after all

posted 4 months ago

If SEN somehow sneak into Champs I will continue betting on them 🙏

posted 4 months ago

Well well well

posted 4 months ago

I got 6 on SEN. So far I'm zero out of five in bets. If SEN loses this series then I deserve some cash from 100T fans no?

posted 4 months ago

El Assico and El Trashico just clears tbh

posted 4 months ago

More like El Trashico

posted 4 months ago

C9 in the playoffs chooooookiiiing

posted 4 months ago


posted 4 months ago

It's "Shut the FUCK up." not "shut the fuck up"

NRG fans can't do anything right

posted 4 months ago

Haven't heard that name in a long long time. Thanks for reminding me so I can change my pickems

posted 4 months ago

It's not just XQQ's chat that was being hateful. NTH in general was hated not only because they had 2 Koreans, but also because for a moment they seemed stronger than ZETA, who were the fan favorites. And the fans did not like that.

posted 4 months ago

ZETA fans will eat them alive. In Japan ZETA fans are known as the racists. Ask any one of them in Twitter and they will vehemently disagree getting an import in ZETA. There was also the ZETA vs NTH rivalry which exposed a lot of people.

ZETA fans will choose to remain winless if it means they have a full Japanese roster.

posted 4 months ago

This is because the Japanese playerbase's perception of the game is extremely surface level. The majority of fans in Japan still believe to this date that crow wasn't the problem.

This is what happens when people who play 5 swiftplay and 3 unrated every single day, and then go on about their lives. The number of girlfriend boosters in Japan are growing every single day. What kind of opinion do you expect from these people other than the casual one? Obviously there exists a minority that care about the eSports, hence they are not afraid to criticize those who do bad.

ZETA management didn't care about team's performance until the Tokyo choke happened. When more people were speaking up against frauds like crow and XQQ, management realized that the fanbase is no longer ruled by the mask wearing girls who shake the players' hands after every game. They had to kick them out, but just to be safe they kept them as coach and content creators. cr0w, who peaked Diamond 2 in NA ranked, is not a coach of anything. He isn't doing shit.

posted 4 months ago

If this is his last moments in the scene then posts like this shouldn't be brought up. Let him retire on his own accord

posted 4 months ago

The "good talent pool" didn't exist until the first half of this year. Only now are talents like Absol showing up. And I don't know what is OP talking about. This year is the one year where Koreans aren't overwhelmingly dominating, which are the signs of improvement. It will take another full year for more talents to show up.

This is what happens when imports take up the majority of spots. Local talents don't get an opportunity to develop.

posted 4 months ago

He is already getting his fair share of hate and that is normal. He is still a good player and everyone wants him to continue.

posted 4 months ago

We can't be sure yet. Many people speculated that he will retire this year but after listening to his TLN vs ZETA post match interview, it didn't seem like he will be retiring. I don't think it's right to be talking about this because it could have an effect on Laz.

posted 4 months ago

I finally understand why Shitmeans are so bad at this game. You guys have no concept of valorant hitboxes, one of the basics of how this game works. Sayf was explaining how to get rid of the black boxes and this guy linked the clip as if it has anything to do with player models and true stretched. Peak British flag + FNC flair combo behavior. p.s. this guy is also using "xd" in big 2024 holy

posted 4 months ago

Literally showed video proof and this guy still manages to be delusional. Unbelievably dumb.

posted 4 months ago

Maybe you don't understand the concept of familial love because you never received it, but for some people it is very important.

posted 4 months ago
You can't. Valorant stretched doesn't change character models.

posted 4 months ago
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