Flag: Thailand
Registered: August 23, 2022
Last post: January 14, 2025 at 4:19 AM
Posts: 257
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Scarz are expected to win this matchup.

posted about a year ago

Because XERXIA is fundamentally good, but they had a bad map veto against fancy and lose against trap plays and set-ups. They're all talented aimers and I was never worried about mechanics, only strategy and mid round calling.

FANCY was very good with executes, trap plays and set-ups and XERXIA felt lost. NAOS is a brute force team like XERXIA, and they lost in the end.

posted about a year ago

You never know though. No one thought PRX would be competitive when they burst onto the scene and now they're a household name. Sure, APEKS and EMEA teams have more structure at times, but chaos is APAC's specialty. You can speculate all you want but the only way to tell is for them to play against eachother.

posted about a year ago

I feel like people are critiquing APAC way too hard. It's T2, there's bound to be overheats and bad plays, but I think people are exaggerating and glossing over teams way too hard. I'm sure these APAC teams would put up good fights against some of the NA and EMEA teams.

posted about a year ago

Watch FANCY. FANCY is fun to watch as a neutral. Game starts soon.

posted about a year ago

You gotta chill, wait for SZ vs BLEED tomorrow to decide. Sometimes playstyles just clash and don't work against some teams. I still have BLEED beating Scarz tomorrow as much as SCARZ impressed me so far. DK was underwhelming today, but they've only played 1 game, we can make conclusions after the round robin is concluded.

posted about a year ago

I advocate against gambling but FANCY is being underrated way too hard.

posted about a year ago

You read again.

posted about a year ago

They were obviously biased (but who isn't) but they still did a good job of hyping up both teams and making the game fun. The OCE casters are by far the best casters we have on (I also do love Quack) and it's fine to have bias, every neutral fan was cheering for BONKERS anyway.

posted about a year ago

At what point does LAKIA become the problem xD.

posted about a year ago

DPLUS KIA, I love Gape.

posted about a year ago

Am I the only one that's just happy how competitive this tournament has been thus far ~ albeit, it's mostly down to top teams performing worse than expected and messier play, but it adds way more hype and suspense. I'm a XERXIA fan, and we got absolutely steamrolled yesterday by FANCY, but that made me admire and respect FANCY so much more and I now consider myself rooting for them as my #1 team this tournament. Below are my totally viable, non-biased, highly informed predictions for qualification

Group A (copium)

  1. FANCY

Group B

  1. SCARZ
  2. BLEED
posted about a year ago

Least based OCE fan.

posted about a year ago

I think RIOT later clarified they were allow to, but they could not get signed by any org who was already in a VCL or VCT league so it would have to be a brand new org venture or an org that had previously backed out. Not impossible, but diminished their chances significantly, though if they continue to do well here, I don't think BONKERS will be orgless for much longer. Congrats to them, was rooting for them from home.

posted about a year ago

Indo always has cracked aimers and cooks creative strats sometimes, but they overcook, overheat and just choke all the damn time. People have been hyping up Indo teams forever and ever but they always seem to come short.

That being said, this current iteration of BOOM has plenty of talent. Of course, I'm rooting against them since I personally don't want to see any duplicate nations teams if I can help it (XERXIA is of course an exception) and as of now, outside of XX, I'm rooting for FANCY and ONE Team.

posted about a year ago

Probably tried to anti-strat based on yesterday's games, but they're too one dimensional. FANCY is able to adjust and then they just got pummeled from there. XERXIA was absolutely outclassed today and I hope they can pick it up for future games, this Ascension slot was bound for MITH and now it feels like XX is at high risk of not making it to playoffs let alone in contention for the Ascension slot.

But for real, FANCY really, really impressed me as a Thai fan and I think XX just got mentally boomed with all the util and trap setups. They started slow walking and contacting everything rather than doing hard execs. Can't wait to see their future games. I rated them highly already but I think I have them and making playoffs as 2nd seed of group A.

posted about a year ago

XERXIA saved every single strat today and played ranked mode. NAOS will face the full force of XERXIA's elaborate cooking soon. Cope.

posted about a year ago

I agree, but FANCY really impressed me today. Even T1 teams would have a hard time dealing with FANCY today. They made some rookie mistakes at times, but overall they looked extremely discliplined, well practiced with good trap and util setups, rotating players and util around constantly and their aim was good. XERXIA got mentally boomed and lost all confidence and I think you could see at the end how heavily they celebrated a pistol win that it was practically over at that point.

posted about a year ago

Yea, I'm not usually toxic but this game was too much for me really. I know the players are talented but there was absolutely no solid game plan or counterstratting to FANCY, they just got bullied round after round. I think with most fans, we can agree that we didn't have high expectations for XERXIA, they're a new roster with a new coach, but they play the same or if not worse than they did for the playoffs. No confidence at all.

MITH may or may not be better, I don't know but at least I know they're confident and have solid plays. I always felt XERXIA relied too much on mechanics and gunplay (and when they can't aim well, then they literally have nothing else). Whether is a coach, IGL or team problem I don't know, but surely things can't get worse than it looked today right?... right?

posted about a year ago

I'm even more mad at MITH for losing to this shit. MITH looked like the one coherent team with good executes, trading and also cracked aimers and they just had to choke mannnnnnn.......................

posted about a year ago

New ranked season just dropped and I think the whole XERXIA roster was solo queueing today.
I don't normally get mad at games or pro players, but this shit was just sad and frustrating to watch.

FANCY played super well ~ good util setups, trap plays, aim and XERXIA well.... looked like it was their first time playing together.
I'm a fan of the players (albeit, I'm a MITH fan at heart) but watching them run around like headless chickens and just have misplay after misplay ~ solo peeking, using a single skye flash to retake site, whiffing easy shots, holding util for 10 years, positioning out in the open, not covering eachother, the list goes on and I'm practically seething at the mouth lmao with what I watched today.

Absolute disasterclass.

posted about a year ago

One bad performance and you're already tryna drop the guy who carried your team heavily to this point.

posted about a year ago

Actual bait. If you want to call some of the nicest casters on the panel racists that's on you. Nuff said.

posted about a year ago

Actually? RIOT needs to fix the server client ASAP to preserve competitive integrity. In regards to the TO, they're definitely doing a better job today in terms of audio and replays but it's still a little scuffed at times but definitely improvements, so I'm grateful.

posted about a year ago

In any other situation calling fans gorillas would be unacceptable (and possibly racist) but your team name is literally ORANGUTAN bro. They're literally both subspecies of apes/primates. Besides, I think it's a great name.

Imagine, everytime Orangutan wins a round and the fans cheer, the casters could say something along the liens of "Hearing the gorillas roar".

Probably bait post, and I wasn't watching the English stream so I don't know, but Quack and Asurai are super nice guys and I doubt they'd say anything with malicious intent.

posted about a year ago

MiTH feels like the only Thai team with truly clean site executes and util usage. Sucks the format sucked and they underperformed in terms of mechanics at the most critical point. Now that I've watched 4 games of Ascension PAC, I haven't seen any team that has impressed me, still seems very much like a duel standoff in many fights. Haven't watched any DPLUS or BOOM games in their own VCL, so hoping they'll impress me.

posted about a year ago

You think SZ played a masterclass? From what I watched BLEED and SZ would probably be a close game. Can't comment on DPLUS since they haven't played but they're a Korean team, so surely their util usage and executes must be the best in the tournament

posted about a year ago

I mean, they made him the offer (as well as numerous other franchised teams) but he chose the ludicrous amount of money so that he could support his family ~ 100% the right choice since pro players and stability do not go hand in hand. Also, BLEED is more than capable of making franchise by winning ascension. There's a lot of holes in their game, but they have a stacked roster and are generally pretty good.

posted about a year ago

best OCE team...

All jokes aside, feel for the players on both teams. Can't be peak performance when you're playing at 1:30 am having been expected to play 2:00 pm

Hope things improve.

posted about a year ago

Man I wish they had a Thai TO organise it who had localised staff and connections!!!!!!!

posted about a year ago

Ah fair. Twitch is always a better viewing experience but I can't stand the ads but I wonder why that is. It's fixed on the Youtube stream now as well. Hopefully these things get cleared up throughout the day so the next week or so can be as issue-free as it can possibly be.

posted about a year ago

My brain is fried, my eyes are strained and my ears are bleeding. Why is there a constant issue with the English broadcast's microphones and why does it take a millennia to fix it. I've been watching the Thai stream and there hasn't been any issues.

posted about a year ago

Twas a boring game, but happy with the win regardless. I think both teams still need so much work but I think XERXIA's mechanics prevailed today and at the end of the day, the game is a shooter first and foremost.

posted about a year ago

KEKW, TO is Indonesian and the issue was with the tournament client (cough cough, RIOT issue) and thus out of the control of all domestic production parties. Be mad, but also be informed.

posted about a year ago

TLN sweeps. Trolling for content but now they back.

posted about a year ago

Mad bett0rs in the comments. Stop gambling, it's bad for your fragile minds.

posted about a year ago

Unfortunate, but apparently it was an issue with the tournament client kicking everyone out. Unfortunate, but if that's the reason, then it is through no fault of the players. Not the TO's fault, not the players fault.

Shitty situation for ONE team since I think they had that round as well for the most part but as I'm typing this, it looks like they pulled through in the end. Sadness for me as a Thai fan, but also relief that potential drama might've been halted.

posted about a year ago

Now that's a feels bad moment for ONE Team, Drama is bound to ensue.

posted about a year ago

Damn, VCT Pacific knew I was slacking on my project so they started playing white noise to help me focus on my work. I truly appreciate it and I guess I'll stop whining like a lil bitch and get on with my life.

posted about a year ago

Perhaps a proper announcement should be made then? Viewers are left in the dark so we are left to speculate. I get it, in regards to production, unfortunate things happen and things can spiral out of control but most of us literally have no idea what's going on.

posted about a year ago

That's the thing, it isn't Thai production,

posted about a year ago

I don't know how many behind the scenes are local Thais, but our production is normally way better than this I can't lie.

posted about a year ago

I mean, Korean Valorant scene is sleeper but their production teams are world class. I remember for PUBG (Obviously since it's a Korean game), they have Korean staff run every event for the most part and the World Cup they hosted in Bangkok also used Korean production and it went pretty smooth.

That being said, why use a non-localised TO from Indonesia rather than using the existing TO's we have in Thailand or import some good production teams from Korea (I guess the answer lies in the question since Indonesian staff is much cheaper than Koreans). This is the pinnacle of T2 in APAC, it's not T1, but it should be much better than this.

From scuffed audio on the English stream for many concurrent rounds, shitty replays that are laggy and not coherent, no audio from player cams, the viewer experience is just not very good. The venue is hella small so there's no hype whatsoever (also, Thai fans, we gotta work on our tournament etiquette)

posted about a year ago



posted about a year ago

Rightfully so, even as a XERXIA fan this just sucks for ONE Team.

posted about a year ago

Indo + Thai production OMEGALUL.~ recipe for disaster.

posted about a year ago

Guess I'd put in PTC. Capable of Co-IGLING, leadership and experience as well as flexing to initiators/sentinels and viper relatively freely

posted about a year ago

How is the USA not in your finals. It would probably be a US vs Russian (maybe Korean) finals

posted about a year ago

Ah yes, my favourite international superteam full of talent from around the world.

posted about a year ago

What would your international superteam be if you had to include players from all 3 major regions (ignore language barriers, this is a superficial world where everyone speaks proficient English to an international standard)?

Had to include the all 3 regions part otherwise people would just be saying FNATIC and I'd be hard pressed to fault them lmao.

posted about a year ago
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