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Registered: November 29, 2021
Last post: December 4, 2024 at 3:54 PM
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That's what you earn for being the best all season.

posted about a year ago

Marved and the mandem gonna make a dunknow bonkers shit ya feel me?

posted about a year ago

Couldn't furia also also miss it if they lose to Sen, Lev beats Loud, EG beat NRG, and 100T beat MIBR? It would make Sen and Furia the only 4-5 teams, but Sen would get head-to-head. Or are we not talking about this situation because it's more farfetched?

posted about a year ago

I am wrong in saying that, if Furia lose to Sen, they'll lose the tiebreak (to both Sen and 100T) and miss playoffs?

posted about a year ago

Winnipeg (That is what we in the business call a joke)

posted about a year ago

Throw me on that shit and I'll make Plat Chat look sane

posted about a year ago

that is a you problem brotha

posted about a year ago

(This is not at all a shot at Dazzle but) Once Dazzle gets going (he's had an off period so far with TT) then I legit think they could make a run in the playoffs. I love the guy, he's doing great support, but once he gets his fragging back it's over for the competition. Again, he's not doing terrible, still being a champ on support.

Turtle Troop for Champs 2024.

posted about a year ago

A val team is a huge financhial burden, but expecially for someone not really known to be involved with the Val scene. Lud and Toast have done Val streams and videos, and were actually somewhat involved with Val content, Xqc isn't like that though. It isn't something he can really farm like the other two have/can.

posted about a year ago

Paper Rex mode gonna go crazy, let em dream.

(Let's be honest, this is just to iron out the kinks for LCQ)

posted about a year ago

I've been saying that they should run in Paper Rex mode. They quite literally have the best player comp to run no IGL. Just let Tenz and Zekken duel, Marved work the map like nobody else is there, and Sacy + Pancada to finish every round in style. I don't get dropping deph cause a) no 6th man and b) he'd be a solid vibes guy to support the team.

posted about a year ago

Yeah since Chamber has been gutted and is now unviable, but Jett has been nerfed a ton and is still a great character. 2021 Jett was as busted as release Chamber.

posted about a year ago

Yay is cute, I'd ride.

posted about a year ago

Nationalism = Cringe

posted about a year ago

Average Cned fan not being able to read a simple paragraph.

posted about a year ago

The one time Yay and Cned faced, Cned went negative to Yay.

posted about a year ago

NA used chamber the best out of every region. Everything last year was based around chamber, even Franchising in NA was built around still having a "chamber" rather than a duelist. It's hard to expect teams and players to readapt after a full year of using a specific character. We talk about how Yay is a "Chamber Abuser" when it's literally the same with Derke on Jett. Derke is a more aggressive player and Op-er than Yay is, thus he's built way better for playing a Jett role. Is Derke a Jett abuser though? No, the agent just compliments how he plays. Is Mako an Omen abuser? No, the agent just compliments how he plays. Chamber compliments how guys like Cryo and Yay would play. Look at Leaf. Leaf on Chamber isn't half of what he is on Jett, because he excels with those aggressive plays.

TL;DR. Chamber compliments Yay and Cryo just like Jett compliments Derke, Aspas, or Leaf. It's a matter of perspective, it's a matter of playstyle, it's a matter of meta. Comparing a game that nerfs whatever is good after a year to itself is like comparing Minecraft to Terraria.

posted about a year ago

It's based a lot more about volume than by the actual players and competition (even though you get more points for facing better teams I believe).

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

Watching Marved play really made me realize that he's WAY more than what he's given credit for. People talk about his lurks, but I have yet to really see anyone in the same tier as him. It's passed what an IGL can call, it passed what a team can possitionally set up. Marved has such a next-level handle on the game that his lurks can't be compared to a different player. If anyone other than aspas is S+++, it's him. Marved IS him.

posted about a year ago

I think whoever wins from C9 and (NEW) Sen will likely challenge Furia for a 2rd slot, or potentially Levi with how they've shown holes sometimes. I wouldn't count NA out now, but I wouldn't put them as favourites.

posted about a year ago

Total Drama Island or Johney Test, both were elite.

posted about a year ago

Foxy9 has brought so much firepower, but LIKE ALWAYS it'll be up to whether or not Rb continues his regional form at lan.

posted about a year ago

If KC had Enzo, they actually might have been a borderline masters qualifier level team. Enzo is just a better Ze1sh, that would have been enough to make this squad decent. I hate to admit it, but KC without Newzera isn't that bad.

posted about a year ago

No brazilian valorant player has ever made a mistake, except for sacy and pancada who left brazil.

posted about a year ago

Good luck, do your best and don't let shit get to you.

posted about a year ago

trust, he's cooking (APAC has literally one other guy here, let em have something)

posted about a year ago

Pearl is both my least favorite map, mechanically, but is also by far my worst map statistically. Absolute dogshit creation. Lotus is chill, I'm good on lotus. Pearl needs a rework for casual and competitive players, even for pro's it's a single fucking strat every round.

posted about a year ago

It should just generally be France. I've lived a fair few years and have only had negative interactions with French people.

posted about a year ago

At this point, Sen have to worry about being ready for champs/LCQ instead of getting to tokyo. They have to go into LCQ with a complete team and not any more of this testing that they are doing literally every week.

posted about a year ago

Homophobic as fuck from Rito.

posted about a year ago

It is such a fast 2-0 that sonic is scared.

posted about a year ago

They pass a teddy bear to eachother to decide who can speak

posted about a year ago

Like, Deph just miscalled another round that baited them into (what became) a stack. Until Marved and his lurks too control on Pearl, Deph called into a stack at least twice. I don't think he's worth it.

posted about a year ago

PRX don't need an IGL. Sen don't need an IGL.

posted about a year ago

This is a genuine statement. Who the fuck needs an IGL that is just going to underperform for the team. At a certain point you realize, these are pro players. They see the game as good as the next guy. Why not just do what PRX is doing and play without a true IGL? Is the upside of Deph equal to running a Marved, Tenz, Zekken, Sacy, Pancada lineup? Can a team of pro's that is THIS experienced not plan a round themselves? Val is not CS, there is so much more positional value between players. They could legit run zero IGL and I think it's work better.

posted about a year ago

Just give mwzera 5 PC's and he 13-0's your favorite team.

posted about a year ago

I've been saying for a longtime that it's not worth having a single player on your roster that is a European to the left of Germany. Just field nordic boys, and them CIS homies. IDK where to mention the Turks but they are also very good.

posted about a year ago

NA controllers are better than other regions controller players by a definitive margin. NA duelists are on the same level as other regions. Leaf is a monster, but he is more of an anomaly rather than the standard.

posted about a year ago

True NA solution: Pick up a full team of controllers and run Viper, Astra, Omen, Brimstone, Harbor on every map. The only thing NA has is Elite controllers, so I think this might work.

posted about a year ago

I'm never gonna cheer for C9 because I thought the move was initially braindead, but they have fixed every problem I had with C9. I can fully respect those two, they've done great for themselves. Jakee is proving even further than the only thing NA will ever have is elite controllers.

posted about a year ago

A map win is a win, I'm not borderline suicidal anymore.

posted about a year ago


There is no joy in life.

I'ma fuckin' kill myself.

posted about a year ago

Turret damage?

posted about a year ago

Yeah, it's roles. Deph should not have been on initiator, that's the main problem. I do think though, Tenz shouldn't play on double smokes maps, they limit duelists - especially Opers - too much for it to be worth it. But still, the main problem has always been reducing Sacy's role. It also helps that that map was the best Pancada has looked. They trusted him so much more than before.

posted about a year ago


posted about a year ago

5 1/2 hours until we only have to wait 16 hours for the game of the year between Gen.G and DRX. Every hour makes me more excited to see it.

posted about a year ago

I trust you

posted about a year ago
  1. Meteor and Ten Ten
  2. Shanks and poised
  3. Miniboo and Boo
  4. JustEnjoying and his brother
  5. emil and d00mbr0s
  6. Scream and Nivera

Are there any other brothers? I have no clue.
Edit: There are more than I thought

posted about a year ago

In almost every ascension league the top teams in Split 1 have ended up looking closer to the pack in split 2. I wasn't surprised that G2 lost honestly.

posted about a year ago
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