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Registered: November 29, 2021
Last post: December 4, 2024 at 3:54 PM
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I do have them top 3 global, I just wanted to see if others have them top 3. I just think they are just a smidge worse than Optic and Loud on a statistical sense, but in all reality a series with either the latter or former would be amazing and extremely close, similar to the Grand Finals we got from Masters 1. Once they prove Lan, I'll be much more certain on their position, but due to the poor show overall from G2 and Liquid. It's just hard to call a team that hasn't performed globally 'the best', but based on their results I feel they can be called top 3.

posted about 2 years ago

TBF, G2 played crazy good in EMEA playoffs, but Liquid was the best EMEA team in Iceland.

posted about 2 years ago

Yeah that's fair, I have M3C in the third tier of top teams. That tier is just for teams like Gaurd, Acend, and M3C, who at their peak can win a global tournament with rounds to spare, but if off their game they can lose at a regional level. M3C is great, but they are too inconsistent to be placed at Optic or Loud's level. Those 2 showed some of the most consistent play outside of groups, like stuff we haven't seen since Sentinals in Iceland.

M3C is great, and I love the team a lot. But because of how much I like them I'm very hypocritical of their inconsistencies. If the Iron that out, they can be a top team.

posted about 2 years ago

I just want more input. Where are these guys globally?

I'd say there is a 'Top 2' in Optic and Loud rn. Optic is just the toughest mental to break in the game, and the Loud roster is just as good. I'd say that Grand Finals goes for Optic 6/10 times, and Loud 4/10. They are top 2.

Is FPX there? Fnatic wasn't the team we saw, I'm not counting them. It's more a talk of G2 and Liquid. Both teams didn't perform as they were projected, for the most part. G2 beat a pre-NICE Zeta, and then floundered out after back-to-back 2-0's. Liquid, as always, surprised us early in the tournament and then settled down and lost 2-1 to Loud, and 2-0 to PRX.

FPX had a decent time against Liquid in EMEA, and then they beat G2 with 2 maps being a loss and an overtime.

It's undeniable that they are EMEA #1 and close to the top of the global rankings, but these performances are against a worse Liquid, but a better G2.

Personally, I have FPX in the second division of top tier teams, beside the big 3 of Asia : PRX, DRX, and Xeta.

posted about 2 years ago

Very, very well played series. Good job Brazil, Congrats NA.

posted about 2 years ago

It's yalls fault for letting the French participate. Thats the big problem.

posted about 2 years ago

We're here. Way above the EMEA teams lol. GG Brazil, yall are going to great in the Grand Finals.

NA o/ * \o Brazil
^that's supposed to be a high 5

Can we just hate on EMEA now? That'd be great.
P.S. I love Brazil, Sacy knifed a guy in a 1v1. We in NA love knifes more that winning.

posted about 2 years ago

As someone from North America : Good Shit Brazil. Very awesome to see how his LOUD team has played.

P.S. - I'm mostly glad EMEA is gone.
P.S.S - I cheered for LOUD because of Sacy's 1v1 knife. That was amazing.

posted about 2 years ago


posted about 2 years ago

outplayed Saya to the extreme. Positive against every gaurd player. NA = No Accuracy

posted about 2 years ago

Just settle down everyone, the Gaurd has no experience against non-NA teams. They are not built and are not read for the approaches of other regions. Had they had the group stage to compete, i feel they would be in a better position right now. GG Gaurd, won't say I didn't expect this.

PRX supremacy.

posted about 2 years ago

PRX Hopeium, i think it'd be funny for not only for NA to play twice again in the bracket but also for EMEA to go out by the second round (lower).

posted about 2 years ago

Nah, fuck this region teams talk. Which region got the best English Casters?
Personally, I got...
1 - NA
2 - EMEA
3 - Korea
4 - APAC

NA and EMEA are very, very close. Honestly, the Bren Sideshow combo is honestly the second best duo in the world. Vassilli and Riv are also very good. EMEA has their own great headliners. Pansy and Hypoc have great co-commentary and area great for a laugh and such. But, the best duo in the world, is what makes it close : Mitch and Tom. They are the best. Bren and Sideshow are close, but are just slightly beat out. What separates the two regions is the support cast. EMEA has less casters, but they do lack more depth compared to the 3rd and 4th string the NA offers. Doug, Ballaw, Upmind and Sully. All still great casters.

Haven't watched much Korea but I feel they are much more natural and flow better in their role compared to APAC. APAC has good casters, but they just seem less great than everyone else as a whole.

Thank you, i will accept any input on your favorite casters. Yes I will complain if Bren Side-show doesn't make it to Masters one. They deserve it so much. If NA loses those two, we will really be doomed.

posted about 2 years ago

They Qualified for Iceland. I doubt they're gonna use anything before then.

posted about 2 years ago

2 - 0 : M3C vs Liquid

Unfortunate for Liquid honestly. M3C, FPX and Fnatic gonna be Euro repersentatives.

posted about 2 years ago

Upper Finals - Boom over Full Sense

Lower finals - Full Sense over PRX

posted about 2 years ago

They practice and catch up to he rest of NA/ the world in terms of Utility usage. They are just so, so much worse with util than every other pro team, just have had the gunplay to compensate in the past. But teams have enough gunplay and superior utility usage that their aim can't truly make up for.

posted about 2 years ago
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