Flag: China
Registered: July 10, 2024
Last post: August 25, 2024 at 6:16 AM
Posts: 280
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respect to anyone with a liquid flair cuz thats tough, especially with a player like nAts on the team not making an international

posted 1 month ago

really? Im unaware of that, if they are good at haven then TE for champs 2024

posted 1 month ago

yeah but domestically trace were good at sunset but pretty bad internationally, so they just need to prove they can win lotus against a good team, their bind and ascent are amazing but in a bo5 they cant win with 3 good maps

posted 1 month ago

if anyone does, they are 10000000% botting not a single sane human is making those picks

posted 1 month ago

just a map veto diff :(( te go on a lowerbracket run dw

posted 1 month ago

if trace are good at lotus, and learn 1 map that they are just goated at, its possible

posted 1 month ago

te vs edg (no other match is relevant)

posted 1 month ago

luckily prx are not shit (you can consider them worse or better up to u)

posted 1 month ago

nah edgs map veto is just traces exact counter

posted 1 month ago

edg and te exist

posted 1 month ago

edg (ive been saying this since champs 2022)

posted 1 month ago

i can sense this team falling off a bit tho, so later on, why not make haodong our igl a sub coach, make our dumbest player the igl and bring in a unkown player that is just perfect to balance out our team, s1mon

posted 1 month ago

so uhhh we got to have the best duelist player so 1


well since we picked china, we should get the best chinese player


we have our flex + duelist so we need a really clutch smart player


well we have 2 really smart players and 1 wild one, so might as well pick another unhinged player


and well we kinda need an igl, so lets pick a upcomming smokes player that is quite funny and silly that can pull of massive impactful moments


Im a genius

posted 1 month ago

i was gonna say "almost popped off as much as he did against his ex" just to realise you made the same joke XD

posted 1 month ago

I was talking about this year

posted 1 month ago

its g2 and heretics (dw te and edg will sweep + no cope + im not crying they are matched up together + no im not scared of them both being eliminated within the first few rounds + te please work on a new map so you arent just no ascent no win + please veto ascent against TE + please let g2 veto icebox first pick every game so we have a chance)

posted 1 month ago

trace beating edg is wild, the rest is ok, some cope in there but possible, but then again pretty much any result is possible

posted 1 month ago

zeta at tokyo. oh wait

posted 1 month ago

liquid is gonna pick them up, they are gonna fail, and liquid become a shit team again (classic liquid formula)

posted 1 month ago

Madrid - Heretics (spanish) lost 2-0, karmine (french) lost 2-1
Shanghai - DRG (cn) lost 2-0, EDG (cn) lost 2-0 (if you count seeding they are 2-2), FPX (cn) lost 2-1
Seoul - Talon (thai) lost 2-0, PRX (Singa) lost 2-1, GenG (korea) lost 2-1

DRX are pacific + koreas last hope this tournament, if they lose twice not a single native team will go past 8-7th this entire year and go beyond 3 wins

posted 1 month ago

he said he will upload a video of him meowing and he did it but deleted it after 10 mins. no clue where the original comment was

posted 1 month ago

vortex by baisha jaws

posted 1 month ago

yes sir, can confirm

posted 1 month ago

yes, IF i were to do it before theoretically, I enjoyed it, theoretically

posted 1 month ago

i have a 2-0 clean sweep for emea

posted 1 month ago

well then he doesnt clear everyone does he

posted 1 month ago

fnc (tournament favorite) and fpx (self explan)

posted 1 month ago

I mean its possible if you work really hard but very unlikely

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

why does vlr double my comment :(

posted 1 month ago

simply dont do anything... easy fix

posted 1 month ago

yeah me 2, I slept in a bad mood, I woke up and was like fuck fpx trolled that shit last night

posted 1 month ago

TE, heretics, sen, drx arent good enough for you?

posted 1 month ago

chess I mean

posted 1 month ago

how old you rn? and how high is your current elo?

posted 1 month ago

Last time I did this I fucked up but dw, i have the actual one today.

Fut ban haven, Prx ban Ascent. Fut pick lotus, PRX pick sunset. Fut ban abyss, PRX ban bind. Icebox decider
FUT lotus 13-11
FUT sunset 13-9
VIT - 2-0 TLN
Vitality ban bind, Talon ban Sunset. Vitality pick Ascent, Talon pick lotus. Vitality ban Abyss, Talon ban Haven. Icebox decider
VIT Bind Ascent 14-12
VIT lotus 13-10


posted 1 month ago

5 staxs and we win champs

posted 1 month ago

Tr4ce Esport Dominantion over lev clearly needs to be studied by you

posted 1 month ago

everyone wants swvyboy1 to shut up lol

posted 1 month ago

tragic showcase where both teams lost before the game was even played

posted 1 month ago

dva supremacy

posted 1 month ago

Trust me buddy, Trace is gonna esports all over Sentinels. assuming geng doesnt finish you off.



posted 1 month ago

its been 2 days since traces win, how do you forget that so quickly?



posted 1 month ago

Tr4ce Esports

posted 1 month ago

seriously, how did they manage to throw every advantage they had?

Map veto
Bind? out of all they good maps you have, you pick bind? surely you pick abyss -> bind -> lotus??? why are we picking bind first
Agent Comp
with 5 days of prep, instead of changing their horrid bind comp that cannot attack and easily antistratted, we CHANGE LOTUS????? WTF. and even if you do choose lotus WE SHOULDNT BE USING THIS COMP THAT NO ONE IS USED TO THEIR OWN ROLES. IF it was 5 comfort picks, whatever but this? and again fpx are a great attacking team WHY ARE WE CHOOSING COMPS WHO CANT ATTACK WHEN WE HAVE SPENT ALL YEAR KEEPING UP WITH THE BEST TEAMS USING TRIPLE CONTROLLER THE MOST ATTACKING SIDED COMP A COMP COULD BE.
we clearly didnt work on bind and kept it the same despite those horrid attacking winrate, our lotus was limited BECAUSE WE CHANGED OUR ALL YEAR COMP TO ONE WE HAVE NEVER COME CLOSE TO REMOTELY USING.
I dont need to say anything, everything was an individual showdown, idk if it was the comp, the macro, the nervousness, but this is not my team who played today.

#notmyfpx #fpxclassicthrow #bringbacktheglorydays #wetrolledourmapvetothinkingweareleviatan

posted 1 month ago

real, i just cant fathom they lost.

posted 1 month ago

baisha jaws

posted 1 month ago


posted 1 month ago

Overrating TE, yes they are extremely good but a good lotus or bind team that bans ascent is cooking them alive

Also why edg always beats TE, never have to play them on ascent

posted 1 month ago
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