For PRX I think this need to be called

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Please don't put f0rsaken on every agent to fix things up. we know he can play every agent at top level but it is overwhelming for player. hope next year meta favor prx.
It is stupid to think every player need to flex when riot suddenly change the agents and maps. may be 6th man will be there for some of teams in 2025


You know what also needs to be called, jinggg and something learning other agent, especially Jinggg. Their agent pool is the reason why they can’t play meta comp (their wacky comps doesn’t work anymore)


also why they are good at like 2 maps


something can breach gekko jett which is already meta agents decent afaik


something learning easier agents like gekko has been a good start and helped them find footing on maps previously thought to be outside their wheel house.

That being said, is Jinggg is your dedicated dive duelist he's gotta pick up Neon and potentially Jett to a higher level. Or have him learn an initiator role to switch out with something when he is needed to play dive Jett.

Or like how we saw with their Abyss match with DRX they throw forsaken on dive and have Jinggg and something play a more supportive role.


What I meat is adapt to another agents at top level is harder when near changes happening. as a example loud also went down because they are not comfortable with meta agents. jinggg doesn't practice for this year at first. so he cannot suddenly try other agents at top level when raze nurfed if they want to win.


Meta should not be an issue imo. Is the game not about adapting with the changes? The meta was not in their favor the entire season so they had a fuck ton of time on their hands to adapt to it and they didnt. Shanghai should have been a wake up call, I am sure they would have gotten grouped in Shanghai if they didnt had the first seed buy. I believe it is time to make some changes and preferably get a dedicated IGL, the core has been together for way too long to the point they dont even hold each other accountable for bad games/plays. You cannot run 2 duelists in 2024 it just doesnt make sense. And they should always remember that Tier 1 valorant is for winning not to have fun. A fuck ton teams and players are dying for this opportunity they should not let this go to waste.


you might be the fakest prx fan i have ever seen LMAOOOO
take that flair off you bum


youre just an org meat rider.


Game about adapting to changes. but changes happen so much near. so if one team need to win they have to play agents they are comfortable with.
This is why teams are inconsistent with Valorant. current champion can washed in next masters. Shanghai winner can get grouped in champions(changes are overwhelming to adapt. like for GenG they had to adapt haven and abyss removed their best map after shanghai. i don't think they even had time to chill little bit).


Imo no players on PRX should be switched out yet. But they need to have Jingg learn other agents so that they become more flexible as a team. As an individual player Jingg is really good, but he needs to branch out more in order for PRX to take the next step.


Not only Jinggg bro. Also Davai May be Something. Even davai cannot play fade and sova at top level. literally current meta. They will learn because now they have time. but i have doubts about caoch staff, feels like they took wrong decisions every single time in this year

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